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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. What the hell? Dude, we've known that about Dyson's character for a long time. My investigation/write-up even said something like that earlier in the game. Also:








    Also, give me a reason to trust you, and I'll think on it. Why are you so convinced that ReZ is town?


    Sorry, but I don't get your reasoning. Why do you find it hard to believe that ReZ actually got the evil result when Dyson's character is specifically mentioned to be shady?

  2. Hey bitches, Paulo is backkkkkkk.

    I've been keeping up as much as possible since my death on the first night but forgive me if there is anything that I can't remember.

    As you know, Aqui1a/I am now a protector against nefarious roleblockers, misdirectors and ill-meaning individuals - not kills. I'm an athlete.

    I might as well tell you all his targets so far and you may be able to make something of it along with your own knowledge.


    Night 1

    Aqui1a chose to target nobody, and nothing happened to him.


    Night 2

    ReZ - fended someone away


    Night 3

    Dazz - got stuck in a trap and didn't complete my mission


    Night 4

    aqui1a - Yes, he targeted himself against roleblocks. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Someone targeted me/lurked in the shadows but I threw stuff at them to make them go away.


    Night 5

    Diageo - nothing.


    Night 6

    Ellmeister - someone punched me away.


    Night 7

    Dannyboy - nothing.


    Night 8

    Didn't send target.


    Last night

    Didn't send target, and I've had a cricket bat stolen from me.


    So that's that.

    For the record, I think I trust ReZ.

    Suspicious of Eddie, and I feel Sméagol could be very dangerous to our chances of winning.


    It was me who protected Dazz with traps on night 3, just in case people started wondering about traps.



    Probably Diageo getting your power.


    It's Zell who steals items/powers. We don't actually know how Diageo copies powers, but it appears to me as a simple mimicking.


    But who's to say ReZ didn't actually get a straight-up "evil" result and believed it to be entirely accurate? If anything, wouldn't a mafia claim a bit of uncertainty to escape on?


    But I don't really know. I might read the thread from the beginning again to see if I notice anything.

  3. Haven't watched the Pirates review as I want to see it first myself.


    The next ... yeah, the part with the toy donkey was brilliant, but once you started going on about comedians and shows and whatnot, it became a borefest. Sorry.

  4. Yeah, before it said he wasn't part of a group but something is different this time.


    So I guess he could've been neutral and then became good or bad but something like that usually shows up in the write-up and not left to chance whether the person will be investigated enough times and at the right times.


    I don't think it would appear in the write-up. Notice that only the kill and Flink's note ever appear.

  5. It is Whiskertington (and Whiskerington II)


    Which annoyed me when you pointed it out. :p


    And I don't trust the hell out of Eddie.


    There never was a Whiskerington! :p


    Oh, and I forgot to mention Sméagol; it would seem to me that his alignment has changed. Would it be a stretch that he was a neutral who had to choose a side at some point in the game? The keys he had found would then either help the town or the mafia - but to what purpose? What would the mafia gain by collecting all five keys? Instant win? Or some other advantage?

  6. First of all: What is the name of your cat? Whiskerington or Whiskertington? :p


    I really don't know what to think of ReZ at the minute. He seems genuine enough, but even as mafia he's damn good at seeming genuine. Hmmm ...


    Eddie ... I'm still not sure about her. I remember noticing something about her power and targets, but I don't remember it at present. I'll need to check up on it.


    It might be of worth going back and reading some of the early discussions again with our current knowledge. For instance, both Nintendohnut and Marcamillian changed their stories when they were forced forward, but no one noticed it. We might be able to catch suspicious behaviour or uncover lies.

  7. The Aviva advert I think is brilliant, actually. It handles the issue incredibly well.


    The Skittles advert ... I really do see the humour in it, especially as his entire desk turns to Skittles, but there's just something jarring about the tragedy of it. I dunno why, really, as I'm normally a big fan of dark humour, but there's just something about the execution here that doesn't work for me.

  8. He took part in a threesome with Chair and Paj, but then Nightwolf got quite jealous by this as she was harbouring secret feelings for Dyson. Unknown to her, Mr_Odwin had feelings which were not quite secret for all of the above parties, making social situations very awkward and tense.


