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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm at a crossroads in my life right now: I'm due to move away from home and start the university course I've had planned for the past three years. I'm terrified as fuck, and I don't have much resembling a plan afterwards - I'm not even sure how easy it'll be for me to find a job with that degree, but I hope to become a teacher. I plan to supply with another degree or two if necessary, and there's a good chance I'll go for them anyway, seeing as I love studying. But all that's circumstantial at this point.

  2. None. It took my parents a while to get a child, and when they finally got me, my condition pretty much outruled any younger siblings. Not that I mind. I've always enjoyed being by myself, but I do sometimes wonder if I'm missing out on anything.

  3. Oh man, play the first game. Then you'll really have something to post about in this thread. :hehe:


    It's like the sequel, except the main story is better and they actually finished it. I'm pretty sure it's available on Steam or Good Old Games or something like that. You have no excuse not to play it!


    I have long been on a quest to find it. Don't worry, I shall and will play it someday! ;)


    Oh, and thanks for pointing out the restoration mod for me! : peace:

  4. I thought the whole game was weaker than the first Knights of the Old Republic, but it would have been a good game had they actually finished it.


    The documentation for the mod lists "changes for no-English [sic] versions of TSLRCM", so I'd expect it to work with all versions of the game. Though if it doesn't, do you really want to play through it again? :heh:


    I haven't played the first, so I can't compare.


    Of course I would. Why do you think I was so ecstatic about it working? Even without the patches and mods I still enjoyed it immensely. :)

  5. I only wish they'd finished it before I played the game a couple of years ago. The ending and dropped plot threads soured me on the entire experience. I don't think I'll ever feel motivated enough to play it again, patch or no patch. :blank:


    The ending was bad, but the rest of the game had me completely hooked. :)


    Do you know if the mod you've linked to will work with the European version of the game?

  6. Last I checked this was averaging around 26 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Owch. Total train wreck by almost every account, as predicted.


    Did anyone ever expect this to be praised by critics? :heh: It was always style over substance.

  7. he was chosen for his character-driven approach to the story rather than a focus on special effects


    Character-driven approach? Sure, of course there needs to be character, but Spider-Man is a superhero franchise, not a drama series.

  8. Oh and I got a 3DS :heh:


    Got or bought? Because if you simply got it, you deserve to be punched in the face. :heh:




    I got out an "old" game again, "Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords", and I was anxious about installing it since it's never before worked just like that. I've always needed to get a better graphics card or something else to meet the specs. But lo and behold, it worked like a charm on the first try! :D So you can colour me a happy bunny. :)

  9. I did, but I was like 8 - 10 then so I don't remember much,


    Except that I didn't know I had to bring Oak's parcel back to the laboratory for the man to let me through, and I thought I had to be stronger. So I trained my Charmander into a Charmeleon on level 2 Ratata's and Pidgey's.


    Also that I bought Yellow new from HMV but it already had a save file for someone with 7 badges but I didn't really care.


    Okay, that's pretty hardcore!

  10. Lol. It sounds fun though and yeah knowing they are videogame characters from this gen will help that issue.


    It can be quite entertaining, though it's harder to give the game as much atmosphere and story when universes collide. ;) I do love the concept of letting players choose their own character. Makes it feel more personal.

  11. I'd like someone to do a game where we pick our own characters. I think the last mafia game before I started playing (first game was Diageo's Smash Bros mafia) was a DIY mafia so it's about time someone did another :p


    DIY mafias aren't equally popular with everyone, 'specially since it often feels a bit forced when Darth Vader is roleblocked by Spider-Man before being killed off by Harry Potter. However, deciding on a specific theme or franchise would be solve that issue and could create some very interesting ideas.

  12. I see your Ashley-Ellmeister in joke and raise you an "any in-joke". Forum or public based.


    But ... in-jokes are awesome. :blank: Granted, you can feel a bit left out if people pull them all the time over your head, but I really see no problem in general.

  13. yes you go into ketosis, a lot of people report no hunger, although saying that you still get the mental hunger - like being in a routine of eating a hot chocolate at night, you'll still want it, but there's no physical hunger.


    In ketosis your body burns fat stores directly as it has very little instant energy to rely on (which is carbs) and helps you to lose weight without the severe hunger. There's a lotta meal replacement shake diets out there that base their success on ketosis.




    I'm annoyed by my stupid addictive nature and how it never works out when I apply it to something healthy... or less unhealthy


    I try exercising and wreck my knees


    I try sugar free sweets and I'm windier than a tornado


    See, my biggest problem is that I frakking love candy, cake and cookies so darn much, and I seem to be in constant mode of "want to eat". I'm not even hungry most of the time!

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