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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. My take is that when you're dead, it doesn't matter whether people are at your funeral or if you meant anything, because you're no longer part of the world. Does the happiness/reflection of your relatives of you as a good person once you've passed?


    ^ For me an unforgiving question.


    Could you be a little clearer? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

  2. Well you have to gather all of the information you have, what does A see, what does C see etc. If you got that A would know if the two in front wore the same shirt, it wasn't much of a stretch to get the rest(that B would know that A would know if he and the guy in front had the same colour shirts). It's an induction type problem. If I make another quiz I'll do a murder mystery :p Or something less contrived.


    Oh, there's nothing wrong with the case itself. :) Such thought problems often do have contrived or downright arbitrary parameters.


    And that's exactly why it bugs me that it's mentioned that they're thieves, since the mention of it suggests that it's a parameter as well, when it is in fact completely irrelevant. :p


    (Don't worry, it's just my perfectionism kicking in. :heh:)

  3. They can't talk to each other, it would make it pointless. B infers from A's silence that his hat and C's hat must be different colours. He can see C's hat, and thus picks the opposite. It's why the hint was that they were competent, and A isn't silent because he is thick or something :p


    It is irrelevant, but we know that from the answer :p It was mainly to contrive a situation where they were captured and had to try to win freedom.


    Well, no, them being able to talk to each other was bad wording on my part. But it's not A being thick; it's logical that he will state his shirt colour if he figures it out, because the test would then be over, and B knows this, making it possible for him to figure his shirt colour out if A doesn't say anything.


    But in a thought experiment with such contrived parameters, why bother coming up with a plausible situation? :heh:

  4. They are all prisoners submitted to a test in the original riddle. Many similar riddles use prisoners as test subjects.


    Well, yeah, but it's still irrelevant to the test, so essentially it's pointless to mention it.

  5. 4. B can always know what colour shirt he is wearing. Let's say B and C are wearing the same colour. Then A would deduce the colour of his own shirt (because it would be the other colour to what B and C were wearing). A, having figured out what colour shirt he is wearing, can then shout to the rest that he has figured out his shirt colour. B would then deduce that the colour of his shirt is the same as C.


    If B and C are wearing different colours, then A won't be able to figure out his own colour. So A would remain silent. Then B would deduce that him and C are wearing different colours, and so he would know that he is wearing black if C is wearing yellow and yellow if C is wearing black.


    Long story short, A will know if B and C are wearing the same colour and B will know if B and C are wearing different colours.


    Ah, of course, I didn't consider the fact that they could just talk to each other! :p It's funny how simple logic is sometimes thrown out the window when focusing on constructed cases. :heh:


    But why mention that they're thieves, though? It's irrelevant to the case.


    Correct, perfect answer. I thought Danny would go for this one, given that he is in fact the detective in question :p


    Heh, I've only read the four novels. I haven't started on the short stories yet. :heh:

  6. No it wasn't because you only solved for one case.


    So let me get this straight: Four thieves are arrested and lined up in a row, all facing the same way. The fourth thief in the row, D, is separated from the others by a door. They are given t-shirts, two yellow, two black, and they can only see the t-shirts of those in front of them. No one can see D. If either of them can identify his own shirt colour, they all go free?

  7. When you have eight mods on the E3 forum it stretchifies everything ;)


    Ah, that makes sense. ;)


    Can we get the digital/military clock on the time stamps?


    This would be a nice little addition. :)

  8. Incorrect.


    Sorry I wrote three thieves instead of four :( The point is that knowing there are two yellow shirts and two black ones, with this set-up at least one should be able to tell their own shirt colour without looking.


    So my explanation was correct?

  9. 4. Three thieves are arrested. They are each given t-shirts, and told to stand in a line, and D to stand behind a door: A B C | D. A can see B and C, B can see C, no one can see D. No one can see their own shirt. They are told there are two yellow shirts and two black shirts. If one of them can say the colour of his own shirt they can go free. How can this be accomplished, and by whom? (hint, they are all competent)


    I guess if B and C are wearing the same colour shirt, A will know his own shirt is the other colour? Though I'm not sure I get the point of the exercise, so I may be overlooking something ...

