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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I don't find Eenuh's lack of info to share suspicious, I find her lack of participation suspicious. I haven't had anything useful to share until now, and thus I've held my tongue, but I've still participated heavily in order to establish a presence, hopefully one that will prove to people I'm good. She's been awfully quiet and non-participatory - as has chairdriver ... but then again, he does exactly what he wants to, so I'm not sure it proves anything about his alignment either way.

  2. My power -- Dragon Rage -- has positive effects on townies and negative effects on mafia [makes up for my crappy Magikarp power, which had positive effects on townies and even more positive effects on mafia], so I'm inclined to think Ellmeister is mafia. That said, ReZ has tricked, and I know he's going to trick me twice, so maybe explore other avenues first?


    How do you figure Ellmeister may be mafia?

  3. /wɒt hiː sed/ /aɪ əgriː toʊtəliː/




    Ah yes, the Luton airport incident... That, again, was mainly my sister (tsk tsk) and my dad, and entirely out of self-defence.


    As demonstrated by Casey, successful self-defence is pretty awesome. ;)


    This has virtually nothing to do with the content of my degree, it just irritates me when people try and make others feel inferior for not conforming to standard English. I don't study standardisation/dialectology at all.


    No one was trying to make others feel inferior. The irony in someone correcting others and then making a mistake themselves is hard to miss, though.

  4. Well I'm not being funny but my PM specifically states that I have the Water Stone ability, which will evolve people. Whether or not anyone else targeted chairdriver I'm confident that it was me that caused him to evolve. It would make sense seeing as it is literally my power, and the main part of my power.


    Someone mentioned earlier that they though Rez has been a bit foolish and not realised that people could target themselves to evolve so clearly that wasn't his plan. I assume I was meant to make Squirtle evolve but mr-paul worked out he could target himself.


    Why do you think you caused chair to evolve? You have nothing to suggest that you have that power. You first claimed you were a protector from everything but kills, then added that you could benefit people later.


    I don't know whether it's water specific but I assume so as my power is called Water Stone. And whether it's weird or not I assure you it's the case. My posts can be analysed by Dannyboy if you don't believe me. As I only made one post on the last page he can use that, or if you want I can post once on the next page saying the things I'm claiming, he can analyse them tonight and confirm I'm telling the truth. Would that be okay Dannyboy?


    Jonnas was clearly the invisible killer as he never appeared in any write-ups, so I'm not sure why you're pinning that one on me.


    Frankly I've been suspicious of you for some time. I'm pretty sure there's digital link in the mafia and as far as I'm concerned the fact that you wouldn't share any info for so long while being questioned is extremely suspicious. I think you're trying to distract people into voting for me because you know you're going to be lynched.


    Vote: Eenuh


    (And no, I'm not doing this through some foolish, childish 'you voted for me so I'm voting for you' thing, I genuinely think you're evil. You're distracting people after I admitted everything about my role, and your behaviour has been extremely suspicious.)


    (ALSO: I loved it when I read your comment about how people being quiet are probably mafia. Earlier in this game you were quiet and you were saying some people just didn't have much to say. A few days later when other people are quiet you're claiming they're evil and should be lynched?! wtf?!)


    ... However, these points are even better. My suspicions have switched yet again.


    I don't think it would be necessary for you to go out of your way to post a post for analysis, really; your posts on this page have been very concrete. It's harder when people sidestep around direct direct answers and statements. But I wouldn't mind, either. It would eliminate any potential loopholes and make my job easier. :heh:

  5. I'm not lying as much as withholding the truth. If I'm not close to be lynched there's no reason for me to tell, because I need it to stay hidden.


    The thing is, withholding the truth would still not require you to lie. Yet you specifically lied in about 20-30 % of your posts on page 13. What exactly did you lie about?


    And since I'm never actually in contact with you physically, me being an ice Pokémon and you being fire shouldn't really matter, now, should it? My analyses is strictly psychic.


