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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. IIRC I did claim Smeagol to be mafia early on and no-one really followed that.


    I think there was too much talk. MOAR ACTION.


    But it was a really good game. Well done Jonnas again, I liked my role it is a shame people kept saying I was a bullfighter and therefore suspicious.


    Gracias ;)


    People claimed you were suspicious for being a bullfighter someone mistaken for a bullfighter?


    Anyway, I love the amount of discussion in these games! :D It's the discussions combined with the great plot and characters that grip me so much. :)

  2. It does make sense. I would have been gone, but that's part of the game. You on the other hand, would have gotten a lot of attention, as people don't like vigilantes around these parts :rolleyes:. And besides me you could perhaps have gotten some townies killed as well. But that's all hypothetical. We will never know what would've happened.


    This was near the end of the game; I was blatantly town at that point, and I would've only gained more trust by killing off a mafioso.


    But I never killed exactly because I was so suspicious for a long time that I couldn't afford killing off wrong people. When I wasn't suspicious anymore we were so close to the end that a wrong kill could prove fatal to the town.


    Still, it does bug me that I never felt sure enough (read: was too much of a pussy) to actually kill someone in my first vigilante role.

  3. I just can't see how people can justify downloading films in their heads. It basically means they'd shoplift if they could do it without getting caught. You're not taking money away from big faceless companies, you're taking money away from the artists who work on box arts, the guy in the factory making the discs, etc.


    I often hear the argument for pirating that most of the money made from movies, music, etc. goes to the already disgustingly rich companies. Is this true/false/half 'n' half/artichoke?


    (Maybe this discussion should be thripped?)

  4. No, we both did! We've shared targetting since the night we became a supercop! That's why I didn't want to reveal my results! You have misunderstood a bit somewhere :p


    Well, if you hadn't been so darn vague and secretive and alluding! :heh:


    Also, I should make this clear: Nintendohnut killed Esequiel. And Diageo tried to kill Cube, except he protected himself (Sidenote: The mafia considered roleblocking Cube during this night, but decided against it. Oh, what could've been...)


    Did Dohnut lie about appearing if he targetted the wrong person? If so, that was actually a rather smart move, though it didn't save him in the end.

  5. Yeah, I fucked up :P at one point I was thinking "... wait-- maybe it was flink..." but realised that by then if I had turned round and gone "lol guys sorry done a j7 again and just been stupid" you'd all be saying "I DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES KILL HIM!!"


    ... Followed the game closely to the end. 70 pages of 40 posts is just... mind boggling. Practically a novella (already bagsied writing one for real!) in length.


    I had role-switcher/redirecter for like 4 games in a row, which just made me more confused between them than usual.


    Congrats for the win, town!


    I really am sorry, jay, but I'm even more sorry that you ruined my epic Phoenix Wright moment! :heh:


    Also, it was brilliant that Angus was always the killer and killed off his companions! :D

  6. I was wondering if we'd win or if we'd just get a new member. If we had recruited mr-paul then he would've won. I would've been lynched no matter what but he could well have survived to win the game lol.


    Well played town! I managed to hang in there though :D it came down to process of elimination rather than actually having anything on me.


    I'm a bit annoyed that I was so unsuspicious for the first part of the game because before I became Angus I would've appeared good to any investigators. Definitely would've helped my case. It was only a matter of time though, and sorry to ReZ! Had to off the last protector to have any chance of doing anything lol.


    My only complaint about this game was that there was probably 1 too many protectors, other than that I loved playing it as much as the first :D I'm glad I've had the chance to play both games as either side too.


    Well done town :p


    I never got an answer: Were you always mafia? Or did you only become one when your sister/herojan was killed kidnapped?

  7. @Rummy: Your roles were different at first. The initial plan was that one of you would become a competent cop when the other one died, probably after some confusion in the main thread over your results. I wasn't expecting you to be 100% honest about it since day one, and I certainly didn't expect you using Nintendohnut to verify this. So I changed my plans to include a previously-scrapped concept with you two (since what I wanted was a "cop starts useless, becomes useful later" kind of role)


    @Dannyboy: Sméagol was always mafia. Flinky's speech said otherwise because Esequiel was protecting him that night, and caused investigators to see him as innocent.

    Also, Jayseven redirected you to ReZ. I don't know why he said it was Flink, but he really wasn't paying attention to the game at that stage. He sent a target saying "Dannyboy to ReZ!" and then he sent one saying "ReZ to Dannyboy!...or did I send a PM already? If so, go with the old one". It was...odd. He really did seem drunk :heh:


    @Tales: Dannyboy couldn't get anything stolen from him until he regained his memories. It was unlucky that he was your very first target for stealing, but it was hardly a disadvantage. Sméagol's later actions, however...




    Overall...I think I liked the first Gentlemen's better. I feel I was a bit sloppy with this game, there were a few blunders of mine: using "nefarious" to describe "negative" powers such as roleblocking, overpowering Diageo, putting far too many protectors in the game, giving Tales something of a useless role...


    Though this game was peculiar in that the mafia was playing well during the day (Sméagol notwithstanding), but awful during the night, while the town was overpowered during the night, but really dumb during the day.

    I could count the blunders each side made, but it would take a while! :heh:


    Also, getting the keys wouldn't have given you instant victory: it would have given you a new mafia member. Nintendohnut was the first candidate for this, but if he died in the meantime, it would be the next "likely-to-join-the-mafia-in-story" character. Like Diageo, or mr-paul (but never Danny, or Flinky, for example).


    Perhaps with the exception of the balancing, I don't think there was anything wrong with this game. :) Maybe I felt more involved this time because my role called for it; maybe it's because I've always loved second instalments in that they return to a well-known universe and combine the old and familiar with the new and exciting.

