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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Sounds absolutely awesome! :D I was momentarily confused by your use of Pluto instead of Hades, but I've just remembered Pluto is just another Greek name for Hades, so the fail was on me. :heh:

  2. Just start it all over again. Like how the narnia books have had a couple of interpretations.


    That would be the best bet, I guess.


    Harry's Mum and Dad? Young Dumbledore and Voldemort? Anything they can think of to make more money?


    Rowling has no plans of writing more stories from the Potter universe, so they can't make any more officially licensed movies.

  3. I'm not getting into this on night one. It's deaf simple and il explain on day 7 when we can quote PMs. All that's important right now is that I was hit with 5 and was lucky to survive.


    Since there is a number of things that don't add up, I'd argue it's important to get all the facts straight about this. It's not that I believe this event to necessarily be terribly relevant to anything, but it seems to be the only lead we have at the moment, so we might as well pursue it.

  4. Putting a townie in the game who must force another player to talk every day sounds exactly like something ReZ would do.


    It doesn't really make sense to me that a normal type is described as highly flammable ... I want to hear more from you, Esequiel. Why are you described as highly flammable?


    Paj, if you were indeed the attacker, you don't exactly sound like you have good intentions, but it could obviously be one of those "is good, but appears nefarious" roles, even though ReZ said he hates them and finds them incredibly unfair. Still, if you truly were nefarious/evil, I don't see why you'd admit to it, unless it's some ballsy double-bluff. Basically I'm clueless.


    So you were roleblocked, how did that help you survive?


    I think he means that he was apparently lucky to survive the attack/roleblock/whatever it was.

  5. Have you ever heard of a film called 'The Terminator'?


    Your facial expression, along with the glasses, resembles one of the main characters from that film.


    Haha! You're right; I hadn't even noticed. :p

  6. While I thought to myself, "He's dragging it out," I realised I was constantly laughing at your "SUB POR SUB" voice over, so it was actually pretty hilarious! :p (Didn't quite "get" the punch at the end, though.)

  7. I study Ancient Greek, but I love takes on it, even if it messes up the mythology. :heh: I do love it when people get it right though. ;)


    (Pretty please with sugar on top, do you think you could stick to either the Greek or the Roman names for the gods? Just that would make me a happy chappy! :D)

  8. I must admit, you've surprised me extremely positively with the Provocative Donkey. I was very sceptic at first since I believed it would just be another of your silly characters saying silly things, but you've actually created a very interesting character that feels like it has depth. It's called the Provocative Donkey, yet it takes on some interesting and valid topics in a very sober and non-provocative way. It's quite an interesting contrast, especially to much of your other work and especially your other characters.


    Also, I adore the theme song/intro. It fits the personality of PD so well, and not just due to the Mexican vibe.


    Basically, I've become a big fan. :)

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