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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I didn't find the Jesus one that funny since it was really uncalled for/felt like an attack. The others were more subtley cruel.


    Yeah, I was thinking the same. The redneck one was fun because the writer deserved it, but in a lot of them he just comes off as a prick unnecessarily.

  2. Just the way Diageo was asking questions at the beginning, it was just emulating the tone and the way he sounded in the Heroes mafia. As I died early in that I observed. I don't see why you react so violently like above. S'bound to be suspicion everywhere. :/


    Votes staying on you unless something else comes up though. :p Consider it "calling your bluff".


    To be fair, it IS pretty annoying when your normal style of play, regardless of alignment, is continually called out as suspicious.


    He must have a reason to kill.


    Yes, to help the town. Why is this so hard to believe? Vigilantes are a common mafia role.


    Would it have helped my case if I had come out with my role before Dohnut did?

  3. You say folks, there was only one person posting grim pictures..



    .. on second review, I've just seen Danny posted one too. Way to ruin my post Danny! :weep:


    Mine wasn't as bad. :( And I actually spoilered the grim one I quoted earlier because I thought we'd already seen enough of it.


    A literal video of Rebecca Black's Friday. This is actually the best parody video I have seen of it apart from Brock's Dub.


    ...and yes, I am an absolute bastard for bumping this! :p


    It actually beats Brock's Dub for me! So hilarious and well-made! :D

  5. You're all just embarrassed about yellow combs because of societies inherent yellowphobia. You should all be ashamed.


    *storms off, tipping over a desk on the way out*




    Also applies to the post directly below.

  6. I have nothing else to say. I definitely tried to protect Dazz from any nefarious peoples, but my foot was caught in a trap for the entire night, if this helps anyone.


    I don't understand how you didn't find anybody else to be targeting me Sprout.. but I was definitely blocked!


    This trap worries me a lot ... I have a vague theory, but ...

  7. Right so when did you learn about being a vigilante? I thought you said you didn't know who you were, and that you then learned your name after mentioning it in the thread. Do you mean to say that by simply saying you might be someone during the day phase that has cured your entire amnesia? And that you are now a killer on the side of the town with the exact same powers as myself? I'm sorry but I just don't believe you. How about tonight I set traps and you target me, just to test the theory? That way we will both appear in the write-up and I won't be harmed due to my traps? Either that or the other way round? Then we'll be able to see that neither of us are Angus.


    I told you: When the night phase following the day phase of me voicing my theory came, Jonnas revealed that I had regained my memory through deduction. Given his love for detective work and Phoenix Wright etc., I don't see why it's so hard to believe.


    For illustrative purposes:


    Day 3: "Maybe I'm James Barker, his brother?"

    Night 3: "Through deductive reasoning you have regained your memory."


    I'm willing to test out my killing power on you tonight while you protect yourself.

  8. Taking a break from building my city in the sky, which is a nightmare supply wise as I need thousands of blocks of dirt to make the foundations to then build on.


    For floors, you can simply hold down Shift to crouch and then move backwards over the ledge. While crouching you can't fall off the ledge, and then you can safely place the next blocks. No need to build foundation except for the very first block.

  9. It was a bad joke. I was suggesting that the conspiracy theorists were grieving Osama.


    Ohhhhh, I see. :D


    Found this:




    Hm, it does match with the reports of them shooting him above his left eye.

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