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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. But then, I'm not actually an insane militant heterophobic socio-fascist in real life. The majority of what I post is play. Because I grew up in an atmosphere where no one every played with ideals. Where it's like: "Act White, Straight and Middle-Class or else..." -- in fact, that wasn't even said, it was just implicit.


    When I tell people that they should stop doing their £6/hour job and take up sex work, do you really think I mean that?


    Comments were read as rude/insensitive, which I didn't intend, but either way, they were, so I'm a bastard. Deal with it, I'm dealing with it.


    It's getting increasingly difficult to tell your caricatured views apart from your genuine views.


    Also, your "deal with it" mantra is another thing I disagree with entirely, but I won't go into that here.

  2. I hate the belief that cartoons were somehow better when we were kids. Now we just need a thread about how much better games were back in the day. :p


    I doubt the latest Power Rangers series is any worse than the ones that came before it.


    Despite the rose-tinted glasses, there has been a degradation of the effort put into shows on a general scale, I believe. Also regarding what children shows can get away with. A lot of shows seems to have become far too politically correct and painfully "clean" in their storytelling.


    But again, it may just be the rose-tinted glasses talking. :heh:

  3. You should just pursue the love and sex life that you find most rewarding. There's no "right" and "wrong" when it comes to what kind of relationships people should have; some prefer casual sex, others seek their one true love, and others again have solid relationships with sex partners on the side line. The only thing that matters is that people agree on the way things are done in the relationship(s). Otherwise people get hurt, and that's wrong in any relationship.


    I can't give you any more advice, for I have little experience in this field. I can only offer you my view on the "philosophy" of relationships.

  4. I'm not telling him to get over being sad -- in fact, my first post was a sentiment of solidarity.


    I'm saying that if you work with the axiom that sleeping with more than one person at a time is wrong, then you're going to be sad.




    And yeah, your best bet without deconstructing your ideals about sex/relationships is becoming Adonis reincarnate.


    Jesus Christ, not everyone lives by the same ideals! Some people are happy with casual sex with several people. Others prefer monogamous relationships with only one individual. There's nothing wrong with either way of doing things, nor with any way in between, as long as the involved parties agree on the "rules" so no one gets hurt.


    You make it seem like monogamous people are being silly and should just accept unfaithfulness because "that's how humans are" (a statement I find highly questionable), all the while expressing sympathy less skilfully than a brick wall.


    I'm sorry, but with each passing day I lose more and more respect for your views on the world.


    Ok Esequiel - I'm happy the air has cooled down. But in reflection, as a married couple - shouldn't you be able to speak out frankly and honestly to the one you expect to spend your entire life with??


    I don't see the problem in telling her that you DID look through her draws based on how you were feeling - and she shouldn't of had a problem with that; you're supposed to be 'one' now.


    I remember when i left my Facebook account open at my exs on her laptop and with her being naturally insecure, she browsed through my inbox - and she told me this openly... Sure we're weren't married but we loved each other and I was actually impressed with her honesty.


    I don't mean to sound negative, but I will be honest in spite of - but I feel things are being swept under the carpet slightly, in general. Or as Aimless said, you just need to get back in touch. I think even though you are of course relieved, you are a bit too quick to be in a celebratory mood things still need fixing I think... I sincerely mean no offence.


    Enjoy! :)


    Surely it's a step in the right direction for them. :)




    I hope you continue to improve your relationship, Esequiel, and I hope the two of you get better at talking about things. :)

  5. @haters: I don't see the point in lying to people. You get married, of course you're going to have sad times. People aren't built to monogamously devote themselves, especially if the sex is "poor". Get over your jealousy, or be sad.


    I'll be sure to remember to give people harsh advice about "getting over it" next time they're going through something painful.


    This post nearly came out much, much harsher, but I toned it down.

  6. I'd more call it emotional attachment, once you stop playing you shouldn't really care what happens to it ::shrug:


    No, not really. I wouldn't care if it was deleted; in fact, I'd rather have that. But I'm a perfectionist, and thus I don't want my account and team out of my own hands.


    It's one of my irrational OCD-like traits fuelled by my autism; I really want control over what happens to my stuff, and this includes my account and team.


    I know I'm being a pain here, but I'd really love you guys if you'd let me have my way in this case. :)

  7. It will be carried on with your account someone could take it over I could make an alt account I guess and just leave it inactive.


    To be honest I'd dislike it being used by others or just lying around. I'd rather it just be completely deactivated if possible.


    Yeah, I know, I know, I'm troublesome. It's my perfectionism shining through. If you don't mind too much, I'd really just like it deactivated. :)

  8. Damn don't leave! Its been great having you here you should give it another season and wait for the change report!


    Thanks, but it really just isn't for me. It feels more like a chore than anything else, and that's not fair to anyone.


    As you are in the lower league I will be keeping your team as I like to have inactive teams to help new people learn the ropes.


    Fair enough, I guess, though I prefer to clean out my stuff when I leave. Will the team will be disconnected from my account or how does it work?

  9. Set your tactics for your remaining games first;

    - click on the drop-down menu that should be your team name and click on 'coming matches'

    - click on the paper/pencil symbol to the left of where it says home/away for the game

    - set tactics!


    That way you won't mess up anything big. It also means that if you choose to leave at the end of the season (which is only two weeks away now) it'll leave an intact team for aqui1a to take over (if he wishes).


    Of course, I'll play the rest of the season. :) But can't I have my team removed from the league? I dislike it lying around.

  10. Hey guys. I'm considering stopping after this season. I know I'm still pretty new, but I'm honestly not really that into it. I've given it a shot, but it just hasn't managed to grab me. So I shall be taking my leave once this season ends. Thank you for your support throughout my short Xpert Eleven career. :)


    How do I leave the league?

  11. I wouldnt even recommend getting a 3DS now anyway, I still regret buying mine so early. I really wish id waited until there were more games I wanted.


    Another part of it is that I lost my original DS, but I agree that it makes more sense to wait.

  12. Oh and I also try and see a bit of good in everyone I meet, even if I don't like them. I try not to judge them. If they were angry at me they may have been having a bad day something that you don't know about could have happened. Even if it's for a silly reason like I've got frustrated before because I couldn't send my Skitty across from one DS to another. :p


    This is actually a thing I try to pride myself on doing; always try to see things from other people's angles. Why do they think and act this way? What is their motivation? It helps you understand both others and yourself, because it forces you to evaluate not only how they view the world, but also how you view the world.

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