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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I can definitely see her as Maya; her facial expression fits very well. But that guy as Phoenix ...? I dunno ...


    (Obviously I'll love this no matter how terrible it is.)


    EDIT: Didn't see the Edgeworth pic before. He looks decent enough.

  2. I'm personally wondering whether Tales is neutral or something.


    I'm still wary of you Danny, as Esequiel was a townie whose role made him appear evil, yet he didn't look like a monster/threat. He was just shady. He was like Dyson in the other game. He got 9/10.

    You claim townie, and you say you're only a threat because you look nasty. And you got 10/10 on the threatometer. I think it's unlikely that there is more than one townie that appears evil. Also my analysis said it took everything - appearance, actions, abilities, into account. If you were just a friendly protector who looks a bit dodgy, would I get a threat level of 10?


    Tonight I may investigate someone who I believe to be good, and see what comes up.


    I honestly don't know why I appear as a 10/10 (unless it's a hotness scale ;)). I theorise that it's due to my rather deformed appearance and militaristic methods, but that's all I have. I can't really blame people for being suspicios of me since I admit it does look shady. I'm just hoping I can get a chance to prove my allegiance to the town.

  3. Dyson, gedda game up! :p





    Currently active Mafia Games

    The Gentlemens Mafia II (By Jonnas)

    End of the World Mafia (By The Peeps)


    Currently Signing up



    Signing Up Soon

    Bare Bones Mafia II (By Dyson)

    The 007 Mafia (By Nintendohnut)

    Norse Mythology Mafia (By Tales)

    The Robot Mafia (By Jonnas)

    The Video Game Mafia (Title TBC) (By MadDog)

    Pokémafia X : The Tournament of Champions (By ReZourceman)

    Mafiawesome: Lucid Drift Mafia (By Jayseven)

    Isle of Apate (By Cube)

    Pokémafia 11 : Gold and Silver (By ReZourceman)

    The Book With No Name Mafia (By The Peeps)

    Disney Mafia 2 (By Chairdriver)

    Sci Fi/Fantasy Mafia 2 (By Esquiel)

    Pokémafia Yellow (By Diageo)

    Heaven and Hell Mafia (By Diageo)

    The Simpsons/Family Guy Mafia (By mr-paul)

    Animal Mafia (By heroicjanitor)

    (Full title TBC) Shadow Mountain Mafia (By Mr-Paul and ReZourceman)


    Yeah, Dyson, come on!

  4. Because you got 10/10 and I'm just seven. If I'm mafia, you're mafia. If either of us is town, mr-paul has the most useless power in the game.


    Unless of course, you know, one of us appears guilty/dangerous/evil/whatever under investigation. ¬_¬


    Why? If I'm town it wouldn't be ingenious or stupid keeping the majority up and still have plenty of powers to help the town.


    It's strange how you're suddenly so worried about the town's interests when you had no problem offing two based on hunches. Especially since you just said you would rather use your powers to save your own arse than help the town if you had the choice.


    I'm not actually saying you're evil, I'm just baffled by your playing style.

  5. So if I'm mafia, dannyboy definitively is?


    How do you figure that?


    Yes, and if you keep going after me I will use my powers to save my own ass than helping the town. I actually did by keeping myself alive, but there are better uses.


    :blank: I can't tell if this is ingenious or utterly stupid. In any case it seems terribly arrogant.[/my five cents]


    Diageo admitted to being the mosquito thing, which was actually some sort of dart, wasn't it? If people have started feeling unwell because of it, we should probably investigate. He hasn't actually told us what it does, but claims it has no ill effects.

  6. Dannyboy, why is your skin rotten and smelly?


    Rotten? My skin isn't rotten, it's burnt. It makes sense that it's smelly, but I don't get the rotten part.


    Anyway, I protected Diageo last night.


    Regarding Tales, it was obviously an end-the-day-early power, and only the mafia would benefit from having such a power. Now they have to have known that it would be obvious, so why did they decide to use it? If Tales is indeed mafia, it only served to postpone his demise. If he isn't mafia, why would they waste it on him, seeing as he was practically dead already?


    It makes no sense either way to me.


    (Also note that nothing appeared in the write-up. That's curious.)

  7. Later tonight? What time zone is denmark in?


    GMT +1. I'm one hour ahead of you guys.


    Dannyboy - do your traps roleblock people/completely stop people reaching your target? If so, you may have stopped chair. It'd be nice if you could clear that up


    I can't know for sure since it isn't specified. But I believe a standard protector power, unless anything is specified, blocks all people attempting to target my target. Ergo I do believe I could have been the one preventing chair from reaching The Peeps.

  8. Ok, can everyone please explain WHY they are voting for me? Is it all subjective stuff like you think I act/post like mafia/you think I'm mafia/you get the feeling that I'm mafia? Because all I'm getting is "I THINK SHE IS EVIL/SHE SEEMS EVIL TO ME" (esp from ReZ earlier on) and "SHE IS DEFINITELY MAFIA", but without anything to back it up.


    I trust Dazz.

  9. There was no need for me to reveal that.. I could just as well have told you I was "protecting" you and ReZ. The plan was to steal something and reveal what it was here right in the thread before someone yells "I've got mugged!", hopefully contributing more than "sorry guys, no PM". But alas, it wasn't meant to be. May as well sit this one out 'till it's over.


    As for my targets, I wasn't exactly sure about you.. Nintendohnut didn't confirm having killed Esequiel, which is a strange thing to do. So I chose you just in case, eventhough I was pretty sure it was Dohnut. Then ReZ after his little escapade, but yeah.


    Oh and people, just ignore Dazz.


    It makes sense that Nintendohnut didn't admit to it because he wasn't supposed to go around killing. It effectively proved that he had ulterior motives, that he wanted to win on his own.

  10. What it says. I got tired of getting no PM's, I was sure stealing would be more exciting, and I wondered what I'd get out of it. To this day I still don't know.


    Not sure I'm buying that explanation ...


    Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not allowed to give it out?


    I'm starting to think you're neutral...


    Honestly? No offence, Dazz, but I think you're just being overly cautious. I seem to recall you being in doubt about some game mechanics before - what you were and weren't allowed to, no?

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