    Dannyboy, I'm guessing you're the regal magenta pokémon in the write-up then? What did you do on night 3?


    I'd honestly never thought of it till now for the very obvious reason that Jynx isn't black. But apparently ReZ is being racist in this game and decided to go with her earlier blackface look - even though she is clearly purple on the sprite I received. :heh:


    However, the actions of the regal magenta Pokémon do fit surprisingly well with my actions: I missed the first and fourth nights, in which the magenta Pokémon doesn't appear. The ones it does appear it have it concentrating hard, and last night it got a migraine. It all fits.


    However, I don't know why it shook violently on the third night, and I don't get all the references to books, porn and politics.


    On night 3 I analysed marcamillian, but he turned up dead (and good) the next day, so that was pretty pointless.


    Your power doesn't really make any sense to me. The three starters make other Pokémon evolve (Cube, The Peeps and mr-paul). Why would there be two water Pokémon that can make others evolve? Seems a bit strange.


    Also, chairdriver and mr-paul targeted each other on the third night, which is what I believe made chairdriver evolve (maybe aided by me targeting chairdriver too).


    It just seems very weird that there would be two pokémon that can make other water pokémon evolve.


    Also, Dyson was poisoned (isn't Tentacruel half poison?) and I think Jayseven was strangled (Tentacruel can do this with his tentacles). And I believe people were talking about an invisible killer? You fit that profile.


    Vote: Nintendohnut


    These are definitely some interesting points. Nintendohnut is now also on my suspicious list.

  6. I have no idea why you would experience pain. Then again, I'm fire, you're ice? Looking at page 11 I only made three posts, none of them has to do anything with my character. I honestly don't understand why your result came up like that.


    I don't think I have been frozen, not to my knowledge. I was described as observing in the first write up, and since I don't think I have appeared in the write up.


    Arh, dang it! Sorry, it was page 13, not 11. My bad.

  7. I smell Dunning-Kruger effect - the idea that most other people know what you do. It's the same reason I get bemused when people don't know the capital of, say, Turkey or Ukraine.


    Well, I wouldn't say I'm a terrible offender (I hope not, at least), especially since I actually really dislike it when people do it. It often comes with a heavy vibe of arrogance. That being said, it was most likely the case in this ... case.

  8. A kid of a colleague of my mother was being bullied a few weeks into starting secondary school by a pair of kids two years above him. They would wait at the bus stop were he got off when going home and push him to the ground a kick him every day. My sister, her partner (who is 6'5" and a rugby player) and I went and waited a discreet distance from the bus stop. When he got off and the two little shits went up to him and started pushing him around, we went over and my sister said "Hi Jack, we're friends of your mum. Are these guys bothering you at all?"


    I never knew 13 year olds could run that fast. They haven't been near him since.


    You and your family have displayed acts of badassery before, haven't you? Something about another family being arseholes to you and promptly receiving a whooping?


    Anyway, it's quite obvious that Ritchard is the villain is this whole affair. I'm sure he's not had it easy; maybe he's been bullied himself before. Bullies are bullies for a reason, and it's rarely because they just want to be dicks. But he seem's quite incapable of hiding the fact that he was the one bullying Casey, not the other way around.


    When all is said and done, though, we really should let Ritchard move on from this, having learnt his lesson. At worst, I fear the intense hatred from the entire internet has just made everything worse for him. If he wasn't a victim before, he may very well have become one now.


    School learned you? Maybe you should have spent less time being a thug and more time paying attention in english!


    "english"? Maybe you should have spent less time being a thug and more time paying attention in English!

  9. The next issue (the one with the picture above) is more or less a mid-series reboot to get people that found the first few issues trick into the series. It will explain everything that's happened so far, reintroduce the characters and the whole thing is getting a redesign.


    It's more colourful, more detailed, the characters are more consistent, the text is much easier to understand and the pages will be horizontal, not vertical, so will require no scrolling and are perfect for viewing on the computer.


