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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Haha, this will make some slightly more popular, but it doesn't guarantee anything. A large part of the public are on his back.


    Funnily enough, I just clicked a link on Dannyboy's facebook, and it showed a picture of Obama with hundreds or thousands of comments underneath. The large majority of them being "the military achieved this, not Obama."


    Anyway, it's good that the guy is gone. Whether it happened a few days ago or 3 years ago, who really cares?


    The president gets the crap/praise for whatever the country accomplishes during his presidency. Such is the logic of a good deal of Americans. That being said, what I love about the picture is the way it says "In your face!" to all the moronic birthers. :heh:



    Eerie! :o What and when is that from?

  2. At the end of the day, I'm just fucking fed up of whenever this topic is brought up everyone kinda huddles together and says "No, that's not offensive".




    It might not seem offensive to you, because you've obviously been brought up in an atmosphere where trans people are laughed at casually and thought of as weird curiosities. But it's a fucking real issue.


    And you're doing yourself no favours by looking like transphobic cunts.


    So you think it's fine to judge everyone on their upbringing and claim their opinions are invalid because of it?


    Nice one.


    I, for one, have been brought up by extremely tolerant people and pride myself on being even more tolerant, even of things that most tolerant people I know are sceptical about. Yet I don't see the slightest bit of offense in what Diageo wrote (well, except that he insulted the wallpaper :heh:). Rather, I see a person who's in my opinion far too defensive about anything related to the LGTBQ community and who already harbours negative feelings towards Diageo.


    No offence was intended with this post.

  3. Öhm, I mean that they are all totally different!


    SWE: Vi är alla helt olika!

    DAN: Vi er alle helt anderledes!

    NOR: Vi er alle helt forskjellige!




    "We are all completely different!" for non-Scandinavians. ;)


    But see, the Norwegian I understand fine ("forskjellige" is "forskellige" in Danish, which is literally a synonym to "anderledes"), but then the Swedes just had to throw in their own word, "olika", which is admittedly close to "ulige" upon closer inspection (which also technically means the same, but is very uncommon in this use), but which looks and sounds a lot different. Basically Swedish has far more words that either simply look and/or sound different to ours or really are entirely different words. I can understand some Swedish if I scrutinise it, but I wouldn't say it qualifies as understanding the language fluently. Norwegian is admittedly a lot easier to understand, but it can still cause trouble if not spoken clearly and/or slowly enough. :heh:


    Anyway, my main point is that I really love the shared Scandinavian culture and heritage, and it bothers me a bit that I can't understand the other Scandinavian languages as well as I want to, being a fellow Scandinavian. It's not about actually actively learning the languages, it's this (perhaps unrealistic) idea that I should be able to understand Norwegian and Swedish fairly well because I already know Danish.

  4. I know I haven't been all that active, but I really just haven't had much to contribute with. :/ Besides, with the Gentlemen's Mafia going alongside this, I must admit my interest has been unequally divided.


    I don't get why people keep saying they don't know my role - I've already roleclaimed as Spartacus! :p Jokes aside, though, since I've ended up in the "suspicious due to no knowledge" group and wish to leave it rather hastily, here is my actual role: I'm Meta Knight, and I'm a tracker with 100% success, meaning my tracking will apparently be successful regardless of roleblocks, protections, redirections etc.


    So far I've learned the following:


    Night 1: ReZourceman targetted himself.

    Night 2: Esequiel targetted jayseven.

    Night 3: MadDog targetted ReZourceman.

    Night 4: Esequiel targetted Jonnas.


    Nights 1 and 3's results turned useless pretty quickly, and night 2's investigation wasn't immediately useful. It did, however, lead me to trust Esequiel when he accused Zell, but afterwards things didn't seem to add up, so I targetted him again last night.


    The last list of targets he posted don't seem to match up at all, though ... but that may be due to the complicatedness of his power. Esequiel, would you please post your target list again?


    My vote stays on Tales, though. He did kill a person, after all, and it puzzles me a bit why people aren't pursuing it more than they are. We're complaining about lack of activity due to lack of info, yet the most solid piece of incriminating info so far was mentioned only to be ignored in favour of discussing inactive people? Come on, people, get your priorities straight! We have a murder suspect! Our first priority should be to clear that entire thing up, no?

  5. Well how are we communicating now? ;)


    Bah! :heh: No, I'm actually serious, I'd love to understand the other Scandinavian countries better than I do. I feel like I should be able to, considering how close the languages are (and the whole Scandinavian brotherhood mentality), but most of the time I simply can't understand what's being said. :heh:



    Sorry I haven't been participating much. :/ I haven't got any useful info yet, and there's hasn't been much for me to contribute with/to.


    However, this affair with Tales sounds like a solid lead!


    Vote: Tales for pressure.


    My initial thought when he came out as an obvious killer was that it'd be a pretty stupid move for a mafia to make. But then I remembered I actually used the same tactic in a mafia once: Come out as a suspicious character in order to appear innocent and try to explain away the suspicions. And it actually worked! :heh: So now I'm back to being suspicious.


    Tales, what do you have to say in your defence?

  7. You can't give all credit to the Danes, they expanded to the south (England) while Norwegians took the North (Scotland).

    The end of the Viking era is often contributed to the death of of a Norwegian king, during a battle in England.


