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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Quite the opposite. The person casting the deciding vote on a townie would look mighty suspicious. However if the suspect was mafia, and it looked like they were going to get lynched, then the mafia will vote for their own guy to make the seem less suspicious.


    But in a case like this, where there's still a chance that the lynch won't happen due to much doubt, the mafia sure as heck isn't going to cast the deciding vote! :heh:

  2. I just wish the system was fairer. I know that these high tax bands are necessary but they're evil :p


    While I know the pain of seeing a great deal of the money I've earned disappear (I live in Denmark, for fuck's sake, we have some of the highest taxes in the world! :p), I've never felt that it's unfair because I know it all goes to the common good.


    Of course, I don't know the specific rules where you are, so I can't say if I find them to be optimally fair, but such things will always be a matter of personal opinion.

  3. I am not a paranoid cop and unfortunately, there isn't anything at this very moment that I can back up on. It basically just comes down to whether you believe me or not.




    I am not this either.


    Right now, I would rather not say exactly what I am just in case but just know that I am telling the truth right now. As I said before, I don't have any proof but it just comes down to my word and whether you trust it. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe me but for once, I just hope you do believe me. I'm not going to fight to say I am telling the truth and stuff considering that in my previous mafia games, this hasn't done me any favours.


    I will promise you this: As soon as I have evidence or anything, I will post it here. If people don't believe me, that's fine but I'll know the truth. :)


    Paranoid and naïve cops rarely if ever know they're not normal cops. How can you say that you are?


    I tend to agree, yesterday everyone was all for Smeagol, I only wished to give it another night and see if anything came up, but I don't think this Mundi thing is solid to me. I'm not even sure I understand it.


    I'm so in doubt at the moment. I don't know whether to keep my vote, change it to Mundi or retract it altogether.

  4. Yeah but it means that I don't get a significant chunk of what I rightfully earned.


    I'm not happy about higher bands existing. Why should people be penalised for being successful? There should be one tax band, lets say 25% of everything over £7,000 and be done with it. They'd still get more money from the more well-off people.


    I see we disagree on economic politics.

  5. Dannyboy trying to switch away from Mundi, and it working, is suspicious too.


    It's no more suspicious than the speed with which Mundi gained so many votes. I'm honestly still not sure of either Sméagol or Mundi - the vote for Sméagol was most of all an "oh, fuck it" from my side to get things happening.

  6. Yeah I felt that I could've happily enjoyed it in 2D. Also, there were loads of sequences where I just took off the 3D glasses and there was little or no 3D happening at all anyway.


    How does that work? When I take off the 3D glasses, I only see a blur of the two images mashed together.

  7. Wouldn't he be 17 or 18?


    I saw Bloodrayne: The Third Reich. Didn't like it one bit. Then again, it's a Uwe Boll movie so what do you expect?


    Wow, I'm a fool who should learn to read a post properly before replying. Move along. :heh:

  8. And of course anyone can have a reason to lie about anything. They can make a mistake and outright lie to test something out, they can lie as a strategy, they can lie to make people think they are something they are not because that would be beneficial. There are many reasons to lie, all the time.


    Well, yeah, but we have to look logically at people's potential reasons to lie. Why would Peeps lie about not being a thief? Even if he was a thief, it would not make him any more suspicious, and if he did lie about it, he'd risk getting called out on it later.

  9. I just watched Transformers the animated movie and it will forever be one of my fave moves of all time. I first went to see it at the cinema when I was 3 and I dont remember lol my dad wanted to see it but him being 21 at the time he used me as an excuse but it started my love affair with the Transformers.




    21? How old was he when you were born?

  10. I can confirm Sméagol's power by the way, sorry for not posting sooner. He can definitely protect (though not from kills) or steal.


    I am Sebastian, adopted son of the dead butler from the last game (my old role) and incidentally, herojan's brother) but I do not steal, I investigate powers.


    You sure? Somebody mentioned that Sebastion steals things. Plus it would match with you being a pair with your sister.


    This is probably a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. If that's his objective, then why does he also have a protection power? It seems like quite a contradictory power.


    Exactly what bothers me as well. Plus we have to remember that the notes could be painting everyone in a bad light.


    This game is so confusing! But awesome at the same time!

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