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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I love how the woman says "Violence doesn't solve anything, try to talk it through"...yeah, I'm sure that kid who was punching Casey in the face sure did want to talk about how he should stop bullying him...Seriously, has she ever been bullied in her life??? I've never known ANY bully stand there and listen to what you have to say.


    Because it's politically incorrect to encourage fighting back, even if it's only in self-defence.

  2. Dazz, what I mean is, why don't we see two beams - one by Peter and one by Ando? It's quite a gamble to make, hoping that the original doesn't cast the beam too?


    Also, Dannyboy, whatever you say, the point still stands. Both Rez and I strongly believe it was Ando who targetted him, so why didn't you pick him up in your investigation? Especially since he's not an evil character and has no reason to block any investigation.


    Meh, I'll start this off because I really don't trust you... at least until someone can come up with something better.


    Vote: Dannyboy


    How the hell should I know why Ando didn't show up? :p I really have no idea why you think this makes me look suspicious. :heh: We see two people ordering ReZ to do something: One that makes him break into a house (who must be the barking man), and one who makes him leave the house - the commanding woman. These are the two I've observed messing with his mind. We see him get hit by red energy, but it also specifically says that he did not seem to notice, meaning it obviously didn't affect his mind, which explains why I didn't see it.

  3. So let me get this straight. There was you, Ando, an authorative woman, and a man barking orders? So, four people targetted Rez last night? That seems a tad unlikely, doesn't it? Made even more strange by the fact that the ones you put came out with (authorative woman, man barking orders) clearly aren't in the write-up. If only you know that it was Ando in the write-up, maybe you wouldn't have made such a silly mistake...?


    You're on my suspicious list, Dannyboy. :blank:


    No, no, no, you're completely messing everything up!


    I investigated ReZ's mind. I'm Charles Deveaux, and I believe I'm the bald guy in the write-up. ReZ is obviously the ambitious man who is being forced to act against his will. This has to be the man barking orders at him. On his way to breaking into the commanding/authoritative woman's house, he is zapped by red energy, and we don't know who or what that is, but it apparently doesn't affect him - at least not his mind since I found no trace of it. When he breaks into the woman's house, she somehow gets into his head and tells him to stop. This I also witnessed inside his mind.


    Now, would you kindly tell me who Ando is and how you know he's involved besides ReZ naming him?

  4. What? No, I still have no idea who Ando is or why you are so sure he targetted ReZ. All I know is this: I investigated ReZ's mind and found two other people messing with it - a man barking orders and an authoritative woman.

  5. Ah, so you essentially read his mind and saw what happened to him last night. You didn't show up in the write-up so maybe Rez just didn't see you.


    And the person who hit him with red energy.


    D'oh! Of course, the red zap! But that apparently didn't affect his mind since I didn't find any traces of it.


    ... Unless I'm the one who zapped him? I really have no idea if my telepathy would show up as red energy. The only thing I'm pretty certain of is that I'm the bald guy concentrating in the beginning.


    Okay, ignore the HJ quote. I must've accidentally multi-quoted it.

  6. How do people figure that Ando, whoever that is, targetted ReZ? Also, I only see ReZ being influenced by two people: The one forcing him to break into the woman's house, and the woman commanding him to get out of her house.


    I'm 100% certain Ando targeted me, and I can't guarantee they are good, but I'd be very surprised if they weren't. In fact I'm pretty certain they're good.


    I'd say the authoritive woman is probably Angela Petrelli.....and....honestly she could be any of the three alignments...she really could.


    Dunno who shouty guy is, but they're almost certainly mafia....at least from their description in my PM and what you describe too. And that I was prevented from doing anything.


    Having though about it, if the AW was Angela Petrelli then she could have stopped me from doing my action too...I think her power was persuasion through touch...I need to double check that.


    So besides me there were three people in your mind?


    These events took place in Rez's mind?


    I investigated ReZ's mind and found two other presences: A man barking orders at ReZ and an authoritative woman who also appeared to give ReZ orders.


