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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I understand, and seen as no one else has anything to say about you i will have to stick to my suspicion of you being mafia :) No hard feelings and all that. This can all be sorted if i get lynched or you get lynched.


    I do appreciate your honesty and sense. :) Either way, one of us is going to die. There's no way around it. Might as well go down in style. ;)

  2. Even if you DO turn out town, I still really can't be blamed for thinking you're mafia, seeing as your accusations just don't hold up. Even if everything you've said is true, the only reason you suspect me is because you targetted me and thus conclude I have to be the one who Polyjuiced you. And that's a pretty weak accusation, especially considering I was provably Polyjuiced myself earlier.

  3. Your point? why are you guys always on my back about spelling? If its not that, its the threads I make. I am allowed to make mistakes you know.


    People can be a bit elitist about spelling and grammar in here. When it comes to threads, I'd advise you to think more carefully about how to make a thread really good. Look at other threads and become inspired. :)

  4. My laptop doesn't feel hot at all at the moment. :heh:


    I didn't have any problems running it when I first got my new laptop not that long ago. Perhaps the amount of data I have stored on my laptop now has increased its workload, upping the temperature?


    For a laptop that's not bad.


    What does the temperature go up to when you're running Minecraft?


    Also, are you using a texture pack? (If so, I'd try using either the default one, or another 16x16 one.


    Alternatively, turn the graphics settings to fast, decrease the render distance, and increase the fog.


    Increasing your fan speed using the utility I posted earlier will also help.


    I haven't checked exactly how high it gets when running Minecraft. I'm not using any texture packs, but I can try lowering the in-game settings.


    That utility you posted, is that something physical that needs to be installed? Or is it a program I can just install and use?


    Just checked it, and the CPU temperature went up to about 82-84 degree Celsius before I closed it, and my laptop doesn't even feel nearly as hot as it normally does when it normally shuts down. I'm gonna try again once it has cooled down and see how well it does with lower specs.

  5. All i know is that you have ginger hair, no one has confirmed that your on my side. There are plenty of dark characters in harry potter, im sure there are some with ginger hair.


    From the second this day started you said i was mafia and voted for me. This is before i could even say a single word, then cube joined in with you. Why would any sane person want to fake not being able to speak?! There would be a million better ways to do it than that.


    I would guess that it wasnt in the write up becuse i had to tell the truth or face the consequences.


    I think that you and cube are trying to get to me as one of the active members, like you have done with diago.


    My fellow townies can help me out here by lynching Dannyboy and proving he is mafia. I will no doubt die during the night so if there are any protectors left please please help me out!


    I'm described as the ginger man. Considering most (if not all, I'm not 100 % sure) known gingers in the Potter universe are good, and considering the other major characters from the books are in this game, who else can the ginger man be but Ron? I even interact with the fiery redhead (obviously Ginny) with great familiarity, even acting as a big brother, on the night following chairdriver's roleclaim as her.


    I voted for you in the beginning because I thought you were spouting lies about me. Then you explained yourself, and I was beginning to think you were merely mistaken, but then you press on with your accusations, even when I've pointed out all the flaws in your story.


    A mafia feigning silence to gain trust has been seen numerous times before, so it's really not at all a stretch to think that's what you did. Also, your explanation in itself is not unbelievable, but considering the circumstances and the discrepancy between them and your story, it seems more like an elaborate lie to me.

  6. Here's the results:


    Operating System

    MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit



    Intel Core i3 350M @ 2.27GHz (57 °C)

    Arrandale 32nm Technology



    4.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 532MHz (8-8-8-20)



    Hewlett-Packard 143A (CPU)



    Generic PnP Monitor (1366x768@60Hz)

    Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD

    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470


    Hard Drives

    313GB Seagate ST9320423AS (SATA) (38 °C)


    Optical Drives

    hp CDDVDW TS-L633N

    WRS 6R89QNG SCSI CdRom Device



    Realtek High Definition Audio


    I'm actually shocked that the average temperature of the CPU is that high!

  7. Man, I almost believed you, but not anymore. I have all the evidence in my favour. All of it. I'm becoming very suspicious of you claiming to be Padma Patil when A) we haven't seen anyone who fits that description and B) the only one seen targetting me on the night in question is the silver-haired torturer. There's no mention of someone being action-silenced, neither by someone attacking them nor by themselves dropping a Babbling Beverage, and no one appears to be using Polyjuice Potion on that night, either. Your story doesn't hold up.


