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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yeah, I agree with Danny... would prob result in too much unnecessary hassle. I mean the torches are just a tool for exploring / creating, not a goal themselves...Also, there's enough difficulty and excitement already, at least for me...even with ever-lasting torches, caverns certainly keep me on the edge of my seat :o


    My point, exactly. Having to relight torches constantly would just make cavern exploration even more dangerous and nerve-wrecking.

  2. You don't know i your analyzis has ever been correct do you? And the migraines has already been eplained. I'm ire your, ice.


    Whenever info has been revealed that I had previously analysed, it has turned out to fit perfectly. I have no reason to doubt my investigation and all the reason in the world to trust it at this point.


    And I still don't buy that fire/ice thing. This is mental investigation. Unless you claim Moltres mind is made of fire and mine is made of ice ...

  3. You seem to be reading in to it wrong. Torches won't be useless as you've mentioned, if anything he's placing them more in the exploration role that you've described. They'll still be viable exploration devices as they'll emite light as they do now, albeit only for a limited time. And you'll still be able to hold off mobs when you need to, with the same ease that you can now. The only difference is it makes you a bit more active in your defense, you can no longer just torch both ends of a tunnel and be safe.


    Lanterns being hard to acquire sound great to me, too. They're not the sort of thing you want to be so common that they replace torches. Torches will still be the main lighting source until you've found a place you want to settle and have permanent light. It makes no sense having torches last forever.


    I don't see how it's any different, except you've worded things in a more positive light. I still think it's a horrible idea.


    And torches lasting forever makes about as much sense as the fact that you chop wood with your hands and pretty much everything else in the game. :heh:


    Notch has repeatedly said that he wants Minecraft to be really difficult, so you should be glad there are torches to begin with, Danny. :heh:


    I praise the lord every day. :heh:


    The only problem I see with lanterns is that you'd need to constantly run back to your home/base/whatever to relight the torches, or it'd be overrun with monsters when you get back from exploring.


    And that's just one of the reasons why it seems to be needlessly complicating things!

  4. Damn ... I thought we were going to lose the game there for a minute!


    Anyway, I think I can end this today!


    So seeing as I have been very suspicious of Tales for some time now, I asked ReZ if it was possible for me to test the validity of Tales's role PM by using my power on the post in which he revealed it. He said that I could still only use my power on pages, but that I could indeed analyse the truthfulness of his role PM.


    So I analysed his posts on page 223 with 5 posts per page (leaving only the role PM post and one other post of little importance), and I got that he only told 64-70% truths - plus I was struck by a migraine again.


    I don't know about you guys, but my suspicions have been strengthened more than enough by now! Tales is no good for the town!


    Vote: Tales

  5. Well, exploring (especially caves) would be a bit better with lanterns since they emit light when being carried.


    I think lanterns are a good idea if they do not require rare or hard to obtain materials and torches do not burn out. Golddust and Netherrack are rumored to be part of the crafting recipe. This would suck.


    But a carried lantern makes no sense! (Well, logically it does ... but bear with me!) Mobs don't spawn close enough to you for a carried lantern to ever be effective. The only benefit is having light around you, plus it would give exploration a great atmosphere, but it was sadly never the point of the lanterns.


    Oh, and the "hard to get ahold of" part is exactly the reason he wanted to introduce lanterns to begin with: to make torches less effective (read: useless), and to make the more effective lanterns harder to get.


    The reason I'm so peeved about it is that the exploration of dungeons has a fitting difficulty level as it is. There are dangers involved, especially if you run into a skeleton, but if you are quick and careful with your torches, you can avoid the mobs. If torches are made useless and lanterns so hard to get (We need to go to hell to get lanterns? Nice one, Notch.), exploration will suddenly become more dangerous than Indiana Jones's adventures!

  6. Yeah, starting anew will be incredibly difficult when lanterns are introduced.


    Old worlds probably won't be harder. Torches placed and in the inventory will be replaced with lanterns as far as I know.


    Yeah, but that just feels like cheating to me, and it's beside the point: that those lanterns are a stupid idea! I just wish he'd realise that.


    I did read something about him moving away from that idea again, though, so it may be he has realised the stupidity of it after all.

  7. Wait I'm confused about something...


    Dannyboy, you said you got your power enhanced when you targeted me... my power doesn't work that way. I never targeted you. You can't have been enhanced by me, unless ReZ changed something about the way things work.


