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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Ah, now this I am not bad at. Or rather, I'm not bad at getting girls to flirt with me. Do men actually flirt? It seems more like a feminine thing to me.


    Anyway, make them laugh. I know it's a cliché, but it's true. I'm not much of a comedian (as N-Europe will testify) - so the secret is to be relaxed. If you're relaxed, they'll relax and it'll be much more natural for them to laugh at anything even mildly amusing that you say.


    Flirting, chatting ... just generally communicating in a way that sends the right signals. I appear to suck terribly at it. :heh:


    I think I may have figured out what one of my main issues is.


    Most of you know I battled terribly low self-esteem some time ago, and it had me really down in the basement. I got some great advice from some great people, and it helped me change my focus and acknowledge my own self-worth.


    However, even after that, I still seem to be battling the issue, and I may have figured out why. As many of you also know, I was diagnosed with autism as a kid, and through my childhood and upbringing I had a lot of obstacles that needed to be overcome, which I have. However, it seems to have affected my self-view; no matter what I do or how well I fare in life, no matter how much I acknowledge my own self-worth, I never actually feel any self-worth. It's not actually low self-esteem per se, nor is it making me sad or depressed, because I've already fully and genuinely acknowledged my own worth as a human being; but I think, due to having always started behind my peers as a child, having always had to fight my way up to the normal starting point, having always been different from the others, I've never actually felt like a "full" human being. It sounds terribly depressing, but it's actually a realisation I've come to with surprising calmness; I have trouble showing confidence because I genuinely have no confidence in myself as a genuine human being - I actually don't think of myself as a person like everyone else.


    Maybe it's the very reason I've even been so fixated on the whole relationship thing; maybe I believe/hope it will make me feel validated as a human being, will help me gain this sense of self-worth. Maybe it's the reason I've always tried so hard to make friends and fit in. Maybe it's what I've always been pursuing throughout my whole life in everything I've done. Maybe everyone feels this way and it's just been augmented in my case because of my autism. Maybe I'm spewing bullshit and have no idea what I'm talking about.



    Looking back at all the stuff I just wrote, it feels unstructured and messy, but remembering jayseven's thread I decided to leave it there instead of just deleting it all, in case people might want to read it. You've been warned. :heh:


    The short version: I think I'm so heavily battling a lacking feeling of self-worth because of my autistic childhood, and no amount of acknowledgement of my own self-worth seems to be helping. And I feel strangely calm about this realisation.


    Maybe this should have gone in one of jayseven's self-reflection threads.


    Also it's late, and I'm tired, and I think I just needed to get all these thoughts out and down on paper ... screen ... whatever.



    Oh sweet baby jesus, I just spoke to her (as in, my ex) and she apologised for the way things had worked out, and I've literally just been sitting here, completely broken down since. I can't believe it.


    I explained it to her a few weeks ago that I've never ever felt truly 'happy'. My dad left us when I was just a few months old (i've never actually told my friends that, so Zell, if you read this, apologies for hiding it, I'm so sorry) and well because of that, I've felt I've always been missing a big part of me. I've always felt that because of the way I was brought up (mum struggled a lot financially for a few years) that I've always been quite aware of the real outside world; there is so much for me to learn, so much for me to understand and certainly I have a lot to give, and I won't be properly happy until a culmination of those things comes together and I feel 'complete'. Now, she understood this completely and I remember there was this one specific moment when we were in bed together and she told me how much of a good father I would be and how proud my mum surely is of me, and for the first time I actually felt it. Like, I felt somewhere near complete. I don't know if that makes sense. I guess the best way I can explain it is by quoting the film Rocky, where Rocky says (when talking about his relationship with Adrian) 'She fills gaps, I fill gaps, together we fill each others gaps'. For those few minutes I actually forgot about my past and what my mum has gone through over the years...and I'm not going to get that again for so long. Those gaps were filled.


    The weird thing is, I've been completely in love with someone before but I never once felt that happy (certainly very happy, but not on that level). It's amazing, looking back at my last relationship (about a year ago) we were definitely not going to work long term, we argued WAY too much and in hindsight we would have been better off staying as friends. That said, once you fall in love with someone it's so easy to miss all that. I guess what Bard said about love is true, the thing that is written in his status that is.


    Edit. Don't mean to suggest I'm always depressed, just that I've always felt a bit 'incomplete', the exception being when I was with her. Oh well, life moves forward I guess.




    Epic man hugs, bro.

  2. I think those stalling for a vote especially Danny screams mafia.


    Why? That makes no sense. If I was mafia, I'd have been on that vote train ages ago. Because dead people who aren't mafia = good thing for us/the hypothetical mafia.


    Dazz isn't a threat right now. We can deal with him if he becomes one. Why waste out time lynching people who aren't immediate threats to us? The discussions in the day phases are all we have. If we kill Dazz off know, we will have gained nothing in this day phase, and the mafia gets another kill AND moves a step closer to majority.


    What we need to focus on is Yvonne. If she can indeed steal the vote from us tonight, then we have a valid reason for lynching Dazz.


    Besides, Ell, you ALWAYS think I'm suspicious. :heh:

  3. Well il say now that im against this type of action.


    One way or another he will need to be lynched eventually. There is some sort of strange link between him and yvonne (maye mafia recruiter?) and we have no ther viable leads.


    Procrasination is the root of all evil in these games. We have a target, yet we still stand still?


    I want no part in that.


    This isn't procrastination, it's tactical playing. I get what you're saying, but for now I don't see the rush. Why is lynching him so urgent?

  4. I swapped us around.


    Ah, I see!


    I was under the impression he was still a traitor that bond turned to when he had no other choice. Hence why he asked bond to forgive vespa?


    Forgive me for being so accusatory, it just boggles the mind that we have a chance to lynch a non townie but have not done it yet.


    Because as things currently stand, keeping him alive appears to be beneficial to the town. What we're trying to find out is whether or not that truly is the case.

  5. You remixed the redirection on your results on Dannyboy! You sneaky git.


    Whu ...?


    Anyway, I want to hear more from Yvonne. I find it unlikely that she doesn't know more about her relationship with Boris.

  6. Goron has been broken up with; I'm trying to do the opposite.

    I have experience with the former, and none with the latter, though that may seem strange.


    Surely this just means you should be much more open to advice on the latter, seeing as you have no experience? (Don't worry, I am aware of the complete irony here. :heh:)


    It may sound weird but my main flirting technique is absent-mindedly gently touching/caressing my lips/chin/neck. It's surprisingly sexual. But then I suppose that's not exactly the most masculine way to flirt :heh:


    Also, looking straight/deep into their eyes.


    And stretching your arms behind your head / standing up taller. (All of this is in conversation, of course, you don't exactly do it across the room.)


    Why do you always have to be so fixated on gender-roles?! Gawd!




    Jokes aside, thanks for the advice. :)


    Get a bit of white paper and a twig


    Write the world "Flirt" on the paper.


    Attach it to the twig.


    Take it with you.


    If that ever works, I know I've found the right girl! :p

  7. The contexts are rather different - almost exact opposites.


    How are they different? I see no difference at all.


    Sorry to hear it, Goron. That truly does suck. :( I hope everything turns out for the best for both of you.




    In other news, does anyone have any advice on flirting? Because it seems the main obstacle I'm facing at the moment is suckage in the flirting department. :heh:

  8. I just saw an Ocarina Of Time 3D ad on TV that simply started with the Song Of Time playing in silence over a black background with the lauding reviews of the original game. Seeing as we (almost) NEVER see gaming ads on Danish television, it felt fucking epic.

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