    I believe you to be the silver-haired man having faked your own action-silencing in order to take me down.

  8. I used to have this problem while playing World of Warcraft, in the end I just put my laptop ontop of a small box so there was a couple of inches space between it and the desk, never overheated again.


    The thing is, when using the cooling pad, there IS a bit of space between the laptop and the surface it's stading on, and the surface is even blowing cool air up on the laptop, yet it still happens.


    I had the same problem with another game before, but it disappeared when I started using the cooling pad. Looks like Minecraft is taking too heavy a toll on my poor laptop. :(


    Would setting the in-game quality settings to low reduce the amount of heat produced, you think?

  9. *sigh*


    So it seems that even with my cooling pad, which works great, Minecraft still makes my laptop heat up to the point where it shuts down as a safety measure. Though it's only the fan area of my laptop that's really overheated - the rest of the laptop seems fine enough.

  10. Someone pulled my hair out and then drank a potion. They then transformed infront of me, thats pretty obvious that its a polyjuice effect. I had to talk like that because of the effect of my babbling beverage (google it) which made me talk nonsensical but made me say the truth.


    I was warned that i had to tell the truth or face the consequences. I just chose to tell the truth! Im sorry that i targeted you danny but it really was random. I only assume your the juice drinker because i saw someone use it in the place where i was looking for you.


    Its entirely plausible that someone else targetted you and it was them. Where were you and what were you doing during the night Dannyboy?


    On a side note i targetted Cube last night but was "unable to find him"?


    I don't mind you targetting me, but I do mind you accusing me of something I didn't do. I don't see how that Babbling Beverage forced you to tell the truth when you made an incorrect claim.


    I am Ron Weasley, the ginger man. I targetted chairdriver that night, who had just revealed himself as Ginny Weasley. Incidentally, the only character in the write-up who is seen targetting me is the silver-haired man who is always torturing people. Add to this that I haven't seen any description matching that of Padma Patil, whom you claim to be, and my suspicions are intact.


    I don't actually find your explanation that unbelievable, but I can't shake the points listed above.

  11. Not a lie at all, i chose a random target and it happened to be you. I was trying to use a Babbling Beverage on you, which would have made you talk in nonsense riddles all the day phase but everything you said had to be true. However while i was watching you someone pulled out my hair and drank a potion. They took on my features and pulled their cloaks hood over their head.


    Again, i targeted you. As far as i am aware there was only you and me there, someone who i can only assume was you pulled out my hair and used polyjuice potion. I had to talk like that because i used the tried to use the Babbling beverage on you and it backfired onto me thanks to the hair pulling incident.


    I had to talk like that but was also forced to say nothing but the truth.


    Im not even saying Danny is mafia, i really have no idea. All i know is he made himself look like me, no idea why or what happened afterwards but i cant think of any good reason why he would want to do that.


    Concluding I'm the one who pulled out your hair and assumed your appearance is jumping to a conclusion on a non-existing foundation. Since I myself was the victim of a Polyjuice Potion earlier, I can't be the culprit - unless you think there are two characters with the same ability in this game, something which is incredibly unlikely. Besides, being forced to talk with actions appears to be a side-effect of being Polyjuiced - likely to shut you up and prevent you from revealing the truth.


    Which makes me suspicious ... how did you know you were being Polyjuiced? I was never told when it happened to me, only that I was forced to talk with actions - and I wasn't required to tell the truth, either. The only way I figured out I was being Polyjuiced was because both me being silenced and someone with my looks shouting a curse appeared in that night's write-up, proving the existence of a Polyjuicer and giving rise to the theory that a Polyjuice victim is simultaneously action-silenced.


    Now, I don't see anyone being silenced or appearing twice in contradictory situations in the write-up for the day you claim to have been affected. Care to explain yourself?

  12. I've always loved the Donald Duck universe, but I grew tired of many of the stories because they were simply too trivial and boring. I think Scrooge qualifies as my favourite character since the stories I enjoyed most were the ones revolving around him protecting his Money Bin from the Beagle Boys or Magica De Spell or him going with his nephews on an adventure. Naturally, Don Rosa is my favourite artist.

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