    The linguistic part is pretty cool, what impresses me the most is that (this is not 100% guaranteed) most likely all of Scandinavia and the most islands in the northern sea spoke the same language.

    This is based on all the literature left from that time where apparently no one had any problem understanding each other be they Danish, Norwegian or Swedish.


    I wish it were still that easy to understand each other. :heh:

  8. Great Britain is England Scotland and Wales... United kingdom is Great Britain + N. Ireland.


    i think anyway


    Yeah, that's right. I was about to protest at first, but then I looked it up. The United Kingdom and Great Britain have always been synonymous in my mind, so I figured I wouldn't be the only one to associate "Britain" and "British" with the United Kingdom in its entirety.





    Either's good.


    I did consider posting the Pet Shop Boys one. :D Didn't actually realise it was originally by the Village People.


    Sounds like contentedness to me.


    Hm, not really. Cosiness is more accurate, though it still doesn't capture the essense entirely.


    But NI isn't part of Britain. (Assuming your dad is from NI.)


    Isn't (Great) Britain often used in the same meaning as United Kingdom?

  10. Yes, I remember that one time I was arrested for planning to murder my wife!


    What BS is that, huh? I hadn't even done anything yet, only started lacing the rims of her cups and toothbrush with arsenic.








    You. Enormous. Twat.



    Any of you whinging little lefties who thinks England sucks should come to China: you can get arrested for doing fuck-all and spend the rest of your life in prison for even thinking about constitutional change. You have got it made and all you can whinge about how hard it is for you.


    Free speech? Arrogant snivellers. Free speech is not the right to harass, insult, abuse or threaten others. And certainly not an excuse to ruin somebody's wedding day.


    If you've honestly got nothing better to do than insult people on what is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives then go find some stones, tie yourself up in a burlap sack and hop off the end of Brighton pier.


    We may not see eye to eye on everything, dear nemesis, but I had to mentally applaud you for this post. :)

  11. Having stayed up all night and deciding it was too late to go to bed, I decided to take a morning walk instead. I walked for a bit to a place from where I had a great view of the eastern horizon, and then I simply stood there and watched the beautiful sunrise. Then I walked home again.


    Life is good, after all. :smile:

  12. Yeah because they refused to take up Christianity right?

    Going to the west was apparently a common answer when people were unhappy with their living conditions way back there.


    Cue images in my head of old Scandinavians going: "Fuck this shit! We're heading west!" :D

  13. Again, insulting someone isn't a crime. The ones responsible for any fight that broke out would be the ones who started the actual fight. Unlike some events these people appear to have legitimate concerns and didn't appear to want to start a fight, just protest in their way.


    Right, this discussion has effectively entered a circle. We're simply reiterating the same arguments and counterarguments by now.


    You're arguing that the ones who started the fight are the ones resposible, and we're arguing that preventive measures should be taken before that happens.


    Unless this debate can move on from this, I think we should just stop now. I'm tired of repeating myself. :heh:

  14. Well, like you said, the protestors likely knew what they were getting into, and anyone who might attack them would as well.


    I'm afraid I'm missing your point here. Would you like to elaborate?


    Alone this would just be an isolated incident. Its all the other stuff that's going on in addition to this that's worrying.


    Just looking at the Anglosphere we have:


    Police Brutality, a key example being people who weren't even protesting getting arrested at the G8/20 summits in both the UK and Canada (and in the case of Canada, being denied their legal rights after being arrested).

    Internet Censorship laws in Australia.

    The Patriot Act in the United States.

    Government agencies making major policies without consulting the legislative branches, a key example being the CRTC (Canada) forcing ISPs to use a usage based billing system so that the big companies could implement it without having to worry about competition.

    Proposed legislation in Canada to allow police to monitor people's internet connections without a warrant.

    People being kicked out of public political events in the US and Canada because they asked the wrong questions or had their pictures taken with the wrong people.

    People being charged with assault for defending themselves as well as people breaking into houses, slipping and hurting themselves, and then suing the home owner and winning.

    The whole Wikileaks thing.

    The Canadian government proroguing parliament to avoid a non confidence motion and stay in power.

    People coming back from vacation to find squatters have broken into their homes and changed the locks and the police refusing to do anything about it in the UK.

    Children getting suspended from school for defending themselves from bullies and other things that aren't considered a crime.

    Police abusing their power and violating people's rights.

    The Canadian government allowing large companies to pollute the environment to the extent that it causes health problems for the local aboriginal population.


    I could go on.


    But each of these cases is more proof that free speech is threatened than the single incident we're discussing. Of all the arrests that take place, I honestly think this one was justified - and I'm very alert when it comes to misuse of police power.

  15. The police should arrest the people that commit the first violent act in that case. You don't have a right not to be offended, however you do have a right to safety of person.


    But once the potential violence erupts, there's no telling if the police will be able to stop things before things get out of hand. Of course I'm not saying people have a right not to be offended - I'm from the land who made the Muhammed cartoons, after all :heh: - but I'm saying that at protests and other tense situations, waiting for the problems to happen before reacting isn't always the best course of action. Precautions need to be taken.


    My main issue with all this is that people believe this to be "proof" that we're losing our right to free speech, which is, quite frankly, close to sounding like a conspiracy theory if you ask me.

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