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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. As I said, I'm not entirely informed and so I'm probably misinformed, but wasn't a big part of the now global economic crisis to do with sub prime mortgages? Essentially the banks lending money without ensuring a secure repayment, and people taking advantage of this to defraud them? So who are you saying we blame now, the fraudsters or the banks? You seem to be choosing both.


    I freely admit to have nowhere near enough knowledge about economy and the current crisis to say anything on the matter. But I do know that it can often be hard to pin the responsibility for any event on one single group or individual. All things happen as a result of a set of circumstances, and all these circumstances are brought on by other events. Causality, the butterfly effect and all that.

  2. Ok, I understand relevance, but it's like it's not even considering anyone else who might do bad things, some of whom may have been targets. I'll take your point though.


    I see your point as well, and I believe we have concluded this section of the debate.


    As for the communication/thinking I'm getting personal, I assure I'm not. I hear it all too often that some sort of miscommunication was in the way, people apologise if I misinterpreted their literal words, that is not my fault. It isn't my issue, I can't read minds, and if you find yourself misunderstood due to a communication error, is that my fault or yours? I don't mean to be finger pointing blame, but can't we learn from it?


    I don't believe we can actually put the fault with anyone. It's so easy to misunderstand each other's intentions because ways of expression can be so personal. I agree that we can all learn from this. :)


    You expressed yourself originally in a collective noun of 'we', therefore I did not feel you were representing a personal opinion.


    Point taken. I believed it to be clear that it was merely a turn of phrase, though I acknowledge it was not.


    Again, it may be a dickish way to have fun, but who's to say they shouldn't? I actually did know some kids who broke a few windows when they were little, just for fun, though I think they thought nobody would care. A broken e-window isn't that hard to repair, is it?


    That's the real question, isn't it? How much damage, if any, did this cause? I honestly don't know. But if someone's fun causes damage or hurts someone else, I really can't say I approve of it.

  3. I'm not saying they do, I'm just saying why dissapprove so much of these guys but not the others.


    Because this thread was about their actions, and I expressed my opinion about them. Trust me, I disapprove a lot more of evil corporations on the whole, but those weren't the ones in question here.


    I'd apologise for taking you at your word of communication, but I can't be blamed if yours is bad, it's no fault of my own. I'd advise(as I do to anyone else who points out bad communication as a reason to me) you try to learn from this and improve it in future. First/second/third language, I'm not responsible for taking it as it comes rather than what was meant.


    As above, I just took it as I personally saw it, maybe even I misinterpreted.


    I feel you're getting a bit personal here. Wherever the point of miscommunication happened, there's no need to point fingers or become defensive about it. We just had a small misunderstanding, that's all. :)


    But why can't they be lauded for their deeds by people who you feel, as statr=ed, are free to hold their own opinions? YOU may not laud them for it, and that's fair enough, but you can't if you're welcoming free speech be upset because a significant portion of people do, or can you?


    Again, you're completely missing my point here (whether that's my fault or yours is irrelevant). I never said, nor would I ever say, that these people can't be lauded for what they did. I merely expressed in blatant terms that I personally don't consider them heroes or worthy of laud.


    Why do they need a cause anyway? Why do they need a goal? What if it's just to simply highlight how bad internet security is? What if it IS just for lulz and they highlight that as a byproduct on the way?


    Because otherwise they just come off a troublemakers who have fun at other people's expense. If it was just to highlight internet security, they could have done what they did to Nintendo. If it's just for fun, surely it's a pretty dickish way to have fun, don't you think? I could also have fun by smashing people's windows, but that'd be pretty dickish, too.


    Anyway ok I'll accept defeat at the hands of you three at this, but if I ever hear/see/find you blamed anything to do with the global economic crisis on the banks, then screw you to hell, hypocrites! God forbid you blame a company/institution that you trusted, who promised to hold good your information/data/money.



    But yeah, looks like I'm just totally wrong. I'll leave it up to you to tell me what those people blaming the banks and companies are, though.


    I feel you're being a bit defensive about this. Obviously banks and companies should honour the trust we put into them, and if their security sucks they should of course be held responsible for that, but I think it's going a bit far to hold them responsible for an immoral person's deeds.


    "Because we liked the N64" was their reason [for not taking anything].


    It wasn't some grand noble act.


    Plus (apparently) there was nothing worth stealing on there anyway.


    If that's the case, I guess they weren't so noble after all.


    Is it though? If I came up to you and stabbed you in the face, but told you that next time if you wore a helmet you'd be protected, would that still be an awesome deed? :D


    That's the difference though, stabbing someone in the face is different to giving someone advice on how to defend themselves :p


    Heroic nailed it. The key difference lies in the fact that they didn't actually cause any damage or steal anything from Nintendo. It wouldn't equal to you stabbing me in the face and giving me advice afterwards, it would equal to you pretending to stab me in the face and giving me advice afterwards.

  4. Remembering of course that these were the guys that hacked in to Nintendo and left them documents explaining how the broke in so they could fix their system.


    See, this is an awesome deed with a noble goal. There's a huge difference here.


    I break into a bank and steal all your money and get away scott free, the bank can't pay out or something as a result. Who do you blame mainly? The thieves who robbed it or the bank for not having better procedures in place? You trusted the bank, they let you down.


    As much as I dislike the global economy in its current state and capitalism in general, I don't see how we can blame anyone but the person who did the crime.

