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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Also, a lady said I was pretty. I distinctly remember her thinking I was a boy when I was about 13, though. Apparently I look completely unrecognisable with different hairstyles. I should be an international spy.


    Well, you did manage to fool us for a while. :p

  2. It's not rape, it's just sex you didn't know you wanted.


    Seriously, though, as I've made it clear before, I believe that anything can be made fun of. It's of course fine if people don't find something funny or gets offended by it, but I won't hear complaints about it; people should steer clear of the stuff they're offended by. Nobody forces them to sit through it. Everyone has different tastes and needs to respect those of others.

  3. The thing is with those kind of ideas is that - if they weren't "overdone" (I can see where you're both coming from with that, but as I said, I think it hit a few beats along the way which helped) but if some of these things aren't "overdone" then....they basically wouldn't be done at all.


    I'm not wording it well but basically - the Cock Mouth idea - there is not really a way to shorten it. Or rather....it would take a hell of a lot to create a clip that has that as the punchline. And in doing that I think it would lose some. So yeah I think it worked.


    I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I don't see any problem with it being overdone, but I don't think the delivery works. The main punchline is still the mouth, and it's there from the start, and the rest of the video, while containing some jokes (your mileage may vary on them, though), ultimately feels more like the lead-up, as if the joke was told in reverse.


    Basically I think the joke was great, but the structure let it down. You're right, it would've been difficult to make a video solely with the mouth as the punchline, which is why I suggested some slapstick and visual gags as a consequence of his condition.


    Then again, it seems to come down to tastes. While I love black comedy, it needs to be delivered well. I can't tell you why the additional jokes in the video didn't seem funny to me, as I simply don't know, which I why I can only really say what I think would have worked for me instead. So yeah, the constructiveness of my criticism only extends so far. :heh:


    Anyway, I think it's great that you guys are experimenting and trying out different things. You're bound to stumble upon some great stuff along the way. :)

  4. I felt it had a couple of kickers in there personally. Like when you find out how many cocks were in his mouth, and then the jizzing and choking made me extra chuckle.


    Different strokes then, I guess. I didn't really find those funny, though it's not because I don't like that type of humour. Maybe it was in the delivery. (Just blame Jonny! :p)

  5. Nah, the two previous episodes were much better. I love it when you cut into your own video with funny remarks and comments. This one felt like it lacked presence somehow. Or maybe it just didn't suit me in particular.


    Also, your singing voice is not bad in places, but I think you having to do the PD voice ruined it. :heh:

  6. I love this.



    The visual gag is great, but the video drags on for FAR too long without going anywhere while instead trying to be controversial. The problem is that it just doesn't really work as a joke when the punchline has already been delivered. The dead babies jokes from the latest CR worked because the amazingly controversial nature of it was the punchline. This video gives us the punchline at once and then just tries to be "raunchy". It would have worked much better if the video had dealt with the everyday issues of having such a mouth - there are plenty of opportunities for more visual gags and some slapstick comedy there.

  7. Well, no. That is speculation on your part. I don't know why there are little variations in Fierce_Link's notes, but I've always been town, and I didn't change from neutral to anything somewhere along the line.


    Well, yes, obviously it's speculation, but you asked why I found you suspicious, and that is one of the reasons.


    Anyway, we've reached majority, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.


    Also, perhaps Dazz and Rummy both have to target the same person at the same time. I was actually thinking of these kind of roles, a good-cop / bad-cop routine.

    You probably should discuss here in the thread who you want to go for, if you want to end up with the same target. I'm not sure if there's anyone left who can stop you now (except Angus). May I suggest me by the way?


    I pondered that maybe Dazz got Rummy's correct results and vice versa or something like that.

  8. Why.


    Because your role isn't a typical town role since you knew about the locks and had some sort of special role to play in regards to them. You also didn't originally belong to any group, yet that apparently changed later on, leading me to suspect that you've joined one of the sides. Whether that side is ours or theirs is hard for me to say, though, but I have a feeling it's the mafia side.


    It wasn't me. You disregard the fact there was also someone protected that night, that must have stopped the kill. Perhaps Dannyboy can tell us if his traps leave any indication of being used on a particular night? If yes, he can shed some light on this.


    If I had any idea that my traps stopped a killer, I would have said so at once. As it is I have no idea if I'm even told when someone is caught in them.


    Off-topic but please stop this.


    He can't, his X key doesn't work.


    Ehm, that's weird reasoning actually. Although it's perhaps in my best interest to not point that out, oh well.


    Not really. I'm convinced Tales is mafia, and it's pretty feasible that we can get a lynch on him today. Since I believe him to be our best lead, it's obviously best to go for him today, leaving me open to protect someone tonight (or kill, if I felt certain who I should go for).


    OK, let's entertain the prospect that Tales is mafia. Who are his team-mates? The people that have defended him, most likely. So me. And Zell. And maybe ReZ.


    All three of us have been shown to be trustworthy, one way or another.



    It makes NO sense for Tales to be mafia. It makes every bit of sense that Smeagol is mafia. Why is he not posting? Because he doesn't need to. Because it would incriminate him further.


    Why is Dannyboy et al conveniently overlooking all the accusations against Smeagol? Because why would they entertain accusations against their team-mate?


    They've assumed position of run-this-town information brokers. Which is why I'm not giving any info to them. Because scum need to know info, where townies can smell lies a mile off.


    How have you proven yourself to be trustworthy, if I may ask?

  9. It's ok to kill neutrals!

    I still think he's after these keys.

    I think as long as we lynch one of them, it would be safe to kill the other. But then you gotta hope there isn't any hidden re-direction powers!


    I was mostly concerned about the majority dropping more than necessary. But you're right, we do ned to get rid of neutrals. I just think it's better to play it safe for now.

  10. Who did you enhance last night, chair??


    Waiting to see what Sméagol has to say to himself, but Tales is so scummy to me, I don't see why you don't think he's a priority.


    I'd actually encourage you to kill the other one that we don't lynch tonight, Danny!


    While I do suspect Sméagol an awful lot, I don't dare kill him off on the off chance that he's town or neutral.

  11. I'm not really sure why you're pushing so hard Danny, surely you can just kill any suspect you want at night?



    Oh wait, I do understand. You're mafia, and need this lynch to win. Which is why we can't lynch Tales. Lynch Smeagol, Dazz or Danny. Preferably Smeagol, because he's participated least.


    This really is ridiculous to listen to. Why would I waste my night power on killing someone who's so obviously mafia when we can lynch him instead?

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