    So when that's launched I hope you can read it and maybe get into it enough to go back to try and reread what you've missed.


    This post makes me very happy. It addresses all the things that bothered me about the first three issues, meaning there will only be Certified Hamishmash Awesome left in the reboot. Can't wait! :D

  10. RIGHT!


    I apologise for my absence today. I've had a truly weird rhythm today (as is also evident by me posting at five in the morning :heh:).


    Anyway, it's true I have held back any info about myself, but I've also participated a great deal and helped take down a suspicious character or two in order to prove my alignment. I have not wanted to come forward with my power yet because it's quite useful, but less so if the mafia knows of it. So far I have not had any luck in ratting out scumnags with my power, but last night I hit something suspicious, and so it seems fitting for me to come forward:


    I am Jynx, and my power is Psychic Scan: Each night I select a player and a page, and all posts by that player on that page are scanned for accuracy. So far my scans have come back as more than 90 % true, which seems to be the highest truth value I can get. However, before Jonnas became the prime suspect (with good reason) yesterday, there was a debate between Tales and mr-paul, if I recall correctly, which was quickly forgotten. I went back and analysed Tales's posts on page 11 (with 40 posts per page), and this time my result was different: Only 70-78 % of the posts were true, and I experienced great pain when analysing them.


    Now, I want to hear from Tales: What were you lying about, and why did I experience great pain when trying to analyse you?


    Also, a couple of other small questions:


    • I originally had the deceased Zell/Ho-oh down as the large, majestic Pokémon, yet I see there is still a Pokémon desribed as such in the write-up. Is this Tales/Moltres being frozen by Ellmeister/Dewgong or what?
    • What colours are you, Sméagol?


    Also, I was at first annoyed at Rummy for attacking Eenuh so violently, but I see now he had reason to suspect her, and her behaviour has become increasingly suspicious. She is quite high on my list of suspicions, as is chairdriver (for whom I also feel a great deal of annoyance for being the resident mafia master, yet not participating), but I want to hear from Tales first.


    What did you lie about, and why did I feel pain when I analysed you?

  11. His power is called "Muscular Manipulation". I didn't say anything until I had evidence of that. How is it muscular manipulation for him to just tell him to use his power and then for Rez to go do so? How can Rez, when told to use his power on Diageo, then start trashing Diageo's house?


    You do make a point there, but you kept reinforcing his ability in the show as the basis for your point, which bothered me a bit. :heh: But yeah, there might actually be something to it.

  12. You don't feel mafia, that's for sure. But Eric's power can't make people decide what they want to do themselves. He doesn't tell them what to do, then if they can't do it they do some other completely random thing. He tells them everything, even when to walk.


    For the record I believe you are neutral and possibly dangerous, because the mafia pm would probably be in a different format to a neutral/town one since they would all be together and you wouldn't be able to guess the right format. So I think you removed a win condition/piece of your power and changed neutral to town.


    Like in the current Pokémafia, you make assumptions you have very little basis for and put them forward as facts. You really can't expect his power to be identical to his power in the series. In all likelihood it has been tweaked to fit the mechanics of the game better.

  13. Nope, like this:




    Well, unless Charles Deveaux is revealed to be The Haitian from the future who travelled back in time, I think you're clear :heh:


    I know nothing about this series! You have to bear with me! :heh:

  14. In that case, I must've missed it.


    I might as well bring my info: The Haitian is in the game, and he's a roleblocker. He targeted me last night.

    So either you or him are mafia, and I'm betting it's him. Watch out for a bald, black guy.


    I would actually say I look like bald, black guy ... :blank:

  15. You can see my PM, and I have read it countless times. I have no idea what ReZ is saying when he says mine is choppy. The only people who could possible make such a claim would have seen multiple PMs. Which only applies to one particular group of people.


    Now you're just overcompensating ...


    Still, I am as clueless as ever. I really don't think we're going to get anywhere with this today.

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