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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Maybe he thought the prosthetics would be enough to keep him in place. I assume they'd be quite sturdy/firmly attached/maybe i'm being thick. Or maybe he thought as long as he had a firm grip of the bar (he looks strong) he'd be ok. Or maybe he just felt carefree for a moment, and just wanted to ride the rollercoaster like everyone else could.


    Yeah it was kinda stupid i guess. But i just find this story quite sad, rather than annoying, like most of the "*person* does *retarded act* and dies" stories that are regularly in the news.


    Poor guy, has had hard life, and horrible way to go. :sad:


    Definitely, I don't think anyone fails to see the tragedy in this, but the whole scenario leaves a number of interesting questions unanswered.

  2. What if you try to change your life, like, one minute before you die? :hmm:


    You wouldn't get that much out of it, but you could technically still change it. :heh: What I'm getting at is that it's downright silly, at our age, to say it's "too late to change our lives", when most of us have only lived at most a third of our expected lifespans. Why go all that time and be unhappy because we think it's too late to do anything about it when we could easily do an active effort to change it? It can be surprisingly easy to change your life, just by changing your mentality and doing things differently. If it's something that takes more of an effort, then don't just feel discouraged from the get-go and never get anything done about it; start planning how you can achieve the change you want.

  3. It's the notion that the scales are so unbalanced that it needs something radical. But obviously radical feminists want the scales completely inverted, which isn't equilibrium equality (i.e. we're all equal now) but more equal in the sense that we've lived under a patriarchal society for so long that it's there term. I believe that its the basic jist of their argument but its been a long time since I really looked into RF. But again there is a plurality of feminisms and that's what I was getting at.


    Gotcha. We agree on the terms, then.


    And you seem to be assuming I'm a radical feminist...


    Not at all. The "you" was used in the meaning "anyone, any unspecified individual".


    (and I think discussions of gender inequality is perfectly within place in a thread about News International :heh:)


    Could be, I wouldn't know. :heh:

  4. They are feminists, they're just radical feminists. There's a whole host of different kinds of feminisms, of which radical is the most extreme.


    Also you're inferring that hating men is crazy. Arguably its rather logical :heh:


    If you believe women are better than men and should have privileges, you don't believe in gender equality, and I fail to see how you can then call yourself a feminist.


    You could say the same for women, to be fair. :rolleyes:


    (If this continues, we're going to need a thrip.)

  5. I'll watch this film (in 2D) but I doubt I'll enjoy it. I'm too much of a fan of the books to let myself enjoy the films. It pisses me off that they'll cut significant things from the books but then stick in other things that didn't even happen (example from the trailer where Harry says to Voldemort 'let's finish this the way we started it - together" then they fall over a ledge - wtf is that shit? Fuck off plz).


    Yes the film is obviously going to differ from the books but I don't have to enjoy it :p


    There are some things the films do really well (trying to make this balanced so we don't end up with a debate over films vs books) but I just can't let myself get past the changes.


    I won't go into the book vs. film debate, but I'll never get why people can't enjoy the films because they differ from the books.


    I'm pretty sure Rowling has signed away an awful lot of the Potter universe to other companies, especially for merchandise - it may be they're allowed to do what they want with regards to films.


    Right, what I meant was there won't be any more officially Rowling-approved films. Unless she chooses to approve films she hasn't written, but I doubt that.

  6. Since when was Feminism ever about equal rights? :indeed:


    Equality > Feminism : peace:


    Feminism is about equal rights, but a lot of so-called feminists aren't feminists; they're man-hating lunatics, popularly known as feminazis.


    Feminism is still a silly thing to call it, though.

  7. its because I'm a crazy feminist.


    Please tell me you see the irony in the fact that it's called "feminism" when it's about fighting for equal rights. :heh:


    Am I the only uncultured one who thinks newspapers are a complete waste of paper and just reads everything on the internet when it happens for free, instead paying 30p to read about it 12-24 hours later?


    Nah, I'm with you there.

  8. And your idea isn't a knee-jerk reaction with a lack of thought?


    Political Correctness doesn't need to "go mad", it is, and always has been an insulting term, and almost always uses inane reasoning (unless for selfish/twisted reasons).

    To use "PC gone mad" certainly is used with a lack of thought, especially since it implies you'd be using PC as an insult without suggesting it mad.



    It's probably not a good idea stereotypes/straw-men to fight against a point I've not even made. It's good to see you not (yet) fall into the typical pit of throwing words like bully and racism* like so many others seem to do *coughguardiancough* however.


    Actual non-stupid people use the term political correctness to save writing an entire essay every time someone whines about something. Just because some retards misuse words, it doesn't mean everyone who uses it does. Political Correctness covers a lot more than just word use of course.

    Is there a non-PC reason someone shouldn't be called a lunchlady? I can't honestly think of one. Please enlighten me.


    It's my personal experience that the phrase "political correctness" is mostly used when it has gotten out of hand. Up until then I'd classify it as "common sense". But that's just my personal opinion.

  9. Ok Danny, sounds like you're a perfect candidate for some alternative medicine. There's like ten thousand different placebos you can try, should last you a lifetime!


    But they won't work if I know they're placebos! :p


    You should try acupuncture, its really relaxing :)


    I dunno about needles. :heh: Plus I'm a bit sceptical of acupuncture; to what degree has it been medically proven?

  10. ahh, sounds a bit... strange? Have you tried taking migraine pills for it? You might be able to get them over the counter (not sure how your drug laws work) or else go to your doc.


    Hard to forget about something like that when it feels like its splitting your brain in two :p


    Yeah, it's really a horrible thing. :heh: I've had it for years, but it mostly comes in periods. My doctor likened it to migraine due to the nature of the pain, but we've theorised it may be a psychosomatic reaction to my autism. I doubt that any form of painkiller would have much effect - unless I can genuinely convince myself it will have an effect, because then it will. For a time I actually found a type of painkiller that worked, but that stopped working once I realised it only worked because I believed it did. :p

  11. The problem with my migraines is that they aren't really "real" migraines per se, but more headaches with pains very similar to that of migraines. I like to call them placebo migraines since they're controlled completely by my thoughts. If I'm worried I'm going to get one, it will come, and it only disappears once I forget about it.

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