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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Shady people? There was some suspicion of Jonnas, but that was only after I had protected him. Currently I just pick my targets at random.


    I have no idea why the threat level is so high. Either mr-paul is a paranoid cop, or it's my appearance and general behaviour that makes me appear terrifying.

  2. Scab as in the disease? Doesn't exactly fit with his role. His background story is completly irrelevant too and seem to serve more as a purpose to explain his looks than properly explain his power in my opinion. How do you protect?


    (yeah I know I shouldn't be the one to ask question, but I'm not going stop. I'll play the game my way)


    There's no direct mention of scabs in my PM, but since my body was caught in an explosion, it makes sense that I have scabs (as in the crusty layer that forms when wounds are healing).


    I just told what revelant info there is about me to explain what people have been wondering about (my appearance and actions). It differs a bit how I protect; last night, for instance, you can see me protect Eenuh/the old man from the earthquake. Other times I simply chase people away with my gun and shouting.


    It matches what has been shown in the write-ups. However, it doesn't let us know anything about his alignment.


    Who were your previous targets?


    (You as in Dannyboy)


    I am good. I posted all my targets so far above.

  3. No idea how you managed 4 goals. The only setting I can see that you've touched is to play 'very defensively'... 4 goals isn't being defensive :(


    Well played though!


    Maybe if half of my team weren't injured from Jayseven :p


    I always seem to get the best results by playing very defensive and not tweaking the other tactics much. :heh:

  4. Good tracking!

    Just to throw some more information out there, I targeted Dannyboy and was given a threat level of 10/10 after carefully observing his abilities, characteristics and appearance.

    Unlike with Esequiel, it hasn't given me any clue to what his character is (doctor, pilot, politician etc.) so I'm willing to believe he could be a zombie/alien or something.


    Vote: Dannyboy the Dane to get some info out of him.


    What about last night? What happened to you then?


    Okay, just so it is out in the clear, yesterdays events about the gun shooting and the shouting, I was trying to reach Dyson. Not really sure what this means for him.


    Mr-Paul seems to have a strong word against Danny so I think Danny needs to help clear things up if he can.


    Today, I was not impeded from reaching my target, hurray :) Only to find, someone was there not letting me near, I know who that is. Apparently this is not good for my self esteem :p Understandable, I've been pretty useless so far >_<


    It would seem I need to come forward and clear stuff up now.


    As it happens, I am the disfigured man who has kept people away from their targets. My name is Adam Casey, and I am a renegade soldier. When the apocalypse broke out, I was charged with maintaining security in one of the security bunkers, but something went terribly wrong and an explosion went off in the bunker. I survived it, but I was disfigured on most of my body and face, which gave me quite a ghastly appearance and gave me a severe speech impediment. After the catastrophe in the bunker I vowed to roam the wastelands and protect whomever I found, which is what I do.


    So far I have protected the following people:


    Night 1: EddieColeslaw

    Night 2: Jonnas

    Night 3: Dyson

    Night 4: Eenuh


    Regarding the threat level, I assume it is due to my ghastly appearance (which has already been mistaken for that of a zombie) and my militaristic manners of protection.

  5. Just want to throw this out, during Night 3 I jailkept Jonnas and there was no mention of the zombie horde in the write-up (only write-up not to mention them).

    HeroicJanitor was trying to investigate him during the same night but could not find him due to Jonnas being jailkept and said so during the day and has now been killed by the zombies.


    Not to mention that Jonnas had already been connected to the zombies before.


    My guess is that Jonnas commands them and is therefore evil.


    Vote: Jonnas


    I just wish to point out that Jonnas hasn't been connected to the zombies before this - that was a simple misunderstanding on the part of heroic.


    Still, this does seem interesting;


    Vote: Jonnas


    Jonnas, what have you to say about this?

  6. Why do you seem to be intent on not admitting he might be lying? Seriously. It's as if you trust him 100%. Yes, mistakes can be made. No, that isn't what happened.


    He lied.


    Dude, I just admitted that he could be lying. I just doubt that he did. If you do turn out to be good, I'll of course reevaluate. The only thing I've been arguing is that I hate the concept of "Oh, he accused a townie and got him lynched, now we must lynch him! Fuck, he was also a townie!"

  7. How can this possibly be a mistake? Thats why I questioned ReZ and made absolutely sure that his cat came back with a definite answer. The definite answer being that "Dyson is Evil."


    I questioned ReZ, asked him if the result could possibly have been ambiguous, with ReZ "interpreting" Dyson to be mafia/evil. His response to that was no. It was a definite answer.


    Its pretty black and white, dude.


    Of course, Dyson could be playing us.


    It could be a redirection, though redirections seem to normally be mentioned. Still, my point is that it's hard to predict what is possible in a mafia.

  8. But what I'm saying is that it wasn't just the 'evil' result he got for me, as I came out and posted everything I'd done he made it completely clear that nothing I could do would clear my name.


    I agree, we needed to take chances, and I accept that this looks like a good lead potentially. I'd have voted for me with the evidence provided. However, this is why I chose to end it and give you the next lead you should chase down, which is ReZ. If you don't think that him incorrectly incriminating and killing a townie is a big deal then you're either mafia or you've been blinded by the fact that he's active. That by no means clears someone of suspicion.


    The more you try and clear him the more I'm positive you work together.


    Dammit, I'm not trying to clear him, I'm just saying that people make mistakes! I'm by no means blind to the idea that he could be mafia, especially since I know how well he plays.

  9. And yet everybody took it as gospel that he must be right, even though he wasn't willing to stake his own life on the info but was willing to kill a protecting townie.


    It's not all that surprising, though, is it? You've said it yourself, we can't wait for conclusive evidence, so at one point or another we have to take chances, well-knowing that we might screw up. If it turns out he's a townie who just made a mistake, of course he won't be willing to risk his life on it. I was dead certain jay was mafia, and I could've sworn my life on it, but I'm not just going to say: "Oh, well, I was wrong, you should lynch me now." That'd only benefit the mafia even more.

  10. Welcome to my head!


    It's why I feel like running a Bare Bones again. Bring back some of what made the original mafias so endearing. Hopefully, anyway. I know the first one was popular..


    Ideally I'd like to actually play in one, but everyone seems to be obsessed with running 'epic' mafias with a universe full of roles and characters and storylines, which is cool, but has come away from what made the games as entertaining as they were originally.


    I don't know. It feels like people want concrete evidence in order to perform a lynch on someone, and the games aren't based around that. It's meant to provoke creativity and ingenuity amongst players, to make us try and deceive others with our actions rather than what someone found out one night. It's far too easy to find out that someone is lying when they say they're an investigator in these epic games because there's someone that can investigate roles, and alignments, and targets, and so on and so forth.


    The thing is, you want games that have a different set of values than the ones we see at the moment, and that's totally fine, but others prefer the current type of game. I personally find the "epic" mafias with great storylines and characters to be much more engaging than other mafias I have played.


    Surely there is room for both types of mafia on this forum. :)


    Also, regarding Peeps's game, I can concentrate on it fine, and I think it's a great game, but I must admit that I'm more engaged in Jonnas's game because it's how the perfect mafia game looks in my mind. There are other reasons why I haven't been as active as usual, but it does contribute somewhat to it. I'm sorry if anyone feels offended by that, because it isn't due to any kind of dislike, but simply, like with yourself, a matter of personal preference.

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