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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I generally agree with Diageo's points about dubs being an equally good choice as subs, especially regarding the tone and mood. With a language as different as Japanese, a (good!) dub can really help convey the tone and feel of a line that would otherwise be lost on those not familiar with the Japanese language.


    Also, on rare occasions the dub can actually be better than the original track. That's the case for me with the Danish dub of "The Road To El Dorado".

  2. Well maybe ReZ is Scottish? Anyone can put an accent on anyway.


    Considering we're up to 51 pages, with no massive concrete evidence and I have lot of exams I'm currently revising for, excuse me if I haven't got the time/been bothered to take notes and keep up to date with a few posts in a threadstack.


    No harm meant! : peace: I just thought the grey text being a Scottish accent had been common knowledge since the first game.


    I apologise if I came off angry. :)


    Yeah but it isn't clearly someone else. It is simply something else. The only thing that makes me wonder is that there is usually a description of the killer, and the only thing we are told is about an Ostrich.


    The supposed Scottish person also speaks in English just before so I don't know.


    Actually, the only description we've ever had of the killer in this game is that he speaks Scottish and is Angus. And he has proven that he is able to hide his Scottish accent.


    Looking back, it does make sense that the ostrich tracked MadDog before he was killed by someone else.

  3. I put it in because it was only a bit of fun and an exciting twist. I guess people only care about winning, which I don't design my games for that state of mind.


    I honestly think it was a well-made game. :) I'm also not mad at all that I lost to such a great twist. If anything, I feel more bad for the town since they didn't have it easy at all.


    And I have to agree with ReZ, the "no alignment reveal" concept is perhaps more realistic, but in my opinion it destroys the town's ability to do detective work since they never find out if they were right or wrong about their suspicions, which is probably the only solid clues they ever get in the game.

  4. Also, I still don't understand how what you quoted Danny shows they have a Scottish accent?


    The grey text indicates a Scottish accent. If you look back, the grey text has always been the trademark of Angus, and in the write-up where Marc was revealed, his accent (grey text) started slipping.


    Seriously, though, how much have you been following the game? Because you seem to have missed a great deal of stuff along the way. I'm not accusing you, by the way - I'm genuinely wondering now.

  5. I maintain that it was a challenge for the mafia. Definitely not impossible, but pretty hard, bordering on a bit unfair if you ask me.


    Still, it was an epic twist that I can only applaud you for! :D


    Something else completely, I was fearing the mafia was overpowered compared to the town. Especially not finding out alignments left them quite in the dark. I'm really not a fan of that concept.


    Jonnas had to be applauded, though, he figured most of us out along the way.

  6. I thought an Ostrich would be mentioned in your list when I saw it in the write-up.


    Is it really a coincidence about this Ostrich in the write-up? Maybe he wasn't asleep and you sent the thing in there to confuse him.


    Maybe you're evil! Vote: ReZ


    I realise this is a bit of a far out theory.


    I actually thought about that myself when I read the write-up. Especially since I'm still a bit suspicious of ReZ (and Cube) after yesterday. But then again, it does seem a bit far out. Also, the actual killer in the write-up has a Scottish accent, pointing at it being Angus again.

  7. See its your explanations that I find hard to believe.


    Jonnas was expecting you to simply speculate that you may be the brother? That seems so random to me. I honestly have no idea who to believe.


    Oh, no, not at all! My original role was to talk to people each night to learn more about myself. Since I've actually been employed by Queen Olivia all this time, some of the staff were bound to know me. The fact that I could figure it out myself was either a hidden possibility, or it was simply something Jonnas added in the spur of the moment.

  8. Have anyone proved you are good? If not, I am going to assume otherwise.


    And who, other than you, has said he tried to kill you?


    Voting pattern never means anything.


    Nope. And if you do that, that's your mistake.


    In the previous game, Angus had taken up his brother's identity after killing him. This was revealed when the roles were revealed at the end of the game. When I suggested in this game that I might actually be this brother, back from the dead, I regained my memories because that was exactly the case.


    Voting patterns mean nothing? Oh, come on. I'm not saying they're solid evidence or anything, but if I was really mafia, why would I have pushed the lynch on Marc yesterday? It makes no sense.

  9. I don't believe you have the power to kill unconditional. Your role is identical to Nintendohnut too. There's something you're not telling us. Your "sensible explanation" is until proven otherwise just your own theory. It's not any less sensible that you are working with Angus after regaining your memories.


    I'm not going to vote on you or anything, not yet, I just want to point out you're not 100% good as you think you are.


    I am only going to say this one more time:






    I AM GOOD.


    I do have the power to kill unconditionally. But I haven't used it. Because I'm looking for mafiosos to kill.


    And my sensible explanation IS actually not just my own theory. It's the only one that makes sense. I admit that I can't prove I'm not working with Angus, but you're honestly silly if you believe me to be, considering the bastard tried to kill me.


    Also, does my voting pattern mean nothing?


    *sigh* I thought people would start to trust me now that Angus had been found. I guess that was wishful thinking.

  10. I would fucking love for people to get my role right for once.


    I AM GOOD. I do not need to kill Angus. Nintendohnut needs to kill Angus. My only job is to help the town eliminate the threats. To do that, I can kill, but since I have no clue who's mafia, I've stayed in and protected myself so far with my traps.


    Eenuh, did you try to target me last night? Because that would prove I protected myself with my traps and didn't attack anyone.


    I'm still a little baffled that I'm a suspect. I'm obviously not Angus, but I still look like him. The only sensible explanation is that I'm his brother, and Angus tried to murder me. If you think I have any interest in helping Angus, you're just being silly. It's pretty obvious by now that I'm on the town's side. I pushed the lynch against Marc, and I didn't vote for Mundi.

  11. From way back when I had just regained my memory and was asked what my power is:


    Basically the same as my brother last time: I can kill a player if I so choose, but if not I protect myself with my traps. I wonder if I've got a room since regaining my memory, or if I just lay out the traps in the main room where I've been sleeping so far. :heh:
  12. I admit that I didn't go through with the plan yesterday. Seeing as it's obvious now that I'm not Angus, I feared the mafia would go after me as a townie killer, so I stayed in my room and protected myself.


    (Hilarious write-up, I must say! :D)


    Two other things:


    Should we read anything into the fact that MadDog was sleeping? Did he not use his power last night? Or is it merely flavour, do you think?


    More importantly, I believe it's safe to assume that Jeoffrey Mustang is part of the mafia and is trying to usurp the throne. It makes sense that Marc used the mostly true story and tweaked it to appear good.


    Or maybe both Mustang and James is after the throne, I'm actually not entirely sure. I still believe it was too elaborate a lie to have been thought up by Marc, so I'm pretty sure there's a good deal of truth in it, but I'm not sure what parts of it were tweaked/made up to fit Marc's alibi.

  13. Apparently we couldn't vote here in this semi-final.


    I didn't really follow it all that closely, but Azerbaijan really grabbed my attention. I liked both the song and choreography very much.


    Oh, and I love shows like the one right now, with all the drums.

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