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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. 51941 03571947109?



    I win, right?....right?


    Anyways, what do you think of this trailer, guys? I thought it was quite funny. I must admit, I'm looking forward to watching this a little bit.



    That's far too entertaining. There's no way the actual movie can live up to that. :heh:

  2. Neutrals aren't always bad for the town, they can on occasion have win conditions that share the town's. But in this case, I agree.


    I'll be honest and say that I think Dannyboy and Nintendohnut aren't entirely telling the truth. It is entirely possible they're actually working together and bluffing us all completely. But maybe I'm just paranoid..


    Just highlighting again that I am good, not neutral. I'm a townie. I win when all threats to the town are gone.


    I know I'm still suspicious, but I just wanted to point that out once again. :)

  3. Or someone could protect Dannyboy. Isn't there someone around who can protect from everything but kills? Or am I confusing my games again? If so that would be perfect wouldn't it? This is also assuming we have a redirector in the mafia - has anyone been redirected yet?


    But then they could roleblock/redirect that person ... etc.


    Basically it's still risky. But I am willing to go with it.

  4. Nintendohnut. I realised that this attempts at killing each other that you and Dannyboy have planned could easily be redirected. I actually suspect if may have happened last night, where you not roleblocked by Zell. I suggest you don't attempt to kill each other.


    I have to admit I fear the same thing. The mafia could hit two flies with one strike: get someone innocent killed and blame a neutral/good. I'm willing to go with the plan if that's what people want since I want to prove myself good, but I fear it can be used against us.

  5. I didn't think you would be ashamed, I'm not ashamed of anything I like either and people around me tell me that watching Eurovision makes you gay...yeah...right(!). Morons! ;)


    People's ignorance never fail to amaze me.


    That's not a good thing.

  6. I'm flattered that you think I wouldn't. :p


    Besides, I'm the most accurate investigator so far.


    Possibly. But you're also one of the most skilful players. You're a master at appearing as a townie and throw suspicion onto others. I wouldn't put it past you to twist logic and reveal people as good in order to gain trust. :heh:

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