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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Or being exploded by... what was in those containers? It was green gas in the game but different in the film I'm sure.


    A certain type of Explosive Phlebotinum.


    I agree it doesn't look good for Eenuh. If we don't get an explanation soon, I shall put my vote down for her as well.

  2. I'm not mafia though. Last night I was locked up in a warehouse, where I was beaten again and again until I fell unconscious. Today I have to recover from my wounds, so I'm not allowed to vote. Sounds like something the mafia did to me.


    Also last night, MadDog visited me. I was asked if I wanted to kill him or let him live, but he seemed good to me so I let him live. If I was mafia, I could've easily killed him (seems someone did tonight).


    Townies aren't normally given a choice whether to let a room-hider live, though, are they?

  3. Ourumov is surely bad news as well, but he certainly isn't the only Russian character, and I don't remember if he ever wore an ushanka? It's worth looking into in any case.


    I want to hear from Eenuh primarily.

  4. About Yvonne, even Nintendohnut isn't sure what is, it may also be called an Ushanka. Still don't know what it is :p


    A deerstalker is the type of hat worn by Sherlock Holmes in the classic depictions of him, hence why I suggested him jokingly. I don't know/remember any Bond characters with deerstalkers, though.

  5. I'm not so sure about that' date=' but at least I have a little success every now and then!


    I don't think age is an issue at all, it's all about the stage of life/maturity levels of the people involved.


    The girl I'm seeing for example, I think she's absolutely great, attractive, nothing wrong with her at all. But I know she's thinking long term and wanting someone to settle down with, wheras I'm going with the flow and just want to have fun. If it was a day to day thing everything is great, but because of what we're looking for it just doesn't quite work out.[/quote']


    I agree. I've never really seen the issue with age. Why does it matter?


    (Cue jokes about paedophilia.)

  6. 3 people gone in one night?


    And we're allowed to lynch one person a day... Is this even winnable?


    We're being raped.


    It is highly unusual that so many people have died in such a short time. Normally the mafia only gets one kill per night, so I'm not sure what happened. Jonnas was apparently kidnapped, and MadDog seemed to have hid in the wrong room.


    Yvonne - Still chewing the breath mints, found a deerstalker. don't know what that is, but I tried it on me.


    Sherlock Holmes? :heh: I don't remember any James Bond characters with a deerstalker hat.

  7. I was enjoying The Bard and Diageo's discussion up to this. My mind is now broken.


    On-topic: I assumed that people forget about the more heated discussions as soon as they die out (I do). It's just harmless discussion, unless there are personal remarks thrown in. I hope no one actually remembers people who disagreed with them, like "X is so mean! Gonna ignore all his/her posts/troll them from now on! >:c". I like slight disagreements though, it's cool that everyone sees things in different ways. After all, "Every man (OR WOMAN/other genders) is my superior in some way" (Dale Carnegie).


    Well, there are general tensions between certain people, but the good thing about this forum is that those people don't constantly troll each other. They're likely to be the ones to get into a heated argument, but the majority of the time they're perfectly capable of being civil with each other and even agreeing on stuff.

  8. True, he hasn't attempted to make a case for himself, more than to poke holes in the defence. But he does make some good points. And now the same can be done to him.


    What are your arguments?


    I really need to look into these guys. I find out Drell is actually a magician, and now he and his buddy do more than just magic.


    True enough, he does make some good points. It's why I don't hate him in any way, I just dislike his general tone. The same goes for Penn & Teller; they're pretty awesome most of the time, but their "Bullshit!" series really did annoy me at times.


    The arguments I'd give for the consumption and exploitation of animals have already been covered in this thread; survival of the fittest, the circle of life etc. But as I mentioned, I'm actually very undecided on this topic, and I've found that both sides of the debate make some great points.

  9. I didn't mean on the video I posted, I mean more on the link.


    You had only posted the video at the time, so that's what you appeared to refer to.


    There's nothing wrong with what he says in the link, either, but he still hasn't actually defended why it's morally okay for humans to exploit animals. I can easily think of a number of arguments for why it is okay, but the point I'm trying to make right now is that he hasn't made a single of such arguments. Instead, he has taken it for granted that it's self-evident and resorted to insults. This is the reason I dislike people like him and (sometimes) Penn & Teller: Because their arrogance often leads to them regard their own opinions as self-evident and thus fail to properly argue them. And when their points really are self-evident, surely there should be no need to bash the opposition since the evidence should speak for itself, no?

  10. Which bits was he wrong on?


    None, but he simplified the argument. He argued why animals aren't humans; that's easy enough to do, but it's not the point. The main question is: Why is it okay for us to eat and exploit animals? Just because they're not humans?


    A hypothetical thought experiment: A civilisation of aliens come to Earth and conquer it. They enslave humankind and start to eat and exploit us like we do animals. Would we find this fair?


    I don't actually know where I stand on this issue myself, so I'll mostly just be following the debate with great interest.

  11. I dismiss it because I don't believe I've anything to offer appart from things which should be a given, or are negative.


    Also, me having something to offer isn't a suggestion in the sense of "be confident", "just go for it", "put pressure there" etc, just an assumption that I must have something to offer.


    Even if we do assume, purely hypothetically, that you have nothing to offer but yourself, a great guy, why do you think you need to?

  12. On the other hand, nobody lives forever but he was lucky to be established and remembered in entertainment. Many of us will live to 70+ but be forgotten in a couple of generations.


    Which one is preferable depends on the person, though.


    Whatever the circumstances surrounding his death, it's still very tragic and sad.

  13. Sorry, just have to say, my girlfriend spied at this page yesterday and saw this comment and couldn't stop laughing. She thinks that this site is my guilty pleasure, full of people who all probably masturbate to Princess Peach.


    That's ... harsh. :p


    Anyway, thanks for the advice, guys. Not really anything I didn't know, but I guess the problem is applying it in real life. I guess I just need to get out there and practice.


    Also: Man, I was introspective last night. I'm still not sure if I was on to something or just rambling.


    I am open to advise. I also know myself. The things I question are because I'm me; that doesn't mean I don't appreciate advise, otherwise I wouldn't ask.


    The problem is that you seem so stuck in your own thoughts about yourself and everything that you dismiss any advice that could lead to personal growth. :)

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