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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. WAIT....did you call yourself Pancake because you're born on pancake day?


    Seeing as Pancake Day isn't on a specific date, but moves with the Christian calendar, that would be impossible.


    My dad makes the most delicious pancakes, and tonight's batch was probably the best I've ever had. :D

  2. Answer to whoever was doubting Jonnas - His role does have a positive effect. Once I met him at ReZ's house and he gave us a cure to a cold, meant I could target two people the following night yet I stupidly forgot to send my targets in that night. Dannyboy may be able to back me up on this.


    Indeed, Jonnas is the doctor who can temporarily improve another player's power(s).

  3. We aren't equal. Life isn't fair. It's everyone for themselves. Morality is an illusion. Don't let the bastards grind you down.


    Gender is a binary if people accept it as such. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.


    Well, aren't you just a big bundle of positivity! :p

  4. Now, I'm a moron, so I could be wrong here, but I think you might be going for the phrase "Latched on" as opposed to hatched on.


    Yeah, that sounds much more right. I think I got "hang on to" and "latch on to" mixed up in my head.

  5. I'm suggesting people are. Taste and action are tangible things we can look at and discuss. It's hard to talk about the way people are.




    But yeah, I think if people accepted a gender spectrum, there'd be less shit re: sexism. Slash maybe not, since people like to hate, and dominate, and it's late in the morning. [/the quite-bad rap from the second track of my debut]


    But then, couldn't you argue that what you're doing is simply trying to expand on labels that might still be inadequate? Like, there are many degrees of interest in football, for instance (just to continue with the example), and not two people are likely completely identical in their football fandom. Categorising personally types is of course a great way to make it easier to relate to people initially (and may or may not be accurate/adequate enough for one's immediate needs depending on the severity with which one generalises the traits), but if we really break it down, isn't any form of attemp to categorise and label a personality going to be inaccurate at some level?

  6. While I do appreciate what the video tries to do and enjoy the way it's doing it, I can only agree with jayseven that the sentiment comes off as terribly self-righteous. I dislike the fact that the battle for equality often seems more like a battle against each other than a battle against a common enemy. I also very much dislike positive discrimination, especially when people genuinely mistake it for actual equality.


    Oh, and the concept "gender roles" needs to die a painful death in the deepest, most fiery depths of Hell right now.


    I'm curious about your views on gender as well, chair. I know you've talked about it before, but I still don't feel I know your true feelings on the matter.

  7. Dannyboy's stress tester... Is it based upon if someone is lying or if they are under pressure? If it is just them being under pressure then it is virtually useless as a lie detector. Ellmeister went offline before giving his targets :(


    See, this is the issue - I have no idea. The only time it gave off a daytime reading was on day 6 when I analysed Eddie (the day before she died, when Rummy and ReZ were the main targets for arrest), and since we don't know for sure if she was evil/lying, we have no way to know for sure what the reading ment.

  8. Can you tell us about it? I mean, at this point, I don't think it can hurt if simply everyone teels about themselves. It may clear stuff up.


    I'm a single mother who's a private detective. I'm excellent at figuring people out when they're lying, so I've constructed a a device that lets me measure the anxiety levels of the person I target. I can only target someone during the day, however, and at the end of the following night I get results about the anxiety levels throughout the day and night.


    However, I just always get something along the lines of "anxiety levels remained stable throughout the day and peaked at some point during the night", which I take to mean that they didn't lie during the day and targetted/were targetted during the night.


    Zell's anxiety rose to extremely high levels at the end of the night, and I suspect this could be him seeing the Death Note, possibly lending some credibility to his story. But it's still vague and could mean anything, really.

  9. Feel free to share it here, or even make a new thread. You know at least 1 person other than yourself likes a bit of steam based punkery.


    Although it may open it up to the usual "It's so cliché" brigade. Fuck em. Do it.


    Oh, I don't worry about clashing opinions. Heck, I wrote it because I disagreed with an apparently popular article about what should be considered steampunk, so I actually expect people to disagree with me. :heh:


    But sure, I'll post it. :) It has a bit of general life philosophy in it as well, so even non-steampunks might get something out of reading it.

  10. My voting patterns will truly reveal nothing in this game, seeing as I'm totally confused and have been for almost the entire game. I thought the evidence against you was good, heroic, and to be fair there's something about you that's been rubbing me the wrong way for a while now, especially since I'm very suspicious of the Desterate Building Complex.


    I have a power that I've been using most days (I had to get used to it), but to be honest I don't feel it's very useful. I get some form of info, but I really don't know if it actually tells me anything. I may have a reason to trust Zell based on tonight's info ... but because my info is so vague, I don't know for sure.

  11. I've thought of something else.


    Try increasing the RAM available to the Java Virtual Machine.




    The tutorial is for XP, but it shouldn't be that different in 7. I've never done this in Windows as I haven't had a problem running Minecraft on my new PC, but its increased the frame rate in the game dramatically on my older MacBook Pro (Which still overheats, but that's likely because of a different problem).


    Also, increase it to 512MB, not 300 like the tutorial suggests.


    At the moment it actually seems that the temperature stays around the reasonable 72 degree mark while I'm playing Minecraft. Maybe it's due to the recent update or something (I couldn't connect to the Minecraft server earlier). If things start acting up again, I might try your suggestion.

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