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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane




    It was just a holiday blogskin. Normal service will resume. I'm uploading today and tomorrow too, so you have to suffer these vlogs for as little time as possible.


    They're not bad per se, but I miss the unintentional humour that defines ReZ Daily. :)

  2. Oh....broly. Broly broly broly. (Bro-lee).





    Wow. Okay, right. So you either need to buy it or download it. Its one of my (and many other peoples) favourite films of all time. I don't want to overhype it, and its...yeah. Basically, stop reading this thread, stop reading anything about the movie, and go obtain it and watch it. I promise you will......at the very least "enjoy" it.


    And I'm not saying "Its one of my favourite films of all time" lightly. It truely is.


    Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson. GO GO GOGOGOGOGOGO


    GO GO GO.


    I think you've already hyped it. :heh:


    But I'll check it out if I get the chance.


    The "Unstoppable" part of the poster has nothing to do with the film (apart from the name/logo) - Unstoppable is just a film based on "The Runaway Train".


    Ah. See, I told you. :heh:

  3. The fraud police are practically stepping on my heels...but I have a feeling that they're real and not imaginary. Though I imagine that not everyone gets to follow their dreams or fall into a field they really enjoy anyway, I just feel like moaning after a string of bad days :D So I guess I just have to make like this guy:




    (But thanks for your concern, and I hope you don't get hounded by the fraud police anytime soon :))


    Well, don't all victims of fraud police paranoia believe them to be real?


    Anyway, I don't know your situation, so I really can't say what the case is for you. It was just food for thought. :)

  4. I wish I had the time, €, and lack of responsibilities to figure out what I'm good at instead of being forced to do a science subject. After four years, I still feel like I am completely inadequate and have no hope of holding down a "proper" job as an "IT professional".


    Hm, is this a case of the mental "fraud police" that was the subject of the commencement speech in that video you posted? Or is it a more serious case of not feeling right about what you're currently doing with your life?

  5. It's good for me people are sceptical because I don't want people to think this is Gentleman III, but it's not The End of the World either ::shrug:


    Rest assured that it has nothing to do with other mafias. :) I'm simply personally sceptical about the concept you're describing, plus I could probably do with a break from mafias currently.


    Danny, you feeling okay?


    Yeah, just got a lot of other stuff on my mind at the moment. :)

  6. Also what's with everyone hating it without even seeing it?


    Have you seen the other movies that have been banned in the past, hardly anything wrong with them.


    And for a forum filled mostly with gamers I'm surprised.


    Most games we enjoy loads of people think is sick shit that only twisted fucks would play.


    I, too, was a bit surprised at the reaction towards this. I came in here expecting a general anti-censorship sentiment.

  7. What days will you guys be coming up/leaving/doing on non-meet days? I'm still totally trying to figure that weekend out, but I think if I'm there I'm totally...there.


    I arrive in London the 14th and leave again the 20th, and I live in a hotel right by Hyde Park. So far I have no concrete plans the other days, so I'm more than up for additional N-E awesomeness in London if people are available. I want to make the most of the potential time with the N-E crew since there's no telling when we get to meet again. :)

  8. Leave him be.. For now.

    I want a part III as much as the next person, but I do think we should give it some considerable time before we plunge ourselves into massive epicness ;).

    There will be plenty of great mafia games in the meantime.


    Definitely agree with you there. We need a substantial breather period if we are to truly appreciate a new instalment.


    I'm not really worried that Jonnas has no plans currently. He said the exact same thing after the first one. ;)


    By the way, did ReZ have any in-game connections to the mafia since he's apparently friends with Gallandeau? Or this that merely a post-game twist?

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