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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. How would you know that?


    I don't think you're mafia but I do now think you're neutral. You must have a separate win condition to have information like that.


    I echo this gentleman's sentiment; knowing the number of locks suggests a role of above average importance - likely a neutral. I'd like to hear more about your character.

  2. I think you may be taking what he said a bit too seriously, Danny. :heh:


    I know, I know, it just came off to me as a little arrogant, not having any days off and complaining that others do. Give other people a break, all right, Serebii? :heh: We can't all have the most awesome job in the world! :p

  3. Re-reading the thread, I noticed this:


    The key worries me though. The day 1 write-up says there are 5 locks.. I wonder if the mafia can get through the door (and win the game) more easily if they happen to find all the keys before they get to majority..


    There is no mention of any number of locks anywhere in the write-ups - only that Queen Olivia is locked up in her room, which I understood as meaning she is not participating in the game.


    Now, was this a simple misreading on Sméagol's part? Or did he let slip something he is not supposed to know?


    As for the sparse amount of other clues, we have a redirector in jayseven, whose actions are negatively worded, and a confused alignment investigation of Nintendohnut, who denies any knowledge about the result. Writing notes in the write-up with negatively twisted info is a relatively common power and could easily belong to either alignment, and a confused alignment investigation could also mean pretty much anything.


    Cube, you've expressed concern about your info on Zell; what exactly did you find out?

  4. The remake of Sabrina was sadly cancelled due to it's more "mature" approach.


    As Kim Jon Il's mental state deteriorates further and further, government officials begin to discuss taking control of the armed forces away from him.


    It was a toss up between these two, but I've decided to go with Goafer's. :D

  5. kuva_1247668191.gif?1285421368


    Dirch Passer, one of the funniest Danes that has ever walked this Earth. You are artichoke, ReZ.


    Oh, and I wholeheartedly approve of this thread. I'll see if I can add to it.

  6. *sigh* All right, let's just get this over with:


    I am not Angus MacNeil. I was worried even before the game started that it would be the case, seeing as it would be utterly unfair for me. Luckily, it's not the case, but I guess it'll be impossible for me to shed that suspicion entirely.


    As for why I could not be targetted tonight, I don't know. I don't have any traps or the sort in my room, seeing as I don't actually have one; I sleep in the main room.

  7. I don't think I'm allergic to anything...yet.


    One of my friends is allergic to cats, but not her cats. Must be different "type" of fur. Not sure whether type is the right word because fur is fur, but there are differences.


    Actually, I get slight hay fever that make my eyes itchy but it rarely happens.


    My sister is the same when it comes to cat fur. We had to pick a cat quite carefully that she wouldnt have a problem with. I think its mostly long haired cats she has a problem with though if I remember right.


    My very limited knowledge of cat allergies says that it's not actually the fur itself that causes the reaction, but something in the cat's saliva, which gets on its fur when it cleans itself.


    I'm allergic to penicillin and likely have hayfever. I also sneeze a lot when dusting.

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