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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A girl from my STX class threw a small reunion party yesterday, though it was with short notice, so not many could make it. Still, it was really fun and nice to see some of the others again. I had a great time.


    ... Until I woke at 5 o'clock in the morning, having only slept (badly) for about an hour, and had to run for the bathroom where I spent the next hour and a half emptying my stomach violently. Stomach ache, dehydration and utter exhaustion is a lovely combo.


    I went home and feel better now, but am still tired. The strange thing is I was neither drunk nor hungover; I guess my stomach just disagreed with something I had eaten.

  2. And you can tell if a dog is being aggressive long before it bites.


    Um, I couldn't. I didn't know the dog had any malicious intentions before its teeth were in my butt. Either it wasn't actually "attacking" me per se, or I wasn't paying enough attention, because otherwise it was impossible to see that it was going to attack me.


    Also, just to mention it, I believe it was a German Shepherd of reasonable size. Its mouth was at level with my butt, hence the point of attack.

  3. One day, as I was walking from my old school to the nearby field with a friend, we passed a house with an open yard. Suddenly I saw a big dog coming towards me from the yard, and while it was big and very interested in me, I told myself that it was just curious and probably just wanted to talk. Before I knew it, however, its teeth were planted solidly in my right butt-cheek! It didn't actually hurt that much (I was wearing trousers), but the surprise made me yelp, and the owner, whom I hadn't noticed was painting the fence in the yard, called the dog to him. I was so shocked I just kept walking, but later my dad drove there to have a talk with the guy about it. I haven't seen the dog out since except one time when it was in a cage (and barking like mad at me when I passed :heh:).


    I had the nicest, symmetrical set of teeth marks on my butt for a while. :heh:

  4. I tried that first but it would mean the file size is above the measly 19kb that it lets you use, even though combined the av/sig would still be below the 100kb total!


    (I've PM'd Ashley about upping the sig/avatar file size limits but he hasn't replied yet. Maybe after E3 we could all bug him about it :heh:)


    Cool. :) Thanks again, they're absolutely epic! :D

  5. Life imitates art:




    Etc etc...


    I know it's not related to the Rapture, but it made me laugh and reminded me of this cartoon.


    Discriminatory homosexuals? Oh, the irony!

  6. Tales was great, not entirely his fault the town focussed on him for 3 days.


    Honestly, how could we trust him after that? He played so selfishly, getting two townies killed and threatening to get a third killed just to save his own skin. I think it's a terrible way of playing the game, and we really should have got rid of him immediately. This is all said from a townie viewpoint, as I sympathised entirely with the town in that case.

  7. I was just getting changed whilst listening to some music, when Wynter Gordon's "Till Death" came on. I immediately dropped the t-shirt and pair of trousers that were in my hand and began dancing manically around the room. As the final chorus kicked in, I noticed the guy who lives on the opposing side of the street glaring at me with judgemental eyes through his bedroom window.


    I'm filled with half-naked shame.


    Psh, shame? F that guy, you were having fun! This so belongs in the good stuff thread.


    Regarding the heat, it's been great today, but it really shouldn't get any hotter, otherwise the Boy Dane won't be happy.

  8. The mafia being concepts is simply a stroke of GENIUS! :D Also the perfect way to connect the mafia: subtle, but not impossible to figure out. I much prefer this to the once brilliant, but now impractical "type" mafias of the Pokémon games.

  9. Epic, EPIC game! :D Thanks for the honourable mention, Peeps. :) I'm pretty sure I'd have been lynched ages ago if it hadn't been for the attention drawn by Tales.


    I think everyone should know that while it was indeed true that I was more into the Gentlemen's Mafia, it wasn't due to lack of respect or love for Peeps's game; it was because I easily become disengaged when I'm not town. When I don't acually need to follow discussions, propose theories and try to work stuff out in order to win, but can just sit back and wait, I find it harder to put as much effort into the game. It was the same problem I had with the latest Brawl Mafia.


    While I do love tricking people and lying my way out of trouble, I think I'm just more suited to be town. I find it much more engaging because I need to make my brain work if I want to win. I think mafia traitor roles are a great idea to make the mafia's job less passive in the day phase.


    But it's a habit of mine I wish to change. Both in order to reduce suspicion on me, but also because I really enjoy being engaged in the games, and I think it's a shame that I find it harder as a non-townie. When I started getting suspected and had to defend myself, then I felt engaged again.

  10. There will be people, i may be one of them, who makes 2 albums. A disk 1 and 2, where they will own all 20 songs.


    This is what I thought as well.


    In that case, the closest you could get is downloading lead singer Ricky Wilson's take on the album, currently the best-selling version on their "album HQ".


    Ah, I see.


    I wouldn't wanna select 10 tracks to create my own album.


    I don't want to select cool scenes to form a movie either.


    Some form of bullshit Dairylea Lunchables art.


    This is pretty much what I thought as well. If I want to hear their album, I want to hear their album.

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