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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I can believe that Dannyboy is Meta Knight, and i would have no idea of alignment as he i always flipping between helping kirby and trying to kill him. I dont think we have kirby in this game though and would look at it being perhaps meta knight that attacked tales.


    That's a fine reasoning, if not for the fact that original alignment evidently means nothing in Diageo's games. Yoshi, of all creatures, was mafia last time! :heh: So yeah, my alignment is just as much in the air as everybody else's.


    Also: Huh? How on earth do you figure I attacked Tales, heck, anyone?


    Okay thats cool. I just remembered someone saying he was a redirector.


    Wait, what? I'm pretty sure I read he was a redirector, too. :blank:

  2. Hey, trust me, I'm more interested getting to the bottom of it than everyone else. I'm not sweeping anything. That's why I'm so keen on finding Kirby. At the moment you're as close as we can get though... Maybe you remove your mask every four days for an second mafia kill?


    The sweeping thing wasn't aimed at you, but at all the people who seem more interesteds in going after inactives. I realise you're probably the one who's most interested in solving this, provided you're not actually mafia.


    And no, I can't make mafia kills, seeing as I'm not mafia. ;) Besides, despite Meta Knight looking a lot like Kirby underneath his mask, he has never had the copy ability.

  3. We're in much the same boat at sheffield, but for different reasons.


    Our tutors, our full-time ones, the ones we pay to help and teach us, have all disappeared, not one of them is responding to emails, one even saying he wouldn't be back til the 16th, our deadline is friday.


    I'm quite like in I don't need any help from tutors right now or at all, but there's quite a lot of students who have been waiting weeks for one simple emailed reply and we've not seen anyone since christmas.


    Not to mention our end of year show, is supposed to be the 10th june, but nobody has been informed, so people have booked holidays and are planning on going away etc.


    Such a mess.


    Today I planned to get up at 7am to finish my uni work, slept right through from 3am til 11am. Dammit.


    I don't get you people's universities. How the fuck can tutors do these things? :blank:


    I certainly hope it's not as bad where I'm going! :shakehead

  4. It puzzles you why people aren't pursuing me? It's the least straightforward kill in the mafia history and it puzzles you? I was both, if it was me to begin with, both enchanted my magical melody and hit by a pink object that immideatly pronounced R.O.B. And I appear later doing what I do every night, and only that, reverse track. The only thing that should puzzle you is what the hell happened.


    Nintendohnut, just give us your character, at this point revealing everyone should make it easier to identify a mafia. We need to find a clawed killer, and in my opinion, Kirby too.


    Did you read what I said? I said it puzzled me why people weren't pursuing it! I fully admit that it wasn't a clear kill, but dammit, it was still a kill, and no one seems interested in finding out just what the heck happened! THAT's what's bothering me! It's like it's being swept under the carpet! And that's pretty suspicious, if you ask me!


    Everything explained succinctly:


    Thank you for that. I'm afraid I still find your behaviour pretty suspect. Your reasoning that because it's possible to lie (which is kinda the whole point of mafia games ...), it's better to just keep secret and thereby "stay honest" seems pretty darn flimsy to me.


    With heroic, I admit there does seem to be a case on him. The day is long, though, and for now I'm more interested in getting to the bottom of the Tales case.

  5. Did they ever explain how the taxi driver always lived in the first episode? My theory was that he built up an immunity, a concept they stole from The Princess Bride.


    ... he really just was clever enough to make the victim take the one with the poison.


  6. My best friend is stronger than me (doesn't say much, though :heh:), and the whole gay joke we have going on leads to me jumping into his arms quite regularly. Once, while drunk, I decided: "Nay, no longer shall I be the female of this relationship!" and I stretched out my arms and told him to jump into them. He asked if I was sure, and my drunken self confirmed. He jumped. I almost fell over. No one was hurt except my perceived masculinity. :p

  7. It's funny, the two last posts from Goafer and heroic reminds me of something I forgot to mention: The first time I felt I had a genuine, down to earth experience with a crossdresser was when I heard about one in Denmark called "Kjole-Ole" ("kjole" means dress, and Ole is a common male name in Denmark). He wasn't transsexual or homosexual, he didn't go out of his way to make a fuss about it, and he didn't try to attract attention in any way. He was just a totally regular guy who liked to wear traditional women's clothing like dresses and high heels. It wasn't even him who had taken the initiative to go on television about it, if I recall correctly - it was just one of those funny little stories from around the country that a journalist has picked up in some way.


    That was the moment I realised they were just regular people.

