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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I have no idea who to trust.


    What bugs me the most right now is that Cube redirected ReZ onto another person who also targetted ReZ. It seems like a very big coincidence, but it's of course not at all impossible.

  2. Do you know that Diageo got into his mind because of your power or just judging from the write-up?

    Because I would have guessed that if someone is staying at their home, they did not target anyone that night.


    Mostly because of my power. She was present in his mind along with the barking man, both giving him commands. It's also vaguely hinted at in the write-up since she was able to command him to stop when he was being mind-controlled by someone else.

  3. I just don't understand a lot of this. Rez had his powers increased, but all he did was rob your tv...


    A barking man decided to mind-control ReZ last night. He sent him to rob/destroy the authoritative woman's (Diageo's) house, and on the way there ReZ was hit by red energy (likely by a guy named Ando) which supercharged his power. When ReZ arrived at the house, the woman/Diageo somehow got inside his mind and made him leave.


    I observed these things because I'm telepathic and watched ReZ's mind last night.

  4. I have to vehemently disagree with you. I was bullied constantly during primary school. Even after when I saw the same gang of kids in my town I had to turn and walk the other way. There were places it wasn't safe for me to go alone.


    This little shit deserves to live with what he has done for the rest of his life. His victims will have to live with it - he didn't give them any choice.


    Well, this is obviously yet another area we completely disagree on, so I don't think it's worth getting into a debate about it. I do fully understand your sentiment, but I just don't agree with it.

  5. So we're pretty sure that ReZ left his house and was hit by that red beam that is Ando, which increased his powers. Then he came into my house and broke everything and then I told him to get out. Meanwhile he was being mind controlled by some man barking orders. Am I right so far?


    Pretty much, yeah. He appears to have been mind-controlled all through the night.


    And Dannyboy, you got into ReZ's mind, did you find out any information on him, like alignment or anything?


    Nope, nothing. All I got were you and a barking man both giving ReZ orders.

  6. Jekyll and Hyde Pokémon?! Utter genius! :D


    The rotten Pokémon are jarring, but only because they convey so well what they're intended to. The Rotato starting off as a plain Grass type might not be a bad idea, but that's a detail.


    Oh, and the haters are obviously just jealous. It always baffles me why people will go out of their way to criticise something on the internet. Why? If I don't like art, I don't go into a museum and start hatin' on all the exhibits.

  7. "HEY LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK HOW DIFFERENT I AM!!" and "I don't care about social status. I do what I like regardless of others' opinions" aren't really separate entities.


    No, but the two mindsets behind them are: In the case of the former you go out of your way to be different for the sake of being different. In the case of the latter you do what you like regardless if it's different from the norm or not.


    If you wear Hello Kitty headphones just to be different, then you're just a poser, but if you wear Hello Kitty headphones for the sole reason that you want to wear Hello Kitty headphones, you're pretty cool. If you're simultaneously going against social conventions, you're pretty damn cool.

  8. I disagree. Not caring about whether it has Hello Kitty or whether they are feminine is "cool". But going out of your way to own have them just because they are Hello Kitty just screams, "HEY! LOOK AT ME! LOOK HOW DIFFERENT I AM!!!"


    But he isn't doing it to be different, he's doing it because he likes Hello Kitty. Major difference.

  9. It is relevant. He's saying [i think] it's cool to not be put off by Hello Kitty headphones if they're the best available. But if there are better ones and you go out of your way to have Hello Kitty headphones then that's uncool.



    I hate the word "cool".


    It is irrelevant. Since Hello Kitty is considered feminine or at least very un-masculine in the common consciousness, a guy wearing Hello Kitty headphones is signaling: "I don't care about social status. I do what I like to do regardless of other people's opinions." And that makes him cooler than any plain set of headphones could - regardless of price.

  10. Now, I'm sorry to get all socio-political here, but would you say the same of the two boys who murdered James Bulger? Would you say that the rest of their lives should not be affected by what they did?


    A ship on the wrong course changes direction when it hits a storm.


    Bad argument, there. Situation A is not the same as situation B. Of course actions should have consequences, but the punishment needs to fit the crime, and I'd say the bully in this case has more or less got the punishment he deserved. The rest of his life being affected by this is really not fair.


    Even so, it doesn't solve any problem. If it did, the world would be a happier place and bullying wouldn't even exist in the first place. If anything, not fighting could make matters worse because they know you're an easy target who won't do anything.


