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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Aren't the glasses for 3D TV's like completely different and need batteries and cost like a frakking ton


    Why would they be? 3D is basically just two images of the same thing from slighty different angles overlapping to form one image. A pair of 3D glasses separates the two so the left eye only sees the left image and the right eye only sees the right image, giving the brain the impression that you're watching a 3D image. The 3D of home television sets to my understanding.

  2. But dude, you make the best Lupin! You'd need to dress up as Dumbledore's Army and Lord Voldemort's followers this year. Some need to be Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ginny and Lupin and some need to be Voldemort, Snape, Bellatrix, Draco and Fenrir. I want pics! lol.


    The only thing I'm going to be wearing is my Deathly Hallows wristband. It just looks awesome.




    I know right, trailers like that are orgasmic!


    Heh, thanks. :heh: But I'm not even sure if we could assemble that many! :p

  3. Yay, sounds awesome! Now I'm not into alcohol myself, but p0rn I can surely appreciate! :D We could certainly import some of that relaxedness into Finland...interested to act as a goodwill ambassadour? ;)


    Really, the trait we're most known for is a relaxed attitude towards everything! :heh: We have Christiania, for crying out loud! Though at the moment the government is working to close the place down, which I think is a shame.

  4. Denmark! The happiest place on Earth (according to one survey)! The land of cosiness and a relaxed attitude towards booze and porn. :heh:


    I've lived in the south-western part of Denmark my entire life, close to the western coast and thus far out into the countryside.

  5. I tried to resist and I said I wouldn't watch it but I caved after one minute. It's quite possibly one of the best trailers I have ever seen in my life and I'm not exaggerating. I can't wait to see this in 3D.


    Curse you ...


    I think this is out the day before the meet.


    If it's the same here in Denmark, I'm totally letting my friends down by not being able to attend the midnight premiere in costume with them as we usually do. :heh: It's especially bad since I almost berated (albeit jokingly) another friend for not being able to make it. :p

  6. I'm expecting an epic response in this case.


    You've just read it. :heh: I just love the typical Chinese takeaway/buffet you get at Chinese fast food places. I have no pretensions about it, nor do I have anywhere near the same level of fascination with food in general as you have. I just love to eat the darn stuff. :p


    So yeah, that's about as epic a reply from me as you're gonna get in this thread. :heh:

  7. I dunno, I thought it might be some sort of unwritten game rule or something. (Like, you can discuss the content of the game, but can't question certain things, such as the language used by the creator, possibly).


    That would, in my opinion, ruin the whole point of the game, which is deception/working things out (depending on your alignment). It's also the reason I'm vehemently against the rule of not copying PMs.


    I'm still on the fence about it, but the discussion is slowly convincing me to vote Mundi.


    (I know, I know, I'm an indecisive bastard in this game. :heh:)

  8. It could be a flavour word. But...that ees one hell of a flavour word. It has some strong meanings to eet. I'm paying particular attention to eet because this ees a very detailed mafia, so I'm assuming the creator (not sure if we're allowed to mention Jonnas or not?) chose that word for a reason, just like everything else has a reason.


    I'm uncertain, but eet wouldn't surprise me one bit if Mundi was a mafia member.


    Why shouldn't we be allowed to mention Jonnas? Trying to get inside the GM's mind has always been a valid tactic. Especially in the Pokémafias! :p


    I wouldn't be surprised if Mundi was mafia, either, but I'm just so uncertain. I don't even know if I can be bothered to vote, because I'll probably change my mind again tomorrow, if not sooner.

  9. What are you complaining about now? The whole point was that Raineeng's Dad must be earning a decent bit of dough if he's paying (not always, sometimes) a grand in tax, which is roughly what I earn. The reply which I gave made that point very clear, in my opinion. It doesn't matter how exactly I said it, whether I gave a short response or a slightly longer one, whether I used the exact amount, or whether I post a vague amount before giving a bit more detail. That doesn't matter, because the point was perfectly made. I initially gave a vague amount, but expanded, because I fucking wanted to.


    It's just Moogle being his anal-retentive self.

  10. Nefarious is a very specific word...I just googled it to find it's true meaning.




    "evil; wicked; sinful

    [from Latin nefārius, from nefās unlawful deed"


    That makes me very worried. It just seems like a very particular word to use. A strong one at that.


    I know it's the freedictionary.com, and maybe I am looking into the word too much, but still.


    Yeah, I've considered the same thing, but it is ultimately a subjective decision, and we are dealing with a Gentlemen's Mafia by Jonnas. It's not unlikely that "nefarious" is just a word chosen for its flavour.


    It seems I'm arguing against Mundi being mafia, but I'm really not. I'm just as uncertain as everybody else.

  11. Aqui1a protected someone some Mundi, which implies (according to Aqui1a's power) that Mundi is "nefarious". Mundi himself has confirmed this, because the people he targets get roleblocked, which is the nefarious part (apparently).


    Close, but not exactly: Aqui1a only protects against nefarious roleblockers, and Mundi has admitted to interrogating his targets for information, which in turn leaves them roleblocked rather harshly.


    The main point of discussion is whether he's simply a brutal, but ultimately good investigator, or if his nefarious methods indicate a nefarious alignment.

  12. You're not trying to draw attention away from a mafia colleague, are you, Rummy? ;)


    It's not like we don't have anything on Mundi. It's more that Sméagol's role seems a bit more peculiar. But I'm still very bothered by that protector power. Why would a neutral have a protector power?! It points to him being mafia. But a mafia would surely not make the mistake of revealing his knowledge about the keys ...


    Ugh ... Withdraw Vote


    I'm so confused! :cry: What I'm most curious about is the accuracy of the write-up notes.

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