  5. I was trying to avoid focusing on specifics, and rather generics. Let's consider these guys as one group/company, how many can we find who are equally unethical? More than one for one, I'm sure. I can think of at least one bad company out there as it is.


    Naturally. But I don't see how one group's unethical morals justify another's?


    So...despite your posts in the preferential threads you won't actually defend these people's rights to their opinion that Lulzsec are 'heroes and should be lauded for their deeds'. Would it be out of line for me to call you a hypocrite, here? You used the word 'we' also, as in implying you were forced to do so as well as part of that collective noun, I asked who was saying you had to, but you didn't really address it in a sense of your own self, unless I'm mistaken.


    Of course I'll defend their right to believe these people are heroes. When did I ever say I wouldn't? I just expressed my equally valid opinion that I really don't believe these people to be heroes at all. No hypocrisy here, just different opinions.


    Also, you're putting too much meaning into my potentially bad wording. I should've just said: "I don't think these people are heroes or should be lauded as such."


    I wasn't intending to claim you had, I meant to ask why these guys should be considered worse than them. I think, as Daft also pointed out in part, they're highlighting a good point. Also coming back to it, these guys and Actual rebels as you put it, where's the difference?


    I never did consider these people worse than bad companies, nor did I ever wish to communicate the idea that I did. If I have, I apologise for the misunderstanding.


    I think what really gets me is that I've just seen too many of these hackers who are lauded for their deeds when they attack big corporations, yet really only seem to be doing it for their own personal gain and/or amusement. Often I find it hard to see the nobleness and productivity in their deeds, and thus they come off more as troublemakers than rebels to me. What exactly is the cause they're working for? What goal do they hope to accomplish through these deeds?


    As I said, I may very well have a prejudiced view on these things, so if I'm blatantly wrong about something, please do point it out to me.

  6. I don't think I hold back any of my personality in my posts but I don't really post anything where too much would come out... if that makes sense.


    I think I know exactly what you mean (or maybe I don't, but it still feels relevant); I think it's an art in itself to know when to hold back and just observe instead of blurting out stuff. Much understanding (I hesitate to say wisdom) can be gained this way.

  7. Sacre rouge! Partout, il y a du sage partout! J'en sais pas.


    My nose is crying rivering tears of crimson blood. I love nose-bleeds.


    Distracting for exam studying though...yes, Gavin -- now's a good time...my exams are finished in 2 days. Fuck me!


    If I'm Hamlet, you're Andrew Aguecheek, Mercutio and all the other excitable, melodramatic, zany and funny characters found in Shakespeare's plays! :D

  8. I feel I'm more open and honest in here than in real life. Because of the distance, you don't fear the repercussions of radical ideas or opinions as much, and it allows for more freedom. That being said, I actively try to be as open and honest as I can with everyone I know. I don't like hiding facets of my personality to anyone.


    But of course, I believe we all have our secrets. Nobody truly knows the true you, with all its dark corners, rugged edges and scratches in the paint, as you do.

  9. Who exactly said that you should?


    Also what makes them worse than bad companies?


    It was a general comment aimed at the people who think whenever hackers manage to attack big corporations, they're heroes and should be lauded for their deeds.


    Generally I'm just ranting at this type of people that we've seen on the internet before. It's people who pretend to have noble causes in mind by hacking big corporations and stuff, but whose moralities and true purposes are questionable at best.


    I never said they were worse than bad companies by any stretch. I just dislike their methods. This is more a statement of "see what we can do" than an actual attempt at bettering things. If they truly wish to help make the world a better place, why don't they put some effort into something productive?


    I love rebels. Actual rebels. But I hate people who pose as rebels when they're actually just being self-absorbed brats.




    Rant over. I needed to get that out of my system. Now I'm open to a constructive debate about the topic. Feel free to correct any prejudicial presumptions I've made.

  10. Mcoy dosen't know If you're quoting his post however Mcoy said their picture is heroic. Mcoy dosen't agree with what they're doing but Mcoy Isn't going to worry about It either. Mcoy just believes that karma can sometimes be a bitch and come slap you back in the face.


    Oh, no, that wasn't directed at you, but at some of the people of the internet who seem to think they're heroes. (Their picture is awesome, I can't deny that.)


    I don't get why we should laud these people. They're causing trouble for others - that's all they're doing. If they wanted to highlight problems with security or truly had some other "noble" cause, that'd be fine, but they're obviously just doing this to annoy people and flaunt their digital penises like a bunch of immature schoolboys.


    Even if some of these companies are less than noble, this is just a dickish way of going about things that accomplishes absolutely nothing and only causes trouble for other people.

  11. I genuinely find that Vauchian Dolszki and I have a really good rapport. I literally play off myself really well and fluidly.


    For some reason I find it genuinely amusing that you're surprised enough by this to want to share it. :heh:

  12. I didn't get this bit... He makes it sound like it just rehashes scenes from other movies... but then he ends by saying how great it's going.


    Well, I think you're better off not trying to understand everything Downey, Jr says. :p

  13. Bit confused by Downey Jnr's comments, but they ended well, so...! :D


    I think his main point is that he was extremely sceptical about the whole thing, but that he's pleasantly surprised to see that it actually works. :)

  14. The punch yourself in the face effect was great. :D


    I'm pretty neutral towards Bieber, so the concept didn't really do anything for me. But your attempt at a movie trailer was pretty decent, especially when mixed with your zaniness. :D

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