  8. Can I call it a fucking waste of everyone's time, serving only to irritate me every time I see anything remotely artichoke related?


    Isn't that what memes are for? DISCLAIMER: I adore memes, but I know how much they annoy some people.

  9. Well yeah, I'm basing it on a vibe I get, having read his posts for 6 months. I don't have specific quotes to hand [realistically not going to trawl through threads].


    I do genuinely feel that its similar to how it was natural for our grandparents' generation to be racist. In 50 years time, the next generations will look back and think "I don't understand why they were all so transphobic...". It's a little unfair of me to personally go at Diageo so hard, but ultimately, I think this discourse has been useful. The more it's talked about, and the more it's in the mind, the better the situation becomes -- realistically, if you come away from this and think "ah, now I'm just going to be more discriminatory against trans people" you're just evil. :p


    Again, I see no phobia in this. Only unfamiliarity. So I disagree about this being similar to '50s racism, which was obviously also born from unfamiliarity, but combined with lack of tolerance acceptance* to form phobia. But I agree wholeheartedly that the debate has come to an end. What needed to be said has been said, and we've all hopefully become a little wiser.


    *Diageo is right, acceptance is better in this case.

  10. You don't know that's Scrubs?! What planet have you been living on?! :o


    Denmark. :heh:


    To be honest I did guess it was Scrubs, but it's only ever been shown in Denmark on a channel I've never watched regularly, so I've never become familiar with it despite hearing good things about it.

  11. It's not a crime to be awkward about things. [Going back to the original point, embarrassment is different to awkwardness anyway.] It just highlights the fact there is an underlying subconcious thing going on, a thing engendered by our culture which means that you find it awkward to be around someone who doesn't play by the rules of their born sex.


    And surely it's worth changing our culture so that thing goes away? It's not about making people equal. [Yes -- everyone should have equal rights -- but to make everyone equal in a social sense would massively trivialise things.] It's about making people who are trans / want to be trans [/ whatever] feel comfortable being themselves.


    That doesn't happen when you get bombarded with things like "She doesn't look like a woman, so why would you have her as your wallpaper".


    That "rule" is a rule of biology/psychology/whatever: We're sceptical about that with which we are not familiar. But I digress.


    Anyway, boiling it down, it still seems to me like you're overanalysing Diageo's statement and putting meaning/importance into it that was never there to begin with.

  12. Which is a side-effect of living in the intensely transphobic western culture.


    Sure, because you know all about me. :blank:


    No, it's a side-effect of me only ever having seen transgendered people when they make a fuss about themselves and stand out from the crowd. And don't get me wrong, I'd love for more people to stand out from the crowd and be themselves, but don't you see how a parade filled with people actively and purposefully being different will feel awkward to people who are not used to it? Heck, one of the problems with gay pride parades, as much as I admire them, is that they only help to further the idea that LGTBG people are different - if you catch the difference in meaning in my usage of the word "different". It widens the gap, makes them seem even more alien, and reduces chances of understanding and acceptance. Just look at how many people lump BDSM fetishist together with the LGTBG community!


    Before my time on N-E, I didn't know any gay people and thus only knew them by virtue of being different than me sexually and possibly personality-wise. Then I got to know you guys, of which a good deal is homosexual, but in every other aspect entirely like everybody else, and the awkwardness I felt about gay people disappeared entirely.


    Again: No. Phobia. At. All. Only awkwardness due to lack of familiarity.


    If I admitted to feeling awkward around Indian people I'd literally get crucified.


    Only by people who are too touchy about racism to consider what you're actually saying.


    Why is it a crime to be awkward about stuff? It. Does. Not. Denote. Lack. Of. Tolerance.

  13. The thing is, chair, I don't see this as an issue of a comment having transphobic undertones that were unnoticed, I see this as an issue of seeing transphobia where there is none. I'm still struggling to see what exactly was transphobic about it. I find drag queens awkward, too. But, see, this has nothing to do with lack of tolerance, simply lack of familiarity. And I'm more attracted to feminine women than masculine, meaning I wouldn't find a masculine woman overly attractive, either. What's left is the way in which Diageo pointed it out, and I honestly don't see the transphobia. There was dislike, but expressed through a joking statement of personal opinion on the case at hand, not a serious statement of opinion on the way things should be. Besides, it's statistically valid to assume women pursue feminine features.


    Basically, I understand why you consider it offensive, but I maintain that there was no expression of transphobia. It's like feminazis who consider gentlemanly behaviour an expression of male chauvisnism - it's overanalysis at its best.

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