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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but no one targeted Cube, not even a roleblock. Which I think it's weird considering how useful his power is, not only can he track, but he knows what they do.


    Also, there are two double voters. I'm one of them. We already know of one dead neutral doble voter, is the last one mafia perhaps?


    @Cube - That is a bit worrying, actually.


    @Double voter - You mean there have been three in this game? It would make sense for there to be one of each alignment.

  2. There is no difference, in the end its just people who get a kick out of harassing others and /b/ is a good place to spread the word about what someone else has planned.


    Its just people being people, sticking it all on just one location is just the easy and simple minded thing to do.


    I have personally never seen internet trolls as relentless and effective as those who gather on 4chan. I'm not sure what you're trying to defend here. I've already said I don't have a grudge against 4chan itself. Heck, I love most of the memes that have spawned there. But the trolls that exist on 4chan are the most vicious and unyielding I have ever seen on the internet - thus my description.

  3. Was Sméagol not the red, cream and white pokemon?


    I have him listed as the small, brown and cream Pokémon, but it would seem that he was lying about that since Flareon doesn't really fit that description.


    Continuing from yesterday, I want to know what exactly makes Eenuh so suspicious. What questions has she dodged? I don't see it.


    Oh, and just to be on the safe side:


    Vote: Jonnas



  4. That's a pretty broad claim there, in case you did not know, this is a site that claims to get over 700.000 visitors a day.

    These "events" maybe pull a few dozen, maybe a hundred that actually do something serious and I'm not counting going on her video saying: "shit sux"


    No matter where these people come together, there will always be people that will try to deface something that attracts attention in the public.


    Well, yeah, of course. I was obviously talking about the shit people on 4chan. However, the difference between normal trolls and the hardcore 4chan trolls is that the 4chan trolls are unbelievably relentless and mean-spirited. It's pretty scary what they're capable of when they put their mind to it.

  5. It wasn't 4Chan that found it. It was Tosh.0 who found the video which her mother paid after for after her daughter won a recording studio contest.


    What are you talking about? I'm talking about 4chan planning to harrass her.

  6. Ugh, I fucking hate 4chan for that exact reason! They're little, worthless pieces of scum with no dignity or self-respect who can only ever get satisfaction in life by harrassing others! :mad:

  7. Thought nobody seems to have noticed/cared that jayseven had a double vote and somone implicated herojan, who is definitely not innocent, and so I Vote:Herojanitor.


    I noticed, but it's pretty redundant to mention it now that he's dead, don'tchathink?

  8. I strongly distrust Jonnas right now. Zell was proven to be a roleblocker and it seems to me that Jonnas lied about being roleblocked to get him lynched.


    What's more interesting is that Zell showed up in the first write-up but didn't in the second - when there was no kill. Did Zell roleblock the killer? I think so.


    I'm Ivysaur (evolved on the first night) and I've appeared in the first two write-ups but last night I targeted Jonnas and didn't appear. I think we've found our invisible killer vote: Jonnas


    But do we know enough about who appears and who doesn't to make this conclusion? Also, how do you figure that Jonnas lied about being roleblocked?


    (Not discrediting your theory, it's mighty interesting. I just want to double check it.)

  9. I noticed that too. Only a mafia would want to keep you. And it's not that hard to guess the colours.


    What? We're keeping him alive for now so we don't waste a day's worth of discussion. Besides, she did originally vote for him, then withdrew it. And if all the colours are so easy to guess, then please do identify all the remaining Pokémon.


    I honestly don't see the problem here. :confused:

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