    In a bid to solve these discrepancies, Dyson decided to cease and desist in any bum-fun activities involving The Paj and The Chair and to concentrate fully on his relationship with Nightwolf. To add further confusion to this, Rummy shows up with his beautiful mahogany skin and threatens to kidnapp Dyson if he does not hand the wolf of the Night over to him.


    Dyson fights back. He launches his missiles against the targets in Russia, knowing that the Russian counter-attack will eliminate its enemies over here. He takes Rummy's clothes, boots and motorcycle and rides off towards the nearest steelworks, to receive aid from Coolness Bears.


    Coolness is secretly scheming behind Dyson's back and is working with Rummy to ensure that he gains full possession of Nightwolf. However, Coolness does not know that Dazz knows that Coolness plans to double-cross Dyson. So, Dazz informs Nightwolf of the goings-on, who then proceeds to warn Dyson that maybe they should see other people before one of them gets hurt.


    Thats the short of it, mainly.


    And there's the plot for the next mafia game!

  9. Gah, my laptop has never had the best core temperature, but today (or maybe earlier, but I didn't notice it before today) it just seems to have skyrocketed. Now it can reach a core temperature of 75 degrees while I'm just surfing the web! I talked to an HP tech assistant earlier, and he recommended that I install a BIOS update that's supposed to increase fan speed, and then he'd call again tomorrow. So far it doesn't seem to have worked, and the core temperature still goes up and down. At present it's where it normally is, at about 55 degrees, but according the nice tech guy that's actually still too high for this model. Now I just hope he can help me tomorrow.


    If I'm suddenly gone, it's 'cause my laptop is either in the process of overheating or already completely fried. :heh:

  10. I have already told you that >_>



    For your information, we are playing a mafia game.


    Obviously I misunderstood it, then.


    Sure, but me suddenly being suspicious for using the word "stunt" about what you pulled makes absolutely no sense. There are plenty of valid reasons for you to suspect me, as has been discussed earlier today - "stunt" is not one of them.


    Having read your explanation again, you didn't even do it to get voting patterns, but just to try your luck?


    Yeah, my vote is staying.

  11. Again, I never did anything to get voting patterns. I said in the Gentlemen's thread that I don't like them and never care much about them.



    I haven't broken down, then I openly admitted being mafia because I didn't have time to dodge questions again. Now I'm just messing around having fun not playing my normal self because I'm tired of it so I decided to be more daring. When I got a kill power(one time use) I wasn't going to just around and twiddle my thumbs like dannyboy, I was actually going to do something. I could have kept quiet about Rummy and Aqui1a but this was more fun.


    I don't trust dannyboy, I got instantly suspicious when he called it a stunt like if he knew it was one.


    Then why are you doing this, if not for the voting patterns?


    (So now even my choice of words is suspicious? Give me a break.)

  12. I would pay attention to those who vote out of revenge. It reeks mafia. Nintendohnut's post in particular. Why is it relevant if I care if they are town or not? The mission of the game is to (try to) find mafios and that's what I did.


    7 votes now.


    Because you may have accomplished nothing and in the process killed two innocent people. You're like the mafia equivalent of a terrorist. :heh:

  13. I think he's going for the 'a mafia would never be that stupid', and hoping we let him off.


    Vote: Tales


    This is basically what I'm thinking as well. But even if he's a townie ... do we really want him running around when he has no beef with killing people and getting others lynched for it that way? Regardless of his alignment, I don't feel like we can trust him.


    The only thing I'm worried about is that he's a jester.

  14. But this is ... I don't ...


    Oh, and thanks for the stab, by the way. :heh:


    I'm at a loss right now. I have no idea how to react to this. I'm guilty of not paying as much attention as a protector should. Fair enough, we can agree on that. But ... Tales killed a townie and got another townie lynched for it ... to get a voting pattern?! That's just insane!


    Nuh-uh, I don't buy it. He may not actually be lying, he may actually be on our side, but who needs enemies with friends like that?


    Vote: Tales

  15. lolwut, I never meant to type it like that! It was meant to say if they tried hard enough! Flippantly! Or something.




    He's totally right though Danny, you need to try harder otherwise he will never be your brother. DO YOU WANT THAT?!


    I ... I've never had a brother ... is that a bad thing?! :cry:




    Actually, why the fuck would brothers get the same tattoo? :heh:

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