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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It should be obvious to most people who know me that I love languages and the study of them. Ancient Greek and Latin are what I'm studying (not at the moment, but this autumn), and I'd also like to get a degree in English (which is probably my favourite language).


    I've studied German, but I fear I've forgotten a good deal of it by now.

  2. I'm fine with all the delays!

    I'd probably like to play most of them, but not at the same time! :D


    Indeed, I don't mind a gap between mafias nearly as much as feeling overwhelmed by participating in more than one at a time. :) Besides, you almost always turn your primary focus to one of the games, and that's a shame for the other.

  3. I've never been interested in football, so I'll follow Oddy's example and just sit, eat and chill. :heh:


    About the date, something might have cropped up on the 23rd. Basically, since it's going to be during the holidays, we've decided to stay longer in London (take a proper vacation), but that clashes a bit with my dad's holiday, so he'll see if he can get it moved a week forward to make it work. We're still counting on the 23rd for the time being.


    In any case this means I'm in London for about a week, so if anyone's game for hanging out some more, that's a possibility. :)


    I'd also love to know if anyone has any recommendations for hotels in London. :)

  4. So we should wait to make a date for when danny's available, but he's going to mate a date for when the meet's happenning?


    I'd prefer to date a mate, though I have no expectations in that regard for the trip. ;)


    Basically I've told my parents to give notice soon if there are any dates they either prefer or can't make, but as it looks now I/we don't have any plans or preferences for the summer as of yet. My own plan is to move out come July, so if we could try to avoid the end of June/beginning of July I really should be able to make any date.


    ... Meaning I'm wary of the date proposed by fish.

  5. I'm with jay, though kinda impressed Danny says his trip with parents are based around the meet, are you going to be bringing them also, Danny? :P


    Haha! No, as awesome as they are, that would just be awkward in every respect imaginable. :heh:


    Basically I told my parents about wanting to go the annual meet in Hyde Park with my internet friends at least once in my life, and seeing as I graduated last summer, it seemed fitting to do it this year. I hadn't considered if I was going to travel with anyone, but since we were all on vacation in London a few years back and loved it, my parents wanted to grab the opportunity to go there again, if only just for a weekend. :)

  6. To be fair, in this case all the melodrama/hype/chairism is really deserved. It's an emotionally crushing movie. You wish you were dead. It's so/too/very/superlatively Great.


    Oh, I don't doubt that. :) Whatever your opinion on Trier, you can't deny the fact that he makes powerful films.

  7. I used to be a newsie, no title for me though :( not that I'd know what to put there anyway :laughing:


    And hey, I'm fairly sure I'll be losing most of my games anyway so I may as well start now lol


    And even if you lose and your players' form go down, you can always train it up again, and they'll still get the match experience. Your development value is calculated based on average form throughout the season and match experience. A dev value of 10 or more at the end of a season will increase a player's skill level (most likely, though there are a few hidden factors that play in).

  8. So it looks like everyone has dates they can fit it in but that date won't suit everyone, so why don't you all start being more specific about the times you can make.


    Me? I can make any time. Probably spend ages trying to find where people are sitting like last time.


    Specificity FTW! :p


    As long as it's in a weekend, it shouldn't really be a problem for me. As I said, we haven't planned a set date yet, and since the reason for the trip is mostly the meet, we plan to aim for whatever date ends up being final. :)


    Honestly, I think it would be fairest if we base the date around when dannyboy is in town. He is the one who is making the biggest trip. No matter what happens, not everyone will be able to attend, but for danny to come to the UK and not have a chance to meet us? For shame. N-E MEAT 2011 should have Danny as guest of honour.


    Thanks, jay. :) But yeah, it shouldn't be much of a problem. I can hear my parents out if they have any preferences.

  9. I want to thank you for introducing me to this movie.


    They say it's the last song.

    They don't know us, you see.

    It's only the last song if we let it be.


    You know...I want to say something but I seriously can't.

    The first and probably only movie that has/will left/leave me with a feeling of complete annihilation. Emotionally, physically and psychologically.


    I think dr4hkon's starting to merge with Paj and chair. :heh:

  10. I see no irony considering that this is shit but in a good way and Showgirls is shit in a shit way. :heh:


    We've been there before, and I assume the smiley is indication that you know that. :heh:


    I just find it interesting, is all. People tend to ask me what it is I don't like about Florence and the Machine or Katie Price and we just have a discussion. It's interesting to see just how far one's opinion can differ from another and why, or at least I find it interesting. Besides, I want to know how someone enjoys Showgirls since Paj! is honestly the first person I know who actually has enjoyed it :p.


    It definitely is interesting, no doubt there. :) But the debate is going in circles now. You're both just repeating the same arguments. Unless you can take the debate further than this, you probably should just accept each other's differing opinions at this point, don't you think? :)

  11. I don't see the problem with achievements and statistics. You don't have to 'use' them.


    Oh no, of course not, but I just feared it'll make everything a bit too competitive. Having thought about it, though, it adds actual goals to the game, something I think it'll benefit from, so I've actually changed my mind on the matter. :heh:

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