    Oh, but I completely agree. I just stated the reason. :)


    Yeah, but does anyone really remember any of the other old memes? I bet no one knows any of their names or recognises them in the street (unless they promote themselves as their meme). And all we have seen of this kid is a blurry YouTube video. The only people that will remember this are the people that know him personally, which would be the same for anyone who is found to be a bully.


    The Star Wars Kid didn't exactly have it easy after he was humiliated online. He managed to get life back on track, but we must not underestimate the power of the media.

  11. Anyway, it seems clear to me that the people Dannyboy saw were in ReZ's mind, not necessarily there in the flesh, so someone mentally ordered ReZ to do something, and the woman entered his head and broke the control. Anyone else targeting him (like Ando) won't appear unless they also have mental powers.


    NEWPOST: Appearing in Dannyboy's investigation, I mean.


    Exactly. There's nothing that doesn't make sense.


    So would you please remove that vote, Aqui1a? There isn't even anything suspicious about me at the moment.

  12. People can argue that he's a kid and might change his ways when he grows up, but by then everyone will have forgotten about it so he won't have to worry. He's proven hes a total cuntbag at the present time, so he deserves everything he gets at the moment.


    I agree with you, except I think the point is that due to the internet, people actually may remember him, and that would very likely affect his life.

  13. Paj; YeS. Today was a pertinent remnder that sunshine does indeed Save Lives. I'm no SADist but I do find that hope tends to bloom best beneath the beams of sunbreeze.


    Babysat for a few hours. Envisioned my futurehood. Want There Now Plz. Capillary devestation forgiven by the articulate amoebas that have begun their birthing within my soul. Breathing once again, no longer mentally shackled by the cause and defect of living as a square in a circular world, instead the sunshine brings with the weather a grander power - a smile on a good day doth good fortunes flower. I'm reconnecting with my good energies, powerful thoughts are befriending me, insulating the hazards and defending me, intending only the best consequences ahead for me. A blanket of loopholes spreads in all directions, warming and soothing with no objection, swarming and teething with life and strife-less projections of wealthy restrictionless worthwhile inflictions.


    You dig a dark tunnel with your disdane and apathy, you forget what it's like to get fortune or sympathy. A walk becomes a lecture in sociology; people-watching instead of thinking only of me. Rationalising to get to the truth of the matter. What has been an impossible task for so long - of cleansing my brain and letting 'mares scatter - becomes real, turgid, mobile and rigid. Why not play with the words as the notions unfurl? If it causes fun, then give it a whirl. Potential is not decreed by the world around you, instead it's the limitations you place on yourself that confound you. There is no roadmap to achieve personal satisfaction; for one man it's thinking, another it's action. For me it's the subtle contemplation, the assessment of me and the world and all the interrelations.


    I raise my gob and yet you listen. I spoke my words and saw what was missing.




    Yeah, I love the sunshine too. Makes me happy.

  14. Her point, really, is on the 'demonisation' of her son. It's true - why should this one event shape his life? While i understand that bullying is lame, it is ultimately something that people endure in some way through their social development. I know there are extremes, such as kids taking their own lives, but her point stands - Ritchard (or however he spells it) will have to deal with this reputation, and this worldwide focus will change who he will become far more than it should. He's just 12 years old and yes, he made a mistake of trying to be 'cool' and yes, he picked on the wrong kid, but... he's only 12! I'm really starting to feel sorry for him, now.


    I completely agree. The backlash he'll experience because of this is really not deserved. Yes, he was a prick, but he's only twelve. People can change, and he a whole life in front of him to do so.


    That despite bullying, war, famine, strife, unhappiness and the general existential dilemma of the human condition, we soldier on tirelessly towards a better dawn and rebirth of our consciousness.


    :) Well, that's a lovely sentim-


    And that the two sequels to the Matrix were enormous piles of shit. As was Starfox Adventures.


    You motherfucking piece of shit! I'm gonna kill you!

  15. I hate how she still says at the end that walking away is the best option. That just opens you up to more taunts and the bully is safe in the knowledge that you are a target that will not fight back.


    And she says that everyone has a right to defend themselves but only if their defence is equal to the threat? Bullshit. Like they said, he took a couple of hits and did nothing but the little shit kept on him so Casey just dealt with it. That's self defence and it shouldn't matter if the bully came off worse or not. Casey was provoked into a fight and shouldn't be punished for losing his temper. For anyone with common sense it should be completely understandable.


    Exactly. If anything, it did even up: Casey got three punches, the bully was thrown to the ground. People should really focus on the fact that Casey was the bigger man! (And here I mean metaphorically.) He walked away from the fight after having disabled his attacker. That's exactly the philosophy behind self-defence.

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