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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Always arrive late to parties.


    It really would've been irrelevant to our situation. We're terrible at socialising. :p


    You mean you had Scott Pilgrim on DVD all along, but went to the party instead? At least you made the right decision in the end, but still, I'm sorely disappointed.


    Oh, no, no, she had Scott Pilgrim on DVD, but when I learned of that fact, we were already dressed up and ready to go, so we decided to at least give the party a chance. It did, however, heavily influence our decision to leave early. ;)




    What began as a simple comment on an article about steampunk turned into an entire article in itself on my own musing on steampunk. So now it's three hours later, and thought it was three hours well spent, I hate it when they disappear as suddenly as they did just now. :heh:

  2. My friend invited me to a party at her dorms yesterday since she's fairly new there and thus didn't really know anybody. It was a "lent party" (though completely unrelated to religion nowadays, of course), which is more or less the Danish version of Halloween in terms of celebratory customs - costumes and lots of candy, though no scary theme. So we went, me as Dr Watson/random Victorian gentleman, her as Mario, and we arrived as some of the first people there at about 8 o'clock. We ended up being about 15 people or so there, and everybody was pretty nice - but being the awkward/terrible socialisers that we are, we sucked at getting into conversations with the others, who all seemed to know each other one way or the other, and at half past 11 we simply stopped trying. So instead we went back to my friend's dorm room, opened a bin of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watched Scott Pilgrim on DVD. Night well spent! :D

  3. I've told you numerous times to throw me to the bottom of the list, or even just remove me completely, since I have absolutely zilch at the moment. I wanted to be put on the list when I thought I'd make another mafia fairly soon after the Colour one, but I lost the mafia-maker drive and haven't got it back yet. When/if I get my arse in gear to make another mafia, I'll let you know. :)

  4. All your criticisms are so totally the same ones I have so don't worry about it. I'm actually very embarrassed to show this comic because I find the drawings so horrible bad that I don't like people thinking this is a good example of what I can achieve.


    The next issue, Witch's Chimney, is going to be a bit of a reboot of the franchise, it's been a year now of Edith as part of the team, fighting ghosts and stuff so now they're all experts and yeah... the art will improve as well too. (The main reason it looks bad here is because I drew it by hand and have been learning colouring in photoshop as I go... now I've had some proper lessons it'll look much better, I can assure you. :D)


    And yes, the cop was meant to be Franklin but the design changed between Issue 1 and 2 (they were drawn about 6 months apart from each other) and yeah... it's not too important to the rest of the series.


    Good to hear! You've got me excited for the next issue! :D Besides, most webcomics, when you go back to their beginnings, look absolutely weird and often not very good. :heh:


    Oh, it wasn't the design that threw me off, it was more the fact that I wondered about his role and behaviour as a cop when we learned who he actually was. A bit like the way that Wells's transition from "we think he's a bad guy" to "he's actually a good guy" also seemed a bit clunky. This was what I meant by the writing needing to be tightened up a bit. :)

  5. Pre-set restrictions? Isn't making up rules on the fly half of the fun?


    (Also, I'm a bit of a lightweight, so with that amount of whisky/vodka shots I wouldn't last long :heh: Not all of us are Danes. Or Brits. Or Irish.)


    Oh, but there are cards that let you add rules as well. That was implicitly stated in the first sentence. :)


    Note that I said sips, not shots! :p We normally drink beer or other beverages of somewhat equal alcohol contents, meaning we can go on for a LONG time! :D


    But don't worry, I'm a lightweight as well. :heh:

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