  10. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. :( Did you have any resemblance of an idea that she had such tendencies?


    We're here for you. It's a misconception that internet friendships are less meaningful than real life friendships.

  11. One of my old friends recently moved to New York from Denmark and has just released her first EP. I've congratulated her and told her how much I like it. In the mail today I received a USB key (with her artist name ingrained) containing the EP, booklet and a music video. That's just sweet. :)

  12. I tried to make questions that are difficult to Google. And so, some of them might be unfair on those who don't know me well. :p




    1. How many members have the word "Nintendo" in their name?

    2. Who are the the five members with the most posts and how many does each have?

    3. Name 3 different characters that have been used in my avatar/signatures.

    4. Fill in the blanks: Leo ______ hosts a program called ______ week _____ Google.

    5. Find 5 threads with 5 replies only.

    6. Name 4 current regular members with a birthday in February.

    7. Name 5 members who live in Ireland.

    8. What mafia game has the most posts?

    9. How many times have I posted in the "Drunken Thread FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" thread?

    10. What is my favourite colour?


    10. Purple!


    Yay for easy points! :p

  13. I'm not awfully afraid of not leaving an impact. If the people in my life remember me in a positive light, that's enough for me. It means I've lived life well.


    I admit I'm a bit vain, though. I'd love to know what people think of me after my death. How they'd react, what's said at my funeral.

  14. It's not a direct attack at MBAM (I'm pleased she had a mysteriously good weekend) but just a comment at those sorts of posts you see on facebook. My cousin is very bad for it; "FOR FUX SAIK!!" will be his typical kind of post, followed by 10 "OMG sup hun???!?Radsf" and 1 "They do night courses for spelling, mate".


    I think I'm a bit conservative about stuff..?


    Oh, I definitely agree with your dislike of that type of posts, but I just think it's wrong to assume that a "secretive" post is necessarily intended to make people ask about it. It could simply be that MBAM wanted to share that she had had a good weekend without going into detail.

  15. What is this, facebook?


    Please don't post 'fishing' posts. It makes being nosy really difficult.


    See, there's a dynamic to it. It all depends on whether it's assumed that people are going to ask about it. If not, then a post like that isn't a fishing post, because it's accepted that the poster has divulged what he or she wanted to. No more questions asked.


    I'm not sure what practical relevance this has, but I just felt it needed saying.


    Anyway, what I actually came in here to say is that I appear to have figured out the skip issue with my Guitar Hero games; the skips were a result of the game repeatedly trying to connect to the internet without luck. I had forgotten that all connected units had been kicked off our network when we put a password on it; as such, there was a connection that the game tried to access, but the connection didn't work. I turned off the connection, and voilà, the skips were gone!


    But now I can't seem to connect at all, even when putting in the password, which I don't quite get.

  16. Think about it - why else would she throw the party? Because she wanted to see you again? Really, Danny? Really?








    Man I totally don't recognise your posts anymore Danny... I'm so used to associating you with your previous avatar!


    Heh, I have had the Sherlock Holmes avatar for a very long time. :heh:


    Hangovers don't cause throwing up, throwing up during a hangover is more like a tactical chunder. You do it because you think it'll make you feel better. Usually does for about 5 minutes.


    What did you drink?


    A lot of Somersby cider and a single shot of tequila, plus I tasted sips of other drinks. But I was reasonably sober again in the morning, so I doubt it was a direct consequence of drinking. Realistically it was just due to the harsh effect such nights have on my stomach; it's definitely not the first time it's been upset, but it's just never reacted this strongly before. Maybe I ate something that upset it, or it didn't like that tequila shot I took. :heh:


    (I'm surprised this has sparked a discussion! :p)

  17. I never said my logic was sound.


    Though at the very least, if you're drunk enough you don't mind as much.


    I'm not sure it would've made a difference in this case. :heh:


    The girl probably poisoned everyone at the party. :blank:


    ... lol wut? :heh:


    Why would you have been hungover before throwing up, Genius?! :p


    I've been led to believe that hangovers can include throwing up, but perhaps I'm mistaken there?

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