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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. If Esther has all this spare time why is our house not clean and tidy?


    Yeah, and what about all them sammiches she could be making? :heh:


    Seriously, though, I do think you have a right to be upset about this.

  2. Don't be too quick to judge. You don't really know yet what type of film it is, so it could fit perfectly. I think the character design looks great personally. =)


    As I said, I do indeed think it's too early to judge. :) It was just my initial impression from what we've seen so far.

  3. I see what you mean Dannyboy, the character is in quite a contrast with the background - at least in the teaser.


    Yup. It's more or less the same style Pixar has always used for their human characters, and it worked perfectly in films like Toy Story, Up and The Incredibles, but since it seems they've gone for a much more realistic-looking universe this time around, it doesn't really seem to fit. Time will tell, though.

  4. I think she looks great. Reminds me of Brendan from the Secret of Kells (a film I loved cause of how beautiful it was).


    Can't wait to see this one. =)


    I don't think there's anything wrong with her design in itself, but it doesn't feel like it fits with the environment. Still, it's hard to tell from such a short teaser; maybe it'll look great in context.

  5. It's my impression that the social culture today dictates that you should turn up about an hour or so late (sometimes even more) to parties and other loose gatherings without actual schedules involved. I've just learnt to deal with it. ::shrug:

  6. I'm currently watching Stardust. Bit of a weird film, but I like it haha. It's made me laugh a few times. Thought it would be a crappy fantasy film but I'm enjoying it. =P


    I love how it's just such a funny and pretty non-serious fantasy film that just plays around with the fantastic elements. Plus it's sweet. :)

  7. I don't think Arbitor is being voted for inactiveness, more so the fact that he doesn't want to even defend himself when he is being accused/voted for.


    I agree that it's not good to just vote people off without any leads though (why I haven't put a vote down yet). But I do think people who have nothing to hide, shouldn't have a problem coming out with some info when being questioned.


    He's been fairly inactive most of the game, only piping in with a few posts, so I doubt it's because he won't defend himself. He's also new, so I suspect he just hasn't been able to keep the interest. Few newbies play as well as Yvonne in their first game.

  8. I sort of hate the fact that in the past year, in which I've only had two small jobs that gave me lots and lots of free time, I was still too lazy to do most of all the stuff I had planned when I was still in school. I guess I just function best at a slow pace. :heh:



    Noooo, that was number 7, and....not everyone hated the twist, some just felt it wasn't entirely fair but they should have just dealt with it. I think the majority thoroughly enjoyed it. And Dannyboy wanted to murder me, but I got the impression he couldn't help but grin/grin with evil intentions towards me. (Trust No One)



    Non mafia people; Dannyboy and Chairdriver were partners (Kakuna and Metapod) and I told both of them that the other person was evil, when neither of them were.


    I admit it was a clever idea, but we disagreed a lot about the fairness of the concept. :heh: I think I've shared my thoughts on the matter with you plenty of times. ;)

  9. I'm sorry, but Arbitor just doesn't strike me as suspicious right now. How many times before have we lynched inactive townies on a whim? I hate inactivity as much as the next guy, but lynching a townie is never a good idea.


    Frankly, the amount of people so eager to lynch Arbitor doesn't sit well with me, especially since we have Alec frickin' Trevelyan running around. I don't even get why there's a split vote - it should be obvious who we need to take down.

  10. ReZ, grow some balls and buy your own damn pizza instead of whining to us about it. :heh:


    I'm with ReZ on this one, Eenuh; you're probaly/most likely way too critical of your own stuff. It sounds like you've just "lost" yourself a bit right now, not really satisfied with what you produce and doubting which direction to go. We believe in you! :D

  11. Great episode! :D The ReZ Daily charm is back!


    The opening was absolutely brilliant! You and Claire have such great chemistry. :) And the initially successful, then failed attempt at a sing-along was just entertaining to watch, even if it did drag on a bit.

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