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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Overactive hippocampus? Obessive compulsive disorder? Tis a feat of incredible memory. Each level is the same every time you play in terms of the locations of the goombas etc, changing only to react to your inputs and responses. He must have a clear path worked out for every game, and then calculated what kind of input overlap there is in terms of the number of seconds and amount of seconds each button is pressed. Takes way more patience that an ordinary human being can muster. Of course, he may have slowed it down in order to play, and then sped it up to make it seem more fantastic.


    It truly is amazing either way.

  2. Had a really shitty day, had this bunch of wankers on facebook going round telling loads of my friends that I'm a paedophile.


    ... Who'd even do that for real? It's beyond my comprehension what form of enjoyment people get from such things.

  3. He must have got the timings perfect and set a time delay on when each emulator accepts his inputs because his jumps aren't synchronised in each game.


    But how can he focus on four games at once? And not just focus, but pull off movements of high difficulty with extreme precision?

  4. I'm such a hipstar. I actually love 'Friday'. The 8-bit version has been in my head all day.


    The original version has been in my head for several days, now, but I'm less pleased ... ¬_¬

  5. Has everyone seen the Funny or Die things WITH Rebecca Black?! They're funny/It's good to know she has a sense of humour and is taking this in her stride. I'd link but...my religion forbids me.


    I love how she's so totally down to earth and cool as a person. She has my respect.

  6. ...but...the mafia won...?


    So what? It's the whole concept of being able to figure out the mafia based on obvious common traits that doesn't sit well with me. There's a reason you mix up the alignments in mafias with known good/evil characters.


    Besides, the mafia only won because I joined and because we played well/got lucky. Note how easily the focus was switched onto us when the mafia type had been figured out. Even I became suspicious when I had been town all along until that point. It's simply too revealing a trait.



    I shall not reveal. :)



    And also, they weren't one type. :p


    That it's on your mind is all I need to hear. :)


    Not strictly, but close enough for it to be revealing.

  7. Yeah but thats the whole point. I don't think you guys are getting what I'm saying at all.


    I rest my case.


    [Genuine question of curiosity] So you're saying you always thought there were many other awesome Pokémon you could have chosen for this game?

  8. I know, I rest my case. I'm not pursuing my case, as the response was good stuff.


    But that's now how you use that phrase! :p If you say: "I rest my case," what you're saying is: "And it has hereby been proven that I was right." So saying "I rest my case" in this case is to say: "Diageo's Pokémon are not as awesome as mine."

  9. Nah, I'm like Eddie here, I can't read properly if I have other things that might attract my attention. Stuff/noise I wouldn't pay attention to anyway is not an issue, but stuff I might actually focus on were it not for the book tends to disrupt my flow.

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