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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Come on, guys, we need to end this.


    I think I may have read it wrong if it was. I thought it was the third person in the list will die. If it's what you said, that makes matters worse. I mean, if Tales is Good, Mafia know that he is and may not vote for him just so they don't look suspicious, meaning that there could be three townies who will die, even if I didn't volunteer.


    Tales claims that one of the three first townies to vote for him will die. He knows which one it is.

  2. I completely agree with you. But what can I do? I'm stuck with the situation. I just hope I succeed in making her feel really guilty about it.


    Yeah, I know, I just wanted to voice my opinion. You know best what you should do.


    Mother taken into hospital this morning with sudden vomiting. We were ment to go to a play tonight, I got the tickets and everything...oh well.


    Hope she's OK.

  3. Vote: Tales


    If you are town, you have almost certainly single handedly ruined the town's chance of winning.

    You know how reluctant I have been to vote for you. Now, I've given up on you.


    Exactly. Sorry, but it's ridiculous the way you're putting your own survival before the town's.


    In fact, if any of the three first voters wish to avoid the potential lynchbomb (if there even is one), feel free to retract your vote and let me take your place. I'm willing to take the risk.

  4. When I last spoke to her about it, she said she would lose £500 by cancelling. It's not really fair of me to force her to lose money, but she should have had the foresight to not book a holiday for July.


    And likewise, it's not really fair of her to force you to graduate six months later. I think it's the lack of thoughtfulness on her part that really gets to me. She can go on holiday whenever, and she picks the one time when you're gradutating. It's just so :blank:

  5. Neither do you. You haven't even been remotely interested in finding out why the mafia failed 3 times. Plus you have 10/10 rating and iirc at least two people have had a different view of you look like than you claim you look like. You even have guns. I know you have protected, but have you protected every night? I have doubts.


    It's already been established that I'm suspicious. Last time I checked, I didn't kill off any townies, though. Of course I'm interested in finding out why the mafia was prevented from killing, but right now I see you as the greatest threat to the town.

  6. I have a dilemma. My graduation is on the 18th of July, but my mum booked a holiday so she can't make it. The other option is to defer my graduation to next January, which I'm less than enthusiastic about. I'm really annoyed at her right now. I know it's only a silly ceremony, but it's sort of a big deal at the same time. She really wants to be there (probably more than I do) but refuses to cancel or move the holiday. I would have much preferred to graduate in the summer with my friends. I guess I'm pretty annoyed at the University too for being horribly inflexible with the graduation dates.


    Maybe I'm coming off as a dick here, but if she really wants to see you graduate, shouldn't she be the one to move her holiday?

  7. The meet better be fucking worth it. I'm giving up on pinup models and retro drag cars for you people. I'm expecting at least some hand relief. Ideally from someone female. I'll settle for Dr Wu Man if I have to.


    Dude, I'm going to be there. You can have all the sex you want.

  8. Danny, you're still bloody suspicious to me.


    I know, I know, but I'm learning to live with it. :p


    Seriously, though, I realise I look darn suspicious. As I said, there's not much more I can do but try to prove my worth to the rest of the town.

  9. I'm curious as to the punchline of your joke about not signing up......


    Nah, I'm serious. With two mafias going on I don't want to sign up for another yet (plus real life might soon get more in the way, so it's appropriate with a break at the moment). Plus, I'm more of a storyline mafia guy, so I'm okay with missing out on a bare bones mafia - even though it's obviously going to be great with Dyson at the helm. ;)


    I won't miss him.



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