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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A very disoriented Sandra Beach looks around and heads back home


    Heroicjanitor has returned to the game


    Didn't Jonnas claim to have given heroic a zombie antidote? Is this it taking effect?


    In that case I'm more inclined to believe his story. Heroic, were you told what happened to you? Can you confirm or deny anything?

  2. All the other pictures are portrait style showing only the face. Yours is landscape style showing your face, suit and a weapon. It's different. I noticed it was different. Now it's true that The Peeps could have just picked random pictures and this is just coincidence, I don't know why he would upload them if they were random. But anyway, the point is it looks different.




    Aqui1a's picture of the Stig showed his entire upper torso as well, so I still don't see how my picture stands out. :heh:

  3. Dannyboy, does your picture show your deformed exterior that you claim to have?


    Also lol, just noticed your name is Adam Casey. One of my friends it called that.


    Nevermind you posted it while I was writing. The write-up just proves you are a protector, it doesn't really say anything about alignment.


    Eddie, can I ask for your name in the game?


    Also, your picture appears to have different dimensions to my picture and that of those who have passed.


    Oh, I never claimed that my appearance in the write-up proved I was good, just that it proves the rest of my info.


    I dunno, haven't the pictures all had different dimensions?

  4. It appears so. But since the pictures themselves are in The Peep's photobucket account, I would assume countermeasures have been taken.


    I have no problem posting my role picture, but I'm not sure it'll actually help me, seeing as it's a picture of me before the accident. I believe Peeps didn't want to include a nasty picture of a burn victim.




    Actually, after reading Dannyboy's posts again, I think I believe that he's good. There is a disfigured man who can hardly speak warning people away from danger.


    That is indeed me. The most prominent example is when I saved Eenuh/the old man from the earthquake in today's write-up.

  5. Okay, honestly, I don't see much in Dannyboy that could warrant a lynch. He's a protector, for starters, and if he was mafia, that would implicate me :heh:

    But it would also implicate Eenuh and EddieColeslaw, whom I think are good.

    Also, I now feel indirectly responsible for Danny paying little attention to this game, so cut him some slack :heh:


    Mr-paul, Danny's targets reveal nothing. I mean, why did you investigate Danny instead of investigating me or Tales, for example? Sometimes people just go for random targets.


    Now, I've been busy myself today, which is why I've been coming to the thread occasionally only to check up on the happenings (and defend myself against these false accusations when need be). But this mr-paul vs. Danny debate has made me remember Tales.

    I said yesterday: either Tales or Rummy are mafia. The fact that discussion seems to have moved so conveniently towards others makes me believe the mafia is trying to cover for his hide.


    Vote: Tales


    I thank you for your support (but don't apologise about your mafia game, it's my own bad that I haven't participated as much as I should in this game), but I honestly don't think it'll make me any less suspicious in people's eyes, seeing as you're suspicious yourself. :heh:

  6. (simply because of his actions today)


    Out of sheer curiosity, how have my actions today made you suspect me? I've simply defended myself with what I have, though I admit that the single-mindedness of my accuser annoyed me somewhat and that it showed in my posts.

  7. We're all reading your arguments Dannyboy, we just don't think they are very convincing.


    That's all fine and dandy, that's up to you, but mr-paul seemed to ignore them altogether. It really is funny how everything you do and say is twisted to appear evil once people have decided you're up to no good.


    I think as a protector, you have a responsibility to carefully select your targets based on suspicions/who seems like a likely target to be killed. I don't think you've taken your role seriously enough or done enough to appear townie, regardless of my investigation result.


    Well, of course I have a responsibility, and I also freely admit I haven't paid as much attention to this game as I should have! I've already apologised for it, but I can't just undo it. If you find it enough reason to lynch me, then go ahead.


    And surely, you can be an aggressive townie, but I am sure I wouldn't detect your threat at 10. I'm a scientist, and a good one I believe.


    It seems like you're mafia because you only become active when you're under suspicion.


    So tell me. Who do you suspect? All you've posted in this thread is deflections off of people who also seem suspicious and defending yourself.


    At least these are valid reasons to suspect me, even if they're wrong. I listed the few suspicions I have above.


    I'm off out for the night. You aren't doing much to help yourself Danny.



    I'm doing all I can, but since you've already decided I'm mafia, there's not much else I can do, is there? ¬_¬

  8. So Dannyboy, if we don't lynch you, who do you suspect yourself???


    Show me why I should believe you are a townie. Who are your suspects?


    It's gonna take a lot of convincing.


    Since you've already decided I'm evil, I doubt anything I say or do can change your mind, so it's a rather silly thing to ask me to do.


    Also, like I've said several times, I haven't actually paid that much attention so far, so I naturally don't have much in terms of suspicion at this point. Tales is a good place to start, though, as we have no good explanation for what happened there. I'm not sure about Jonnas's story, either.


    Dannyboy, even if you were not paying enough attention to know who were the good powers, you can always play it safe and go for the big talkers, like ReZ, Cube, me etc.


    I'll remember that for next time.

  9. First of all, I don't buy "Jonnas' game takes up all my time" as an excuse.


    If Esequiel had turned out good but there was nothing shady about him, I was willing to doubt my results. However, it matched up with him being shady, which is why I got a 9/10 result on him. From that point on, I trusted my results fully unless someone can tell me that i've been manipulated and bnack that up with evidence.


    The only thing saying my results are unreliable is your word that you're townie. Nothing else suggests I'm paranoid.


    Yes, you may have come clean with your actions, although we can't completely validify if you're telling the truth about them, but your targets seem suspect to me.


    Why protect Dyson? Why protect Jonnas?

