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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I've sometimes wished that my best friend and I were both gay, because I don't think I've ever felt this close to anyone before (perhaps with the exception of my parents, but that's a different story). We have such an amazing relationship, and if it wasn't for our incompatible sexual orientations, I'm pretty sure it could have developed into more than just a platonic one. We truly love each other.


    I don't really know what that says/what I think about the original question, but I guess something about great platonic relationships and great romantic relationships not being all that different. Or something.

  2. I've nothing against him having an internet thing or whatever... I think it could partly be jealously - although I hate to admit that part - and the whole other part of being concerned that i'm just being used and she might not know what he's at. If all parties are aware and agreeable I'm sure its fine but it wouldn't surprise me for him to just keep schtum about the whole getting sex from someone else part.


    Yeah, it's the last part I meant. If he really has no problems sleeping with people on the side without it being okay with his internet girlfriend, then he's just being a douche. What I don't know is the seriousness of the internet romance - if there is even talk of an actual relationship in which the "rules" can be broken.

  3. Sometimes I smell lies.


    I watched Cars yesterday, and I thought it was a brilliantly written film. Once you got over the shite concept, I thought it was far better than many/most animated films.


    The reason I appreciate it is because it's a refreshing presentation of ideal -- that community and humility is better than celebrity and empty achievement etc etc [in fact I was wishing that he didn't leave the town and go to the race] -- and it feels like a stunning commentary on life today, where I think for a lot of people that goes over their heads, and they base their judgement of the film on the fact talking cars is a fucking stupid concept (which it is).


    So yeah, I don't believe lies.


    That concept is not new or original in any way, though, and for once it didn't feel like Pixar brought anything new or fresh to it, which is what Pixar usually does. I wouldn't say it was a bad film at all, but compared to the stuff Pixar normally produces, it felt very tame in comparison.

  4. Oh yeah it was a joke mainly, but I do absolutely think she is a disgusting cunt of a person. Dannyboy, she was on a talent show over here so it wasn't just the song that made me say all that.


    Rebecca Black is an innocent, 14 year old girl? Or something. And with some people you can look into their eyes and tell if they're evil or not.



    If you look into Cher Lloyd's eyes you can see she is evil. I'm not actually joking about this bit.


    So you actually have an impression of her as a person and are not just basing your opinion on her on that particular song?


    If so, that's fine. :)

  5. Yeah but Rebecca Black is a cunt.



    Of course, I jest. ReZ should be allowed to make his offensive videos just as much as she's allowed to make offensive videos. Didn't quite agree totally with his approach, though, and assumed it to be in aid of attempted funnehs.


    I never said he shouldn't be allowed to do so. I just voiced my opinion on his video/opinion.


    Why is it that whenever I voice myself negatively about something, people suddenly think I'm being a hypocrite and have gone back on my strong belief in free speech? :heh:

  6. I was kinda attracted to one of my friends for a while. Now he didn't want a relationship, and I didn't want casual. But I found out that he's got a internet romance going and it's bugging me more than I want to admit :o Think its been going on for a long time (not one of these things you announce the minute you meet someone I guess) but it seems a little dirty that he'd be willing to have teh sexs while being emotional engaged to someone else that he cannot physically have.


    Maybe I'm just being silly?


    It depends on what type of relationship the internet romance is. Really, the only thing that matters is that everyone involved agrees on the "rules" of the relationship.

  7. rmKLp.jpg


    I lolled.


    Hilarious! :D



    For the first time ever, I actually think you crossed the line - for me, at least. You think the song is horrendous; I totally agree with you on that. It seems like it has tainted your view so EVERYTHING she does seems horrible to you, and while I don't think that's fair to her, I can understand and respect that you dislike her. But just firing off insult upon insult about her as a person? That's just ... dude, that's just dickish. I know you (probably) made most of the insults somewhat in jest, but it just reminds of those cunts who wrote mean things about Rebecca Black just because they disliked her song. I mean, WTF? Stop harassing the poor girl over a song.

  8. OwowowowowowowowowowowowowOW! OW! OOOW! That sounds horribly painful, Iun! :(


    I believe this is actually what they had originally intended the Medal of Honour for, but they had to downgrade it because they figured no one would get it otherwise.


    Still, it's good to hear it's nothing serious. :)

  9. Philology as in comparative reconstruction etc., or as in learning the languages? (the latter is normally called "classics" in England, although it's a general term that covers culture and so on too)


    I have no idea what comparative reconstruction is, so I'm guessing the latter. :heh: Seriously, though, we study the languages and the original texts in order to learn about the era and its history, philosophy, politics, etc.

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