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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. See, I disagree a lot with that way of playing mafia games. Of course we can't count on conclusive evidence, but I don't like voting in east and west and just going with gut feelings. That just takes out the fun of the game for me personally.


    I'm only sticking up for ReZ because I have no reason to suspect him at the moment. Heck, I was interrogating him earlier because I found him suspicious myself, but since then I've had no reason to distrust him.


    I do, however, agree that we shouldn't stall things. It doesn't look like we'll get much more info out of this day, so I'm willing to go with ReZ's investigation.


    Vote: Dyson

  2. I couldn't find it when searching for Tom Cruise, but it's the first that turns up for Bale. Still, I thought the whole joke was that it was Tom Cruise, and it had never even crossed my mind before that it wasn't him. Now I can't for the life of me tell who of them it is.

  3. First of all, you're suspicious because ReZ got an 'evil' result on you. I don't think you've been behaving overly suspiciously, and that's the primary reason I'm having doubts. What I want to know is why you suspect ReZ to be evil. If you do end up lynched and turn out to be good, I'd hate for us to turn on ReZ and find out he was good as well. Mistakes happen, we can't just assume every false lynch was instigated by a scumnag.


    Also, if you're not lynched tonight, the mafia certainly won't go for you. The mafia only has an interest in keeping suspicious people alive.

  4. It's obviously not complete yet but I do have a Snowy plush toy. I'm thinking of dressing up when the movie comes out.


    See I take the piss out of Potter die hards dressing up to see the movies, but I'm totally the same for Tintin.


    Feel free to take the piss out of me anytime. I'll still dress up. :heh:

  5. Chair is always incredibly hard to read. He rarely posts, usually only votes, and he has a tendency to jump on whatever suspicion is currently being aired. Since he always plays like this, it's hard to deduce anything from it.


    Regarding ReZ, he's excellent at pretending to be town. I really want to know what suspicions people have against him since I'm not really getting those vibes from him at the moment.


    Chair is always incredibly hard to read. He rarely posts, usually only votes, and he has a tendency to jump on whatever suspicion is currently being aired. Since he always plays like this, it's hard to deduce anything from it.


    Regarding ReZ, he's excellent at pretending to be town. I really want to know what suspicions people have against him since I'm not really getting those vibes from him at the moment.

  6. Somewhat glad I've had a chance to log on during my lunch break, looks like the lynch is gonna happen despite me coming out with absolutely everything. It happened to Tummy in the other Mafia game and its about to happen to me too. The only thing I ask is that ReZ isn't allowed to get away with this when you see my alignment come up as good later on. He will try and distract you and convince you all to go for someone else but when you see the fact that I'm good, and re-read the posts he has made this day phase, you'll see how mafia they sound.


    Else he'll survive until the end of the game and claim to have you all fooled. Don't fall for it. Don't let my death be in vain. I still want the town to win even afterthis frustrating day phase!


    Should also mention that chairdriver has contributed nothing but votes recently. Someone investigate him.


    How does ReZ seem evil?

  7. I am sure because a lot of the notes have silly comments in them, which fit with Flinky's (real life/forum) personality. The notes just reflect him, nothing more.

    I mean one of the notes even had part of the Pokémon song in there, another said "Jayseven why weren't you eeeeeeeeevilllllll?!". So yeah. Perfect Flinky behaviour.


    Everyone is just looking into the notes too much. All they offer is a small bit of information on the person targeted, nothing more. And usually it's stuff we already know because Jim picks the wrong targets. =P


    All right, yeah, you have a point about the first part. Still, I think the second part could have a double meaning.


    But I digress, this really isn't all that relevant in the big picture.

  8. Nah don't think so, as it says it's related to the name calling. =P

    Honestly that first part is completely "pointless", just flavour. The second part of the note is more referring to Eddie's role.


    But how can you be sure the name calling doesn't refer to her role name? Besides, I still maintain that it's a hint at the suspicious descriptions.


    Vote Standings


    Dyson (5): Zell, Dannyboy-the-Dane, The Peeps, ReZourceman, chairdriver


    EddieColeslaw (1): Rummy


    ReZourceman (1): Dyson


    Majority is 9


    I removed my vote, good Sir Jonnas.

  9. Second part: I think it just means that these notes that appear in the write-up are anonymous (though we all know who they're from) and talking anonymously makes you say things you wouldn't normally say. The internet is a good example of this with all its trolls haha.


    I think it's meant to highlight that the notes are somewhat painted in a suspicious/negative light.

  10. Here it is:


    I wasn't told what kind of traps I use, just "traps". That's why I didn't reply when Zell asked who uses nets, because I didn't know. Also, I think I do protect from kills, I protect from anyone "attempting to target". I can ask Jonnas to confirm it though. Want to test it with Dannyboy/Dohnut tonight? :P




    You are a jailkeeper. I take the role of either a roleblocker or protector, there's a difference. Why were you so quick to make that assumption and move on to accuse me?




    I roleblocked Eenuh only, I didn't protect her. Why is dual roleblocker/protector so unlikely? It's not like I get to use both simultaneously...


    Zell and Smeagol are both thieves. Oh no! One of them must be evil, why would there be two? Dazz and Rummy are investigators, one of them must be evil! Why would there be two? etc. :p




    I didn't know anything about Eenuh after she took over Sprout's role, maybe I missed it? She's been relatively quiet compared to some, if she did give info then I must have overlooked it. I chose her randomly, up to you whether you believe that or not. Why wouldn't I roleblock someone I don't know anything about?? Isn't there a chance they do something evil?




    Night 1: protected heroicjanitor (no PM)

    Night 2: roleblocked jayseven (no PM)

    Night 3: protected Cube (no PM)

    Night 4: roleblocked Aqui1a (PM: failed, but don't think I was roleblocked?)

    Night 5: roleblocked Eenuh (no PM)

    Night 6: protected Esequiel (no PM)

    Night 7: protected myself (no PM)


    If you think I'm lying about being a protector, make a plan where I protect someone and someone targets them. Unless jayseven wasn't the only redirector, it shouldn't get messed up.

  11. Eddie has stated that she can protect OR roleblock. It's possible she jailkeeps though.


    I don't suppose anyone has a list of Eddie's targets? We can see who she has protected and on which night, then hopefully someone can confirm whether or not they were also roleblocked.


    She posted them yesterday, did she not? Hang on ...

  12. Why are we saying Eddie protects? As far as I'm aware, she's a roleblocker. I got caught in her net once, stopping me from reaching my target. Doesn't exactly sound like a way to protect someone.


    She is apparently both. There was some confusion regarding her power, whether she was a jailkeeper or not.

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