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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Wait...you believe that drivel? Our law system barely works by that principal. guilty until proven innocent is fits more cases now a days.


    While I do believe in the idea of innocent until proven guilty, the reason I'm so worked up about this is that I just don't have much faith in the American justice system, and whether this case is genuine or not, the truly scary part is that it's entirely plausible that it is.


    But: "(quoted from article) Her attacker was charged with sexual assault, but after a plea deal, admitted misdemeanour assault and got a princely sentence of no time served."


    Yeah, this is another good point. Him pleading misdemeanour (and getting away with it ... is it so strange that we don't trust the legal system?), coupled with the girl outright refusing to cheer for him, really suggests that she didn't just make stuff up.

  2. Old horse? Has it even been discussed?


    It makes me suspicious of you because Rummy was described as influential which usually means a double vote. He was obviously good therefore as another double voter (if indeed he had one), you are most likely to be evil.


    It's all based on pure speculation but I think it's worth looking into if someone gets the chance. Unless you want to claim a character and put me at ease? You're by no means my main focus but in the event of my death I'd like to see this followed up on by someone.


    Oh, I forgot about Rummy being described as influential. I though you were on the old "He a double vote! ZOMG mafia!" thing that got a bunch of influential townies lynched in the old days.


    Hm, I admit it puts me in a bit of a bad light, but I can assure you I'm not mafia. I'd rather not reveal my character just yet if that's okay. :)

  3. What struck me the most was how dated the music was! Must have sounded so cool at the time


    I love the music! :p Currently listening to the theme song ... just utterly amazing. Can you tell this is my absolute favourite of the Bond films? :p


    You should be a defence lawyer :p I kinda think you might want to be lynched for some reason... Possible he may gain something? Won't know until we lynch anyway. Let's lynch! >:]


    So I wasn't the only one getting a Phoenix Wright vibe from him? :p


    Seriously, though, Sprout, if you have anything to say, you really just should say it now. Beating around the bush won't help anything.

  4. It is.


    You big willy.




    Gotta agree, there's arguments, but really I don't notice much(there is some, but relatively little especially compared to other forums) residual tension off the back of them, which is really quite nice.


    I think we have an amazing atmosphere on this forum. Only rarely do serious arguments arise, and most of the time they're dealt with incredibly maturely, considering this is the internet.

  5. But why is everyone automatically assuming he did commit rape? He didn't get convicted for rape, yet based on a few lines of biased text people on the other side of the world are automatically assuming his guilt. This really does echo the feelings of our society. For most crimes we take the stance of "innocent until proven guilty". But when cries of rape or child abuse is shouted people automatically assume that the man is guilty. People here know nothing of either of these two people yet they feel qualified to judge that he is a rapist. It's ridiculous. People's lives have been ruined from false cries of rape and abuse.




    You know for a fact that he is a bastard? You know for absolute certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that this person who lives thousands of miles away, have never met and never even heard of until 2 minutes ago, that he's definitely a rapist?


    Well done you.


    Look up hyperbole, mate. Of course I have no clue what actually happened, but excuse me for having low expectations, the circumstances taken into account. Why would she refuse to cheer for him is this was just an act?

  6. I'm with EEVIL here, I'm very sceptical of the idea that Trevelyan is only neutral. However, Yvonne's lead seems pretty solid. I can't imagine a scumnag trying to pull that trick at this stage, so I'm tempted to go with her. Still, Sprout is acting weird, and I want to know what he's trying to do.

  7. I'll be around from 9am, if anyone wants to meet early. Shall let you know my location, and possibly number if you so wish to meet earlier.


    I'll see if I can get up that early, but I'm pretty sure I'll be there at 10 at the latest. I can PM you my number, and you can PM me yours. :) When I have a Danish phone in England, do I need to type the country code when calling/texting people? And what about when you want to contact me?


    I'm literally hoping someone wants to sit in the park and do nothing but chiiill/read a book/play chess/do nothing, is all.


    I'm so in favour of this! :D

  8. Like I said, why would the mafia take a vote away from their own?

    Alec is not part of SMERSH, which is the mafia in this game (as proven by ReZ).

    Mafia vote for neutrals as they can pose a threat for them.


    It's not impossible that the mafia would take a vote away from one of their own to gain that person trust. Still, probably not very likely.


    I don't really know about you. Trevelyan was always a traitor. It's not like he just switched sides every now and then; he hated Bond and the British because his parents were betrayed by them (or something to that effect).

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