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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The thing I most associate with Denmark is the concept of "Hygge", which is meant to be hard to explain.




    However, I do love the idea and I'm pretty sure we've all felt it, even if we don't have a word for it. One occasion I remember was being on Southend seafront one evening: I was just utterly relaxed and happy to be there with my family. Is that it?


    Ah, yes, we're quite famous for that word. It's also a concept that helps explain the Danish mentality. To outsiders we can seem very unfriendly, but it's only until people get closer to us - then they see the well-known Danish hospitality. :)


    I'd say your experience sounds like a typical example of hygge, yes. It's a feeling of cosiness, security and comfortability stemming from being together with people you love. :)


    The only thing that doesn't make sense is the listed pronunciation. :heh: It's pronounced [ˈhygə]. The vowel is the same as the German ü.

  2. There's a difference between arresting someone who's acquired a number of weapons and have wrote about shooting up their school and arresting someone because they might make a scene.


    True, true. But then we're moving into subjective territory, and the police had to make a judgement call in the situation. Whether you like the monarchy or not, the fact remains that they're huge targets, and there was a dangerous amount of people gathered today - not to mention that emotions were high. Then, someone chose to demonstrate by beheading a model representing one from the royal family. If that doesn't scream "disturbing the peace", I don't know what does.

  3. Wow... :o Well, English history is your friend then!







    Basically, first you, the Germans and the Dutch invaded the place in the 5th century, creating the Anglo-Saxon England. Then in the 9th century, more Danes aka the Vikings decided to raid and invade Britain again! The rule in these parts was even called the Danelaw :D After all the fighting, in 1017, there was a Danish king called Cnut the Great. Of course, in 1066 the power shifted to the Normans, but that's another story...


    More interesting facts: There are over 3,000 words in modern English that have Scandinavian roots. Also, more than 1,500 place-names in England are Scandinavian in origin. So yeah, I'd say you have had a pretty big impact altogether...and the linguistic aspects probably go even deeper than that! :D


    I was aware that we'd pillaged and plundered and left a huge presence, but I wasn't aware it was literally a physical presence. :heh: I've never been too keen on Danish history, but those parts of our history I don't even recall ever having been taught! :o

  4. But they weren't violent (towards people).


    If people choose to react to it, that's their decision, and its their fault if they break any laws because of their reaction.


    I'm not saying what they were going to do was appropriate, just that they should be allowed to do it.


    It's their job to make sure things don't get out of hand. That means taking precautions before troubles arise.

  5. And if i'm not mafia, all of the above will not happen.

    I know its a risk, but we are still early on and can allow ourselves to take a risk.

    I would completely understand if this popped up late game but this all reaks of a "rushed" lynched.

    I say rushed because this is all happening in one day in game.


    But there isn't even a risk! The point is that we can't trust tomorrow's investigation of you. We won't know if the result has been tampered with, meaning we won't be any closer to a conclusion than we are now. So ultimately it still comes down to people's gut feelings, whether we debate your lynch now or tomorrow.


    And it isn't really a rushed lynch, considering for how long this debate has lasted. I don't see why it matters that it has all happened within a single in-game day.


    Note that I still haven't voted for you because I'm still very much in doubt. I'm just pointing out that your arguments for not lynching you don't really hold water.

  6. Well...considering the huge role you Danes played in shaping the country and the language, isn't it pretty justified that you occasionally pay attention to what you guys started? ;)


    Huh? I think I've missed something here ... :heh:


    hmm at Prince Harry's cousins:




    HEL-lo! :o

  7. Yeah. A neighbour said something like "That'll get a few complaints then" as a joke. What he actually meant was "I've got the council on speed dial. They know me by name. I'll see you with an ASBO by the end of the weekend".


    He's one of those people who just moan about everyone behind their backs.


    The funniest thing was, after he had said it, he fired up his hedge trimmer. The trimmer drowned out the sound of my engine.







    Then complain about his hedge trimmer preventing you from enjoying the sound of your car.

  8. I know it wouldn't. What I'm saying is that in a democracy the people should have just as much right to protest (regardless of how they do it, as long as they're peaceful) as the royals do to have a wedding. One shouldn't be a higher priority than the other.


    But the entire point of their arrest was that they weren't peaceful. They were blatantly trying to provoke. Provocation can be a powerful tool, but it does not belong in a protest as it can turn the protest into a riot.

  9. Its not that people not automatically believing me that is a problem, its that most of what I have pointed out has fallen on deaf ears.

    People only harp on the: Stops nefarious roleblockers.


    Even though everyone knows I have a twofold power and in the previous game someone had a twofold power with a catch.

    The train of votes before I could answer for myself.


    But we have registered that you've said these things (most of us, anyway - people always miss some details in the discussion). It still doesn't change the fact that those who feel convinced you're mafia won't run the risk of not lynching you today and getting an unreliable investigation result that can easily be tampered with. Besides, the mafia is going to keep killing no matter what - it doesn't change anything.

  10. It seems more like people have given up on reading what I have to say, seeing as most of what I have had to say is ignored.

    And I was answering Flink with that sentence.


    Sorry, but no one is ignoring what you've said. We've been debating whether to believe you're simply a harsh roleblocker or if you have more nefarious purposes.

  11. no need to be cunt though.


    It was you who insulted the intelligence of people who are not anti-monarchy.


    So they should postpone the wedding or change the route or something if they're concerned for their safety. You don't start arresting people who disagree with you.


    Postponing such a huge event wouldn't help a thing. Besides, they weren't arrested for their opinion, they were arrested for being obviously provocative and thus being a risk to the peace.

  12. Ok, I guess someone will help you prove that somewhere along the way then. You have no powers or anything?(you don't have to say what they are if you don't want to) But does this mean you will get knocked over more times? Either you should, or the thing with Cube wasn't random? And what triggers it(the knocking over)? I'm not trying to shift attention by the way, I'm not suspecting you, but since there's appearently more questions to be asked for Mundi I'll hold on after all.


    I'm just as eager to find out more about myself as everyone else. My only power at the moment is to talk to people to see if they know stuff about me. So far I've targetted Sprout, who knew nothing, and Cube, who became angry when he saw me and pushed me over. From other people's experiences it would seem I'm unable to be targetted, but there's no mention of it in my role description.

  13. Auq1ia can only roleblock bad people and Mundi carelessly admitted he/she got roleblocked? Is that it? I can vote for vote that, but first, what happened with whoever admitted to be the Angus Cube said he pushed away? There's was nothing to it? I'm just asking because it started with my information and I wondered if it led anywhere.


    *waves hand* I was the Angus look-a-like that Cube pushed over. I'm not Angus, but I apparently look like him, and I'm currently suffering from amnesia due to being knocked out. My own little crazy theory is that I'm actually his thought-to-be-dead brother or something to that effect.

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