    What I don't understand is why ReZ seems to be describing three people in his head, none of which seem to be me.




    In that case three people must have targeted me, because Ando targeted me (100% certain) and they're almost certainly good.


    The other two are almost certainly bad or trouble makers I would hazard. Not sure who the man barking orders could be.....POSSIBLY Matt Parkman (mind control) and the authoritive woman is probably Angela Petrelli, probable mafia.


    Well, I was definitely one of the people in your mind, and I am good. I'm the bald guy, Charles Deveaux, and I gain information by entering my target's mind.


    Are you sure of those people? Remember that characters' alignments don't necessarily match their alignments in the series.


    I tried to target heroicjanitor however two people targeted me making me unable to fulfil what I wanted. They over powered my free will.


    One of them was good -Ando and one of them does not appear to have been good, and I don't know who (character wise) they are...but if anyone knows who targeted me it will be very useful.


    This fits with my info. One was a man "barking orders" at you, the other was an "authoritative" woman. I couldn't detect their individual motives or alignments, though.

  10. So there's another Daniel Linderman? A shapeshifter, perhaps? I know nothing of Heroes except that people have superpowers.


    That being said, I am interested to hear from ReZourceman. What did you last night?

  11. I have to say it doesn't seem to look very big to me right now. =P


    About half an hour ago, when it rose, it seemed a bit bigger than usual, but right now I don't notice much of a difference?


    It always looks bigger while close to the horizon. Our minds are tricked into thinking it's closer, making it seem bigger.


    I wouldn't say it looks bigger, either, but it's definitely more yellow and a heck of a lot brighter than it normally is.

  12. It seems that the illumination is a separate power, or I'm mistaken about my part in your blinding (though it fits rather well).


    Solarbeam only affects roleblockers. I have nothing that stops protection, though I'm not sure about jailkeepers. I think you're lying though.


    But Jonnas didn't claim to be a jailkeeper, he claimed to be a protector, which it seems pretty obvious he isn't.


    If The Peeps does illuminate, how can ReZ put it in the write up twice? And what reason do i have to lie?


    Wait, didn't you just say you don't illuminate people?

  13. I'd rather not say it, but it seems I have no choice: I'm a protector, more specifically, a "justice protector". Basically, I protect my target from mafiosos trying to target them.


    I targeted Dannyboy on the first night, mr-paul on the second night, Tales in the third night (was told I fought off someone that night, but didn't appear in the write-up for some odd reason) and The Peeps last night (to prove I wasn't evil, I tried to protect him, but he wasn't targeted by anyone evil, and if he is Venusaur, I'm guessing the beepbeepbeep is good)


    Now, this has given me a decent amount of confirmed townies, but I still have a large list of suspicions.


    What Pokémon are you and how do you protect? Are you the symbols?

  14. Nearly none of this stuff gets planned and executed from there, its nearly impossible when you consider that nearly all threads get auto-deleted in less than 3 hours and threads about doing these things are supposed to be deleted by mods.


    What I'm getting at is, it does not matter where they hang out, they will act the same, just hanging out on 4chan does not make them some "uber trolls".


    And once again, most of this sever and bl bla bla stuff that you hear about, would have gone down, regardless of 4chan or not.

    There is an abundance of websites where people are willing to take part in this.


    I never said hanging out on 4chan makes you an über-troll, it just seems like most über-trolls choose to hang out there, and whenever you hear about some person being thoroughly harrassed IRL by internet people (remember Jessi Slaughter?), it always seems to lead back to 4chan.


    But I admit I don't know much about it. I was only speaking from my own experience. My main point boils down to this: I fucking hate bullies and bullying in any shape and form.

  15. Why are you so focused on the red, cream and white Pokémon, Ell?


    I'm personally a bit more worried about the green and grey Pokémon in the same paragraph since it has anger in its eyes.


    Maybe you're just getting one power at a time? I don't why you weren't told everything. The reason why I have several powers is because I survived the last game. You could say I gained experienced and levelled up I guess.


    Don't most players in Pokémafias have two powers, often once active and one passive?

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