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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. ReZ, even with all the advice anyone could ever give you about what to do, what ultimately matters boils down to this: Were you happy? Some people can have a job they dislike, but still be happy because it's just a way for them to make money. But you're not that sort of guy. You need to enjoy what you're doing, otherwise it affects your overall happiness. And so I honestly do believe you made the right choice. Not the easiest, but the right. :)

  2. I am seconding Dannyboy's feelings. Sometimes, in mafia games, we shoot in the dark and hope for the best, but in this game, we couldn't even see if the shots actually hit something.

    Mainly, I don't doubt that the things that happened behind the scenes, with the other groups, were interesting, but us other townies could do nothing except follow theories that wouldn't produce results.


    Still, a very well made game, I just think that some clarity on the arrested people was needed.


    Also, dead players replacing the inactives proved to be very confusing. I realise there were too many inactives, but you gotta know when a replacement isn't feasible (like reviving The Peeps when he used to belong to a different group, thus Herojan used that as a defence)


    Yeah, I think the main issue wasn't that we were paranoid and in the dark, since that is usually what makes a mafia game great - it was that we never got any closer to knowing anything. We were just as much in the dark by the end as we were at the beginning, just a heck of a lot more confused by everything.


    Also, sentiment echoed: Replacing players with dead players is really not a good idea.

  3. I have asked for training, but I think they underestimate how much I actually need. Its also a little awkward to say "Well...my training has been virtually non existent" as the few people who "trained" me might be offended (they just showed me what to do a bit. Not proper training)


    It's really not your problem if they get offended. You need proper training, and they need to give it to you. Don't let them make your life shit. Keep going, demand the improvements needed. Show them that shit treatment won't be tolerated.

  4. I'm excited that Abney Park is planning a show in London this year (plus a couple of other England shows, if I recall correctly). I am so going to try and make it - whenever it's going to be! This probably also means that I'm travelling to London twice this year since I'm dead set on going to the Annual N-E Hyde Park Meet! :D

  5. So yeah, once again there have been cuts on the uni course I'm attending this summer, classical philology. We fear it might not even survive. It's all part of this mentality that social and cultural studies are not as important as the natural and social sciences and should be down-prioritised. I'm more or less fucking furious right now. I won't even attempt to accurately express the rage I'm feeling right now.

  6. So, who was the mafia exactly? And what was that desterate building?


    I must say I wasn't much of a fan of this game. Not knowing who anybody was or what the heck was going on killed the joy for me. Too many things were left unknown. We had no idea if we arrested the right people, other people kept dropping dead for no apparent reason, and most of the time we were completely in the dark. I don't know, confusion and paranoia normally makes a mafia game great, but in this game I just felt we were getting nowhere and shooting blindly every which way.


    Sorry, Diageo. The game was well thought out, and I applaud the work you put into it, but it just wasn't to my tastes.

  7. I've never really experienced active peer pressure. For me, my entire life has been more a case of getting to grips with being different from my peers, and striking the balance between embracing my own uniqueness and not feeling alienated.

  8. People here forget that gently ribbing at a pal's choice in fashion/music/beverage is a social gesture that, in most instances, suggests camaraderie. Friends will take the piss out of you for being different. They're still friends. Have the willpower to take it and the wisdom to take it lightly.


    Oh, but that's something entirely different from true peer pressure, see? Of course friendly banter and piss-taking is part of friendship and social interaction. The peer pressure I'm talking about is the genuine ridicule and humiliation of people who don't adhere to the norms of their peers.

  9. I like them too. I also like Kevjumba and Alex (weird how I watch his videos and yet I STILL can never remember what he's called). Kevjumba usually makes some funny videos with his dad and Alex reading Twilight has some guaranteed laughs too.


    Ah, yes, KevJumba and Alex Day are also some of my favourites. :)

  10. I was always the weird one out too. Everybody would be drinking Carling or Vodka or something and then there's me with Guinness. I usually get took the mick out of for having a pint but it's true what Charlie has been saying: If you don't like it, don't have it.


    Hell, if I let peer pressure get to me, I'd be in such a bad place right now, lol.


    We can all agree that peer pressure is a terrible thing, especially since it grows from lack of acceptance. The power of social constructs can be absolutely terrifying.

  11. In no way whatsoever do I think that. Even its style avoids pessimism; short sentences, hiding words like 'not' and the prefix 'un-'. If that wasn't enough I purposely ended it with a rousing bit of positive advice.


    I can only suspect that you read it as negative because I posted it? I have a reputation for being negative but, unless I'm referring to myself, I'm not that bad. I am critical, but then that's not the same thing.


    I don't know. I'm not even ranting now (seriously, I'm not) so don't take this as anything significant or me having a go at you or anyone. I'm honestly just curious as to how you read it as negative.


    Don't be silly, I didn't read it as negative because you posted it, even though you do have a bit of a reputation for being cynical. I've read enough of your posts to know you're really not a Mr Negative, and I actually really respect your views. :)


    When I say the post appears negative, it's because of the values commonly associated with the concepts that you rejected as untrue: Equality, life's fairness, nobody being on their own, the value of morality ... All concepts that we've learnt to regard as good and true. Of course, on a closer analysis, none of them are really true, but that is actually a good thing - it's liberating, as you say.

  12. That's exactly the same here but if you don't like beer then don't drink it. Your peers shouldn't be making fun of you because you're drinking something else.


    Of course not. Doesn't stop them from doing it and you being pressured into drinking it, though. [/harsh generalisation]


    Of course it's not that bad everywhere, but it's a huge part of the youth culture and thus shouldn't be underestimated. Personally I've always been the weird one out, so I was never that bothered by not following suit on it, though.

  13. Hardly, if you don't like it you don't like it. Drink something else instead. If your mates are taking the piss out of you for not drinking it are they really your mates?


    Wow, you truly underestimate the power of social constructions. In Denmark, beer's by far the cheapest and most widely drunk beverage, and you're truly strange if you don't participate in the mass consumption of it, especially as a teenager.


    I've tried beer several times, but I still dislike the taste. I much prefer a good cider.

  14. Someone can still be born on pancake day. Any child born today was born on pancake day. Birthdays in the future may not be on pancake day, but that's when they were born.


    Well, sure, but the implication was that Pancake Day was tied to a specific date since ReZ seemed to believe it was actually Pancake's birthday today.

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