    Why didn't you protect people who had come out as investigators and trackers?


    Jesus Christ, you can't just say "I don't buy it as an excuse"! I honestly haven't paid as much attention to this game because it hasn't excited me as much as Jonnas's game did! I'm sorry if people are offended by that, I'm sorry if it's a dickish thing to admit, but it's still the damn truth, and you can't just refuse to accept it as a valid explanation!


    At least now I feel more engaged in this game because I have to defend myself. :heh:


    Besides, it's not the only reason why I haven't been as active, as I've already explained. My inactivity and random targets are inseparably linked, so it's not like I can provide reasoning there. My. Targets. Were. Random. As in I don't have an explanation for them. I just looked at the list of players and picked a name.


    I don't believe your power is unreliable in general, you've just hit two people whose threat levels don't match their alignment. You can't deny, though, that threat levels between 1 and 10 are bound to fluctuate, and that a threat level is generally less clear than a good/evil result, but that's irrelevant in my particular case.


    It's like you're not reading my arguments at all. :blank:

  10. I wasn't sure about what to think about Dannyboy up until this point - it's made me think he probably is a mafioso.. but I'm not sure enough. My lynch in the Gentlemen's is stopping me from being hasty and going with the first sign of evidence :heh:


    Dannyboy - do you protect or do you stop everyone from reaching a target?


    Since there are no specifications to my protection power, I believe it's the standard variation, i.e. it stops everyone else from targetting my target, be it killers, roleblockers, cops etc.


    (That's my own understanding of the standard protection power, at least.)

  11. I'm starting to agree with mr-paul. Dannyboy is acting a lot more like the SSBB2 mafia member than the Gent's townie he appears to be. In SSBB2 he was very low key like right now and in the Gent's he appears to be much more active even though he's a protector there as well.


    Both these games run/ran alongside G2, so it's not an entirely fair comparison, plus, as I said, I've had other things on my mind lately.


    That's true Cube. And it said he appeared shady under investigation. If HeroicJanitor was only a role investigator, and if mr-paul was unreliable, then there would be no reason to have someone who appears shady.


    I never actually said his power was unreliable as such, I think he's just been very unlucky with his targets and hit those that appear shady. I still consider a threat level a more vague result that a good/evil result, but that's a bit beside the point in my case due to the 10/10 rating.

  12. Esequiel's role was to appear evil. You don't believe it is your role and are putting doubt on my role. There are, as far as I'm aware, no other alignment investigators exist. My role is Peep's twist on alignment, giving a threat level instead of plain "good/evil/neutral". This isn't a massive game in terms of player numbers, it looks like HeroJan was a role investigator and my role is the most solid thing we've got to find mafia, apart from trackers telling us who killed someone (and even that was false yesterday, whether Tales is evil or his result was wrong, I am not sure.)

    And 10/10 is a pretty clear indication that there's something up with you.


    This combined with your relative inactivity, secrecy and only really coming out to deflect attention off Jonnas, as well as your targets being suspect - Why would you protect Jonnas and Dyson when you have no idea what they do, when there are investigators/trackers in the open like myself and Eenuh who keep getting roleblocked/are prime targets to be killed???


    Sorry, you defo seem mafia to me.


    When a power gets such a wrong result on me, of course I'm going to question its validity! And I've never denied it was part of my role! In fact I pointed out myself that I believe my appearance (which is a part of my role) to be the reason for why you're getting a wrong result.


    My inactivity is related to several factors, one of them being that my focus was more on Jonnas's game, and another being that I've had other things on my mind lately with my moving out in a little over a month. That's also the reason why my targets have been random instead of carefully planned, because I really haven't followed the game so closely as to get clear view of whom I can trust yet.


    And I'm a protector, for crying out loud! Of course I'm going to be secretive in the beginning when my info isn't relevant. I revealed as much as I had to in order to clear up misunderstandings and suspicions, and when people started becoming suspicious of me, I came clean with my role and my actions.


    The only actual thing you have on me is that threat level, and all things considered it's not a very reliable result you've got, what with it mistaking townies for suspicious due to character traits like for instance looking like a monster.

  13. EddieColeslaw, Jonnas and Dyson. You're protecting very low profile people that have no reason to be killed, two of which are now on the suspicious list. Do it could be that you are protecting fellow mafia members and not went for Eenuh to make yourself look more innocent.


    Jesus Christ, I just picked them at random! I'm far from having a good view over who it's best to protect, so I just picked them from the air, more or less.


    I have confidence in my abilities. I doubt that Peeps would throw more than one townie that can be investigated as evil. No-one else has come out as an investigator that gets good/bad results, so I think the 10/10 threat level basically means "he is mafia". I admit, the only two results I have are that of Esequiel and Dannyboy, as I've been stopped by the environment every other night.

    There would be no point in my role if townies could be 10/10 on the threat level.

    Also if you were townie I would think I would get a description of you like I did with Esequiel. Instead, it was left ambiguous as to what you actually are.

    And you have only protected "shady" people in my opinion, apart from Eenuh.


    But you're not an alignment investigator! ¬_¬ You get "threat levels" on a scale from 1 to 10, which you have to admit is not a very clear measurement.


    Just like there's no point to a naïve or paranoid cop. Not all roles are equally useful, and some are straight out useless. I'm still not certain to what extent your power is useful, but since it's getting a 10/10 for me, got a townie lynched earlier and is about to get another one lynched now, it doesn't exactly seem very useful to me.


    It's not surprising it's hard to get a description of what I look like since I'm a friggin' burn victim.


    And I repeat, I picked those targets at random, like I always do the first few rounds until I have an overview of who to protect.

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