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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. For fuck's sake, do they even know the guy? Of course he's joking, because he knows how provocative it is. He's even issued an apology and stated that he's neither a Nazi nor an anti-Semite. Yes, it was a terrible joke in terrible taste, and I understand if some people are offended, but to throw him out of Cannes? Grow some skin, people.


    Note that I am not defending him because he's Danish, but because I hate oversensitive people who can't take a joke. But I guess dark humor is a very Danish thing.




    ReZ, are you Danish?

  2. Watch the neutrals jump on the lynch train.


    I can't believe we're still let you running around wild and vote for people. ::shrug:


    Oh, for fuck's sake, I can't be arsed to deal with this shit. Deny it all you want, it certainly feels like you've got beef with me and Dohnut.


    I pointed out that I agree with you, but highlighted another reason to vote for her. I know perfectly well that it's not much to go on, but in case you haven't noticed, it's the best lead we have so far, not counting Dohnut, but I'm not going to waste another day debating whether we should lynch him. Personally I've changed my mind: I think we should get rid of him, since I suspect he's pulling the same trick on us that I pulled last time, but I'd much rather get rid of a scumnag at this point.


    Why does neutrals putting votes on mean anything? Why is it notable? Neutrals know as much as the rest of the town - just the info they're presented with during the day. Why is it especially notable that neutrals vote? It's only as notable as when others vote; us being neutral has nothing to do with it, surely?


    (Also Danny is claiming good not neutral)


    Exactly. Thank you, Dohnut.

  3. While she never claimed to be a jailkeeper, it's suspicious that she has only ever protected herself and Esequiel while roleblocking Eenuh, a known info gatherer, and Aqui1a, whom we know nothing about. Additionally, why even roleblock potential townies when you can protect them instead? Statistically speaking, you're much more likely to help the town by protecting random people than by roleblocking them.


    I'm willing to bet on this.


    Vote: EddieColeslaw


    I think it was implied she was a jail keeper - she said she targeted Eenuh and protected Eenuh with traps, and on that same night, Eenuh was role blocked by traps. Therefore she must be a jail keeper.


    If that's the case, all the more reason to vote for her.

  4. BASICALLY: Why would I endanger myself and fellow mafia members by enhancing info gatherers, if I were mafia?


    Easy: to gain trust. Whether it's a ridiculous and impractical way of gaining trust is of course a different matter, but it's not impossible. Scumnags have pulled off that kind of gambles before.

  5. We've been caught by traps due to Nintendohnut so far, Danny do you have proof you've protected people successfully? So far I've seen you say you've done things but are yet to prove it.


    I know Nintendohnut has set traps because I've been caught in two, at least I think they were both his.


    Also why am I high up on that list? You're free to ask me any questions.


    I have no way of proving it myself, no. Only if people come forward as having been caught in traps while targetting my targets.


    But it doesn't really matter since Dohnut's power isn't what we're doubting, it's his word that that he wouldn't kill.

  6. Someone must be the killer and it baffles me why no one wants to come forward as someone who killed a mafia.


    This ... is actually a very good point. I know that I didn't do it (you only have my word for it, of course), but Dohnut has a reason for not coming forward - because it would mean certain death. Even with 26 players, I personally doubt there'd be more than two non-mafia killers.


    I'm pretty suspicious of Dohnut at the moment. Still, I agree with him that we shouldn't waste this day focusing solely on him. I'd much rather see a scumnag than a neutral dead at this point.

  7. But the mafia trying to off you only proves that you're not mafia. What I fear is still that you're a neutral who can steal our win.


    Also, the point about you not showing up: How do we know you don't have a secondary list of targets that won't reveal you - like I had in the previous game? You could have simply taken a chance based on voting patterns.


    I'm afraid it doesn't look that good for you in my eyes, currently. Though I disagree entirely with chair's rationale, and I still want him to reveal his info. Also, I think it's worth pursuing Zell's theory about the net-protector and EddieColeslaw.

  8. My point is if neither of you killed him, then there's a third killer. Or actually a fourth since Angus killed too. That's too many. One you has to be lying, about esequiel or something else. I don't understand why you wouldn't claim to be the one to kill Esequiel even if you didn't. Sounds like a perfect opportunity.


    Because lying about it would be a one-way ticket to the gallows if I was caught out on it? Seriously, if you're a townie, it's stupid to lie. You should only lie if it helps the town as a whole, and come out with it if necessary, as I did with my protector power. Lying for your own benefit is sure to get you killed if found out, and I have plenty of suspicion on me as it is.


    Besides, lumping me in with Dohnut is not really fair to either of us. We're similar, yes, but not identical.

  9. About killing Esequiel: if both Dohnut and Dannyboy deny it, could it have been Zell? Maybe he stole something from Dohnut/Dannyboy which allowed him to kill? iirc that's how his power works. Or else there's yet another killer, which sounds ridiculous...


    Not a bad idea. But aren't people told if they've been stolen from? I haven't had any mentions of people stealing from me, I'm afraid.


    What, so we got three non-mafia killers now? No way. I assume the one who killed esequiel is good, danny is neutral, then Nintendohnut has to be mafia.


    We have two confirmed non-mafia killers. If Dohnut is telling the truth about not killing last night, there must be a third, though, since I did not do it, either.


    I'm still good, by the way, unless what you're saying is just what you believe yourself. In which case there's not much I can do about it, except repeat that you're wrong.

  10. Hang on, does it look like Diageo was roleblocked or something? Who the hell would roleblock one of the only confirmed townies (i.e. rhetorical).



    So have you been protecting people every day?


    From night 3 when I regained my memories, yes.


    Night 3: Dazz - Our only known cop at that time

    Night 4: Myself - Part of the plan with Nintendohnut

    Night 5: Myself - Diageo convinced me before the day ended that it was safer to protect myself than risk the mafia going for me, a townie killer, while I was trying to kill Dohnut

    Night 6: Cube, but redirected to ReZ by jayseven (he claimed Flink, though)

    Night 7: Flink

  11. I trust Nintendohnut hundreds of times more than Danny tbh. (Sorry Danny, your curse strikes back. Unless you're a filthy Raikou, in which Earthquake has been used /critical hit/etc)


    Actually I don't trust either of them at all. Hahahahahaa. I don't particularly trust Rummy either though. Because he came out as a dumb cop after Dazz/opposite. But....I mean I don't trust anyone so its fine.


    Why do you trust him so much more than me? To any of you I'd that we have roughly equal amounts of suspicion to us, and we're both normally equally good liars as well. So why me?

  12. I'm not accusing you, but why do you have hunters knives in your room? Also: can you actually kill? I thought yesterday you said you couldn't actually kill and could only protect, but now it sounds like you're saying you CAN kill, but didn't do it last night.


    I think I've set a record in this game for how many times people have misunderstood what I've told them about my role.


    • James Barker
    • Thought-to-be-dead twin brother of Angus MacNeil
    • Has been in the service of Olivia since the ending of the Gentlemen's Mafia
    • A hunter himself
    • Can choose a target to either kill or protect every night


    That should explain everything.

  13. Regarding yesterday, I am utterly gobsmacked. I would have sworn my life that jayseven was evil. I still can't explain why he said he redirected me to Flink when my PM clearly says ReZ. And you have to admit his defence and accusations of me seemed terribly mafia-like.


    I wonder who it is that killed Esequiel, for it was not I. I protected Flink last night, inspired by jayseven's claims. Perhaps Nintendohnut isn't keeping his word? (I see this turning into an argument between me and Dohnut: "You killed him!" "No, you killed him!"

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