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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It was the latter :( There are genuine complaints but I didn't make them properly and I can't now really.


    No warnings or anything like that, only been there a short time. Apparently my work has been really good too, but that won't have anything to do with it. All that will be considered are the facts, and the facts are that I sent a nasty email. Thing is I was just 'being one of the team' and trying to join in with people. As I'm new people are already in a group, so I feel like I need to work hard to get in with the other guys. That was basically what it was - some genuine complaints being twisted to 'be one of the lads'. It was incredibly stupid and I wish there was something to do about it, but there basically isn't. I've apologised to the guy in question (and I genuinely am sorry about it all) but there is no way for me to do anything else, which is just incredibly frustrating. What's even more frustrating is that everyone in the office does the exact same thing, but they haven't been caught. My editor said that if they checked everyone's emails they'd have to fire the whole office. Worst thing it is genuinely my dream job and losing it would basically ruin my life, at least for a few months until I can get a shitty job.


    *epic sigh*


    Thing I'm looking forward to least is telling my gf. Don't know whether to just tell her tonight, or wait to see what the outcome is tomorrow. I don't want her to worry, and I also know she will be incredibly disappointed in me. I just feel really sick :( Still, thanks for the support guys


    At least know that what you have done really isn't terrible at all. Sometimes I wish we could just be straightforward, open and honest about our opinions instead of having to dance around things because of some perceived necessity for extreme politeness. If we didn't have to tread so carefully, people wouldn't be so sensitive to criticism.


    If things turn out badly for you, I'm truly sorry. :(

  2. I really can't complain. Despite all the challenges I've had in my life due to my autism, I've never been bullied because of it. Basically all the schools I've been to have been great, (most of) the teachers have been great, and (pretty much) all my classmates have been great (the bad ones weren't all that bad, and the good ones were brilliant).


    Academically I wouldn't change a thing. I've done great, and even when I could've done better, it was because I prioritised not stressing myself too much.


    Socially ... now, that's where I'd like to go back and tell myself to do stuff differently. Whether I'd be able to is hard to say, especially since my autism played a huge part in it, but still. Now, I've always had great friends and done fine socially, but due to my autism I was always behind on the whole socialising thing compared to my peers. I began partying at a late time, I began drinking at a late time, I began dating at a late time, etc. It was one thing that my autism hampered me socially, as I seem to have more or less conquered that hurdle, but another aspect entirely is the way it has influenced my self-esteem. Being different all my life, despite having always been accepted by others, has not done wonders for my view of myself, and presently I don't exactly hold myself in the highest regard. Having been behind on the social front hasn't helped my self-esteem, either, and it's especially taken its toll the past three years, ironically enough because I began developing a lot socially and thus became aware of where I was compared to where I could have been/wanted to be.


    Still, on the whole I'm really happy with how my life has developed so far. Besides, as has been so correctly pointed out, there's really no sense dwelling on the past. Savour the good memories, deal with the bad, learn from your mistakes and move on. :)

  3. Something else entirely: How many thieves are we dealing with? Herojan was one, a maid, and there was mention of a butler named Sebastian who could also steal. These two sound like a pair of servant stealers - investigators, perhaps? I seem to recall such a pair in the first game. Sméagol is a thief and apparently a protector, though his alignment is the big question.


    Aqui1a, what powers do you have again, exactly?

  4. One of my theories was that someone gave Angus the ability to give someone two targets. Although my first (and more likely) thought was there was some kind of disguise ability in use here.


    I might as well be completely honest here: I woke up in a closet with amnesia and a terrible headache. I have no idea who I am or what I'm doing here. Every night I can target someone and talk to them to find out if they know anything about me. So far I'm none the wiser.


    I was sure that Jonnas was going to give me a special role since the game is so story-driven. However, I was also pretty sure he wasn't just going to make me Angus again, which you all have to admit would be pretty lame/unfair. Since I'm evidently NOT Angus, but apparently look like him and can't be targetted at night (which he couldn't either in the first game when not targetting anyone), I wonder if I have any connections to him?


    Wild theory: Maybe I'm his British twin, James Barker, back from the dead to get revenge on my psychopathic brother? It'd make for a great plot twist.

  5. While this may possibly be the stupidest move in mafia history (well, except jayseven getting himself lynchbombed as a mafia), I feel we need to sort this out:


    I was the one who was pushed over by Cube last night. However, I was the one targetting Cube, which proves I can't be Angus. However, something strange is certainly going on with me, but I have no idea what ...

  6. Well I'm also here, and being active, but don't have much right now. First of all are we sure that Rez is good? Sorry Rez, I'm not accessing you, just asking if there has even proof and I've missed it. Other than that, I think whoever is Ike might be evil. There's at least two role blockers that we know about so far and I thought one of them was confirmed good. In that case the other is probably evil, and I assume that Ike is the one who has been smacking people in the back of the head. So yeah, while I thought Jay avoiding Esequiels question yesterday was odd, I want to hear who Ike is. Also willing to get rid of inactives if necessary as long as it isn't me :)


    The problem is that most people in this game are rather inactive. :heh:


    Anyway, we should be careful with the whole "one good roleblocker/one evil roleblocker" theory, seeing as it has caused unlucky lynches before. That being said, (Ike?) smacking people with his sword does seem rather forceful.

  7. I've said countless times how beautiful the new graphics look in general, and how much I'm looking forward to the game. But the fact remains the game is practically identical to the N64 version, the only thing we can discuss about it is the updated visuals. I have a problem with a couple of elements of this and am sharing those concerns whilst I wait to play the game. That's not being over the top. It's the purpose of a discussion board. Never said it was a game-destroying issue, just that a couple of the updated visuals are fugly.


    Or we could all wank each other off about all things Zelda and never utter a negative word, like Scoop and killer_kirby would have us do.


    Both sides need to stop generalising the other side's behaviour. None are saying it will actually break the game, and none are wanking each other over Zelda (the game, not the character - I have no doubt that people are wanking over the character).


    That being said, I do still find the amount of negativity I see regarding stuff like lighting, colours and framerate to be a bit disproportional to the importance I'd argue it holds.

  8. Pretty much the best technology goof I've ever seen on TV. It must be done on purpose.


    Then again, the Enhance stuff is pretty great too.



    The stupidity of the concept of enhancing an image is so immense that it seemed silly to me even when I was a kid and had nothing but common sense to go by.

  9. The notion of "doesn't warrant their own threads" does not compute... :heh:


    Plus I hated on the last one anyway. Its my disdain for the majority of the content really.


    But it's all a matter of personal opinion what warrants its own thread. We've tried the experiment, it's been done - and people seem to want some of the threads back. Why not let them have them? It's hard for most of us (or at least for me) to tell if the experiment was even a success, after all.

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