  8. What? We DID have to target the same person! We didn't want the mafia to know that early on though, because then they'd realise we both needed to be alive to work! It's harder to protect two people than it is one, surely? There's never need for more information than neccessary.


    Wut? But only one of you targetted ReZ, didn't you? And at the end you started talking about not needing to target the same person and having originally lied about it to become less of a target ... or did I misunderstand everything completely?


    And no, it isn't important until they're under suspicion. It's more information than needed, and in the case of evil-appears-good, can lead to false assumptions and beliefs that can let a mafia fly past completely unnoticed. In fact, haven't you done so in the past?


    Well, we obviously disagree about this.


    I believe you're referring to the Red & Blue Pokémafia in which I was investigated right before switching sides? That was unfortunate for the town, but overall it's still very important, especially at that stage in the game. With so few people left and so much info out, I really don't think it served the town to keep things secret. With enough investigations, you could start ruling out the possibility of mafiosos appearing good.

  9. Hahaha, I was thinking the exact same thing.


    I don't think there needs to be something more than an 18 sign even if it did get released. It is what it is, a minimum requirement to buy the product based on what minimum age should be allowed to see it. There's no 'special exceptions' here.. then again I remember the shit storm that lead to 12a back when Spiderman came out.


    12a? Spider-Man? What was that about?

  10. Rummy and Dazz, I think you were being a bit too difficult to work with. Granted, I trusted you and didn't want to pressure you more, but I don't see how you could've become bigger targets than you already were. :heh: Hell, I'm pretty sure the mafia started taking out the rest of us because they knew we were protecting you! :p (I curse myself for not being more selfish. :heh:)


    For the same reason you don't walk out into an open battlefield in plain sight whilst your enemy hides in the trees and the shadows. For the same reason you don't reveal you hand too early in a game. It's basic strategy in my mind, any doubt the mafia had about us could leave to protecting us, or even more so influencing their actions in targeting. You don't go into battle blind, and I didn't wish to open their eyes to everything about us. Besides, you didn't need to work with us, you needed to trust us after we lynched you two mafia. Nothing I said in the thread didn't make sense. We can't win outside of the town lynching mafia, I kept saying that, why did people not trust us after two mafia and that? Becuase we were cagey? Did that mean we were evil?


    It seems if you don't outright lie or tell the truth, you're a target. Hell, you can kill a man, tell the truth, and not get lynched in these games. What sort of messed up logic is that? I never understood either, how clearing unsuspected towns, in a game where it's assumed everyone is anyway, benefits anything.



    And despite me asking all these questions numerous times throughout the thread, nobody actually ever gave me any answers to counter these points.


    For the record I think the town was being rather stubborn as well, and I did trust you instead of pushing for more info. And I do see your point, but after it became clear you didn't have to target the same person, you really couldn't have become more of a target in my eyes. But I digress.


    Still, despite what you may think, it is important to clear townies, even if they're unsuspected, because as we saw with Peeps, we can never quite trust anyone.

  11. Wonder if that'd work for my laptop. Must get it sorted as it's still clocking in at around 80-90 degrees C regularly, although it has lessened lately.


    Anyway, got a letter from Uni confirming my grades for the year, squarely putting me on course for a 2:1 if I stay at the level I'm at or giving me the chance to get a First if I really pull the finger out next year. Letter also mentioned that not many others achieved all their passes at a First or 2:1 level so that was a nice little boost, even if I don't believe it.


    Christ! :o Mine would shut itself down at those temperatures!


    But yeah, you should really try cleaning it. Mine used to be at 50-something degrees minimum and would often move up into the 60-70-something degree range, but now it stays around the 40 degree mark. :D


    I think they may have updated the BIOS as well, though I really have no clue what that means or if it has helped.



    And you used Song Of Angus for the credits! Yay! :D


    Yes, I know I died, and I fucking hate it! :heh: First time I've been genuinely bummed to die in a mafia game.


    I actually suspected The Peeps since I died. I can't recall exactly what triggered it, but I just had a bad feeling about him. He has been mafia since herojan died, yes?


    Oh, and Sméagol, was he always mafia?


    Did Angus ever steal the key I had, by the way? Or was my pocket indeed so secret that he couldn't find it? :heh:


    Rummy and Dazz, I think you were being a bit too difficult to work with. Granted, I trusted you and didn't want to pressure you more, but I don't see how you could've become bigger targets than you already were. :heh: Hell, I'm pretty sure the mafia started taking out the rest of us because they knew we were protecting you! :p (I curse myself for not being more selfish. :heh:)


    Anyway, this has been the best and most epic mafia game I have EVER experienced! Amazing roles, amazing mechanics, amazing write-ups, constant paranoia, lots of uncertainty, huge discussions ... it was amazing! :D


    I actually doubt I'll ever love another mafia game as much again ... :(


    Still fucking bummed I died, though ... curse you, Peeps and Sméagol!


    (Also loving the references in the final write-up, by the way. :D)

  13. Although, I do think if there's scenes of him wrapping barbed wire round his cock and raping someone there needs something more than a casual 18+ sign. Like a warning on the DVD disc or something.


    I agree. I've often thought warning labels could do with a bit more specificity (without spoiling anything, of course).

  14. If you absolutely must have that word order, then yes, but it's very informal/less common and most people would say "min fødselsdag". In writing, you'd always use the latter.


    I think what it all boils down to is grammar always having lots of exceptions and never making any sense. :blank:


    Ah, I see. But what's a good birthday thread without a discussion about grammar? :heh:


    Again, thank you all for the lovely greetings. :)

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