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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I really wasn't trying to argue either, just putting a point across. I find it interesting that some people seem dead set against it and I'd like to hear their reasonings - but it's more a topic for the mafia general thread I guess :santa:


    I've already given my reasonings (in short) in the Brawl Rematch thread. :)

  2. Sooooo to summarise this day: no one came out with any real info so now people are voting for Nintendohnut. Right?


    Is there really nothing else we have to go on?



    I would still like to know who blocked or redirected me, though I doubt anyone is gonna come out.

    Is there a protector who puts people in traps or something?


    You don't know who you ended up targetting last night when you were caught in the traps? Or do you think the traps were a roleblock or protection of some sort?

  3. @ Dannyboy, I suppose my post was a bit brash. I accept that if people don't like the rules then they won't sign up =)


    Not really harsh, I was just surprised you seemed to take my comment as an instigation to an argument when it was merely a humourous poke at the fact that some of us, myself included, felt a bit strongly about the issue after the last game. : peace:

  4. Am I the only one who thought the acts tonight suffered from a pretty low microphone level? Of course, it may just have been because of nervousness, but many of them sounded like they had to almost strain their voices to make themselves heard over the music.

  5. Well, I didn't know who this nostalgia chick was, so I googled it.. She mainly speaks about the differences between Dreamworks and Disney.. And that the main difference is marketing, which I also disregard for this purpose. She actually says, when she talks about the actual content, that Dreamworks was moving away from their rivalry with Disney itself by copying Pixar. She concludes that their last few films, like How to train your dragon, are more like Pixar, because they actually take their characters seriously.


    Ah, then I didn't remember that episode well enough, it seems. My apologies. But yes, the distinction has indeed become blurry. Still, it's clear enough for us to have this debate.


    They may put a different emphasis on things (the pop culture references and celebrity voices for the Dreamworks side), but at their core, they're 2 3D animation studios who's aim is to produce family entertainment.


    Well, that's definitely true, but I do find it a rather simplified way to look at things.

  6. But the feel isn't important if we're talking about their goals, as they both seek to entertain primarily kids through 3D animated entertainment, where comedy / humour plays the biggest factor, followed by action. In this, they're exactly the same.


    Again, the feel is what determines, for a guy like me, why I love one but hate the other, but that doesn't change the fact that what they try to do is the same. It's just that, in my opinion, one succeeds, and the other doesn't, but box office numbers don't agree with me.


    Although I'd like to nuance my "hate" towards Dreamworks, I think I should give them a chance, and (re)watch some of their stuff.. I guess it's mostly Shrek I hate.


    But I'm not talking about their goals in such a broad sense, I'm talking about how they choose to go about it. I love both DreamWorks and Pixar, but each for their respective approaches. Fair and square if you hate one and love the other, but obviously that's down to their differences, and that's where I don't get how you can say they do the same thing. Sure, they aim to sell tickets and entertain, but they apply very different tactics. They have borrowed a lot from each other and attempted to use each others approaches, but ultimately we can still identify the "Pixar Approach" and the "DreamWorks Approach". Internet reviewer The Nostalgia Chick has even done a video about the rivalry and the differences between them.

  7. The GM doesn't have to respect anyone's wishes really Danny. If you don't like it you don't join simple as :)


    Not fanning the flames or anything I just think your last point was mooooooot.


    That's exactly what I meant. :heh: The Peeps sounded like the players had no right to be bothered about it, which I argued against. The GM needs to accept that players don't join because of a certain aspect of the game and not berate them for it.


    I think Dannyboy likes to point out the mod has to at least inform us of this, so that players can make an informed decision. But this isn't usually a huge element that a mod would think of pointing out in the sign-up thread. But like he said, the point is moot, as he's including alignments anyway.


    Nah, I wouldn't say they need to point it out, but it's nice to know. What I'm most passionate about is the trustworthiness of the GM, the discussion about which was originally sparked by ReZ's Trust No One Pokémafia.