    I only enhance people I target, -if- they get targeted by someone else who uses a positive power on them. So I don't see how you can have been affected by my power.


    That's what my PM said. I'll show it to you:


    Dannyboy, you scanned Eenuh on page 23 @ 40 posts per page.


    Blip...beep....you discovered that she was being 100% truthful.


    You also felt a rush of refreshing power surge through you and your power has been increased for the next night.

  8. I hate when people blame the mod. Especially since his job is to make the game interesting and fresh. Have Ho-oh. Have a totally random power. Have things that don't make sense. Deal with. Laugh with.


    I agree. It's just annoying when people seem to forget that the mod can do these things and use it as evidence because "a townie wouldn't have that role" etc.


    But Ho-oh was just a bitch move! :p

  9. Relax, relax! Don't worry I do believe you to be good!

    I was just saying if I read through knowing nothing there are a few times where the evidence has been clear for someone that you preferred to focus on someone else, but don't worry, your voting patterns are generally fine!


    I don't know why everyone is saying the ice link was weak, 3 out of 4 mafia were combined water and ice, I was speculating that the remaining mafia may have an ice link so I put you (an ice type) and Dohnut (Ice beam) on my suspect list because of that. I've always made it clear that I've thought that Porygon may be mafia for a long time!


    I'm just so tired of people pointing out my playing style as evidence when it is clearly not. It's just my way of playing! :p I have voted for three of the four mafiosos so far and only once did I make a mistake with Ho-oh, so even if you look at my behaviour, it doesn't get much more townie than that. :heh:


    We say the ice link is weak because knowing ReZ, he's very likely put in a few twists to not make it clear. Since it was becoming apparent that the one-type mafia deal was making it too easy to figure out the mafia, he began mixing it up with mafiosos that didn't fit with the rest and townies with mafioso types.


    Anyway, since Eenuh has been on my suspicion list for a long time now, I'm going to follow suit:


    Vote: Eenuh

  10. The only thing I'm really interested in at this point is whether or not he's going to implement the lanterns he talked about earlier, which would make the torches absolutely useless. I seriously hope he's abandoned that idea since it would make survival way harder than it already is, and way too hard in my opinion.

  11. I've just read everything. Reading over the thread has made me a bit less suspicious of Eenuh to be honest and a bit more suspicious of Nintendohnut, but still very suspicious of both. I think we're taking a big risk on going for either of them.

    I know he's proven good but if he wasn't I'd be suspicious of Dannyboy, his posts seem weird throughout the thread and he is icey, but I know that's not anything concrete but he and Tales are the least of my worries and are very very very minor suspicions.

    That's why I want everyone to repost their targets, results, PMs, whatever other info we've got so we can try to work it all out!


    Argh I dunno about anything!


    Oh, would you quit that? According to everyone, my posts are ALWAYS suspicious, and I'm ALWAYS acting like I'm mafia - even when I take down mafiosos, participate well in the discussion and have been confirmed good to boot. Just deal with the fact that it's how I play. Heck, I think that's the reason ReZ gave me the Reveal power!


    Besides, the Ice link is pretty weak. We've already seen that ReZ has abandoned the one-type mafia deal or is at least mixing it up, and at this point in time it's really too vague a horse to bet on. With three of the caught mafiosos having being Water/Ice and Mewtwo being Psychic, it's almost safe to bet that the remaining one (or two, if we're really unlucky) mafioso is/are of another type.


    Regarding Eenuh's alleged power-up, I didn't notice any difference. The only time it seemed to power up was when I investigated her (since that's the only time it has shown 100%), and with the blipping and beeping, my paranoid side suspects the results may have been tampered with. But that's only a theory.

  12. Would it be useful if everyone reposted all their targets, so we don't get this wrong?

    Slowly reading back through the thread to see if I get any hints - Dannyboy, why are you watching porn in one of the write-ups?!?! Naughty!


    I have no idea. :heh: It seems so out of place and character.

  13. I'm up! I'm here! (I need to stop sleeping in ...)


    Anyway, I isolated Nintendohnut's post from yesterday in which he claims to be town (page 104 with 10 posts per page) and got the result that he was being more than 90% truthful. Since there are only two statements in the post, it must be 100%. :heh:


    Now, regarding suspects, I have a number of them, but none I'm really certain about. Tales is still high on my list, Eenuh has been suspicious the whole time, and chair ... well, chair's being chair, so it's very hard to read him. Him being Gyarados worries me a bit, though.

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