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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Isn't the point of the quote, anyone can say anything. Which is completely different to anyone can do anything.


    That as well, but I'd argue the main point of the quote is the inherent subjectivity of values and beliefs. There is no objective "right" and "wrong". Thus we need to agree on the values that we base our society on, and we can only do that properly if everyone is allowed to state his or her opinion. As soon as we start prohibiting certain ideas and beliefs, we begin oppressing certain people, and then we're on a downwards spiral towards a totalitarian state.

  2. Not really. Because if someone believes that woman should be raped every night of their existance and that babies should be thrown into a river if they are born with hair, I'm not going to defend their right to believe that, I'm going to kill them.


    You're really missing the point of the quote, then ...

  3. I think, regarding life I am getting somewhat patient and spiritual... This leads me to appreciate every moment that passes - I'm not the most oratorical - so it's hard to explain what I mean... But in essence, life is beautiful; I'm interested in everything and 'preference' begins to take a back seat.


    Funny enough, I was reading the Jediism website and there states to become a Jedi Knight, a phrase was coined up somewhat similar to: "I might not like what you believe in, but I will fight for your right to believe!" - or something on those grounds.


    So I tend to favour understanding - I can understand why someone would like to watch F1 for 2 hours or so. :)


    Sorry to burst your geek bubble, but that quote (or a version thereof) is generally attributed to Voltaire: "I might not agree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it."


    It's a great quote in either case. :)

  4. Anyone know what Jordan is at these days..?


    I'm friends with him on Facebook (and I know a couple of others are as well), and he seems to be doing just fine. :)


    Regarding the ignore list, there are people I really don't agree with, but I'd never ignore anyone. That just feels like I'm pretending something doesn't exist and ignoring its presence. I'd never have my beliefs challenged and thus strengthened, I'd never be any wiser, and I'd never learn to deal with the stuff I disagree with if I just close my eyes to them.

  5. While I do like to think I give everything a chance, it's just not practical to go around and being interested in everything. Sometimes you need to actively cut away something you might find interesting because you just don't have the time or energy to put effort into yet another area of interest.


    I think my point is that while I don't judge stuff, there's just stuff I won't actively try to pour interest or effort into unless prompted by something.

  6. I didn't realise they were both Rummy's though....and Yvonne said she didn't see Rummy's name and Rummy's name is Rummy. Well not his name name. But his name.






    Well, he did say he'd bring a couple of new players, and those two have signed up specifically for the mafia games, so ... Occam's razor, innit? :heh:

  7. I've never liked underscores to represent spaces, hence why I go with hyphens if spaces aren't available (and sometimes even if they are, like here on N-E). Failing that, I just mash my whole username together and capitalise the T.

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