  8. Sorry to bring this (now old) post up, but,you're wrong, they are, in general. Yes, they have a different feel to them (thankfully, which is why I love Pixar), but it's a very fine distinction. Their target audience is roughly the same.


    If I have to guess at a specific distinction, it's that Dreamworks seem to be aimed at kids and teens, whereas Pixar is aimed at kids and their parents, which leads to "smarter" feeling films from Pixar. That said, I have mainly Up in my mind, where the first part, about their past, was just fantastic. The scene about the miscarriage was just heartbreaking. But this is an exception even for Pixar, probably the most dramatic scene they've ever made so far, although I really hope they do this more often now. Still, even when Pixar's films also feature funny animals, they still feel more genuine.


    I disagree, I think DreamWorks generally have a very different approach to their films. Sure, they're animated films aimed at kids/young teens with bonus levels for the older audience, but the feel, attitude and general focus/prioritisation are mostly very different from those of Pixar. That's why people complained about the marketing for Tangled, for instance: It was marketed entirely as a film in the spirit of DreamWorks when it was in fact more Disney than most Disney films as of late.

  9. Some people need to respect the GM's decision ::shrug:


    Removing alignments is arguably harder on the town but there are ways to balance it. It encourages the town to open up with their roles and puts pressure on the mafia to do so - because if the description at death doesn't match what they've said, you can assume the player was mafia. Also there is an added discussion point of whether or not the dead player was town or mafia.


    I don't think it ruins a game at all. There were no alignments in the heroes mafia but the town were fairly sure they were lynching the right people anyway and they won relatively quickly.


    But this game WILL have alignments on death anyway.


    I didn't even want to argue about it, I just wanted to point out that to some people, it may affect their wish to play in the game. The GM has to respect that as well.

  10. he does have a point about Ellen Page in the Inception review. :p


    Yeah, except his actual point is completely ridiculous: He doesn't want films to explain themselves, he wants them to make sense entirely through showing. Basically he's just pissed that he didn't pay close enough attention and thus didn't understand a plot that is, albeit complicated, not hard to understand if you just pay attention.


    But the thing is Dohnut claims to not know his win condition. Which is either a lie, or simply bad luck.


    I'm not arguing that, just highlighting why I dislike gunning for him at present. I fully acknowledge that he may very well pose a danger to us, but I find it equally likely he doesn't, and in that case I feel bad for him.

  12. ... I just said I really enjoyed it?


    Haha! Sorry, it seems my brain only read the first two thirds of your post and decided to fill in the rest itself. :heh:


    Haven't seen The Princess And The Frog, so I can't compare.

  13. You make it sound like we should have figured it out, but it was really difficult to. Like. Don't call us dumb, we played a good game coming up with epic tactics (make people think they're silenced). :p


    Basically my thoughts as well.


    Mafia are just butt hurt :p


    It's hard not to be when you're been ass-raped with a sword!

  14. Chair, I've alwasy disagreed with your playstyle, but now it's getting serious. I do not believe in immediately getting rid of neutrals just like that since I can sympathise with them, especially since generally only half of them are actually against the town. Thus I wholeheartedly dislike your ultimatum that I need to kill Dohnut or Sméagol to prove my townieness when I don't see the former as an immediate threat to the town and the latter isn't even necessarily neutral. If Sméagol turns out to be good, how is that going to make me look?


    If people want to take this as proof that I'm not on the town's side, then so be it. I'm not going to stand for ultimatums that go against my values just to prove to suspicious people that I'm on their side.


    Besides, need I remind you how often you've popped in, said "He's blatantly mafia," only to be wrong? Basically I neither agree your attitude nor trust your judgement.


    Also, I have to agree with Dohnut (whom I'm still very much in the fence about): Most of this day has been spent going after Dohnut and me. Do we really have no clues about ACTUAL mafiosos? Even if we consider Dohnut a threat to the town, isn't he more of an asset to us for now? Basically I'm just annoyed that we're spending all our time looking at a neutral (and a good) with the same arguments being repeated over and over - and often being misunderstood.

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