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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. We ain't that bad in-person, actually last years was quite enjoyable. Except my drunken antics, which wern't fun. I promise this year i won't get drunk.


    Edit: Wonder if the Forum Telephone will return at the meet this year, it was excellent at last years meet.


    It was a positive shock at the idea that Rummy might be attending! :D

  2. Well, if we're correcting grammar, you wouldn't have a definite suffix and a possessive pronoun in Swedish, either.


    But it's your birthday, so I guess we can let it slide.


    No? But you hear them use the definite forms of nouns with possessive pronouns all the time. What have I misunderstood?




    "When an adjective is used in front of a noun with the definite article, an additional definite article is placed before the adjective(s). This additional definite article is det for neuter nouns and den for common nouns, e.g. den nya flaskan (the new bottle), det nya brevet (the new letter), de nya flaskorna (the new bottles)."

  3. Dane Lad Daniel! May I wish thee a joyous birthday in this wondrous occasion! Or...


    Tillykke med din fødselsdagen!


    ...as you Danes might say :)


    I thank thee, Sir Nash! :D


    However, I do feel inclined to correct your otherwise commendable venture into the language of the Danes, for it does contain one small error; the "-en" suffix of "fødselsdag" is superfluous and grammatically incorrect, for it indicates definiteness, yet the definiteness is already marked by the preceding possessive pronoun "din", and thus the noun does not keep the definite suffix it would have otherwise had.


    (And just to confuse things, in Swedish, the noun does keep its definite suffix even if a possessive pronoun is present. :heh:)

  4. Not simple as in pre-available. We can change the format (using php date() format, eg for 24 hour clock I would change it to H:i), but afaik there's no option to allow users to pick from one or the other. I'll check at lunch time, but I'm 90% sure this is the case.


    If you really want it and have a spare minute, maybe search for a Vbulletin mod which does this? (look for version 3.8.x compatible)


    It's not terribly important at all for me, it would just have been a neat little feature if it could have been implemented easily. :)

  5. I don't think that can be changed on a per-user basis so... since we've gone 10 years without anyone ever saying anything before, I'm going to assume the way it is now is the most popular :heh:


    There's not a simple way to implement the option to choose between 12-hour and 24-hour time in the user settings?

  6. Ok, good point. But in that case, wouldn't planning your will/making sure your family will be ok afterwards be more productive?


    Well, of course, but the topic at hand happens to be funerals, not wills and testaments, hence the focus of the dicussion so far. :heh:

  7. I think he's saying what I also tried to allude to - why would you care about whether you'll be remembered/how awesome your funeral is/how many people attend, because when it actually happens, it's not like you'll know. Because you're dead.


    Obviously we don't care when we're dead, but that doesn't mean we're not curious about it now. Also, I don't see why not being around anymore should prevent us from having wishes for when we're dead. You may not be around anymore, but other people will be, and it's the impact of your life, death and funeral on their lives that you care about.

  8. Everyone has a swirl :heh:



    Correct(note I said help determine, not determine. Also I thought it was 30% of gays had anti-clockwise, but it's what I wanted)


    Quiz is finished!


    Yeah, some sources claim it's 30%, but from what I could gather the article I linked to is the original study that showed it.

  9. Well I'm (badly) making the point that when you're dead you have no ties to anyone anymore other than memories - should you care about the organisation of your funeral or worry about people attending? They can't mean anything to you seeing as you're not there to experience them mourning > you aren't part of the world.

    It's a romantic idea to think of the nice things people would say, and to see the impact we've had on people, but it's only a romantic thought and not realistic or of any meaningful bearing.


    I'm still not entirely sure what you're getting at ... Are you trying to argue that people should not have a say in the planning of their own funeral since they're not there to experience it themselves, or ...?

  10. 6. How can a pattern in your hair help to determine your sexuality?


    If they have a swirl on the back of their head, then they're apparently gay...


    Actually, the natural hair swirl is clockwise in most cases, and only 8% of men have it counter-clockwise. However, this study shows that the percentage is higher in gay men, specifically at 23%.

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