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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. But then she might think they'll always look at her funny and keep in the back of their heads that "she's that girl who is not happy enough with her pay, tssk". =P


    Just saying what I think might be her reasoning, no clue whether that is really the reason or not.


    I think you're right, but I also don't think it's the angle she should be looking at it from. If she's a good employee, they're most likely more interested in keeping her than saving money.

  2. Apologies, I missed that. Still, I find it extremely dubious that all the nights apart from the first you have received information that Esequiel had already come out with on day two. I don't believe you at all.


    ::shrug: As I said, I can only theorise that it's to not make me too powerful. But I understand why you think it looks suspicious.

  3. Sure it does. If you're asking for a payrise, they have to pay more money, and they might think "We can just find someone who will work for less!". I think that's her logic behind the "risk getting fired". That they'll just get someone who will work for less than you're willing to. I guess.


    But then they could just refuse her rise and see if she won't stay anyway. If not, then they can get someone else. There's no reason for them to actively fire her.

  4. I am not sure if I appear in the write-up since they're so vague. Honestly I haven't paid too much attention to them since we've had much better sources of info.


    I received one piece of info every night. I know there hasn't been anything useful yet, but that's why I haven't come forward until now. I think the reason they're not too detailed or useful is because I also have a double vote - I think the rationale is that it'd make me a bit overpowered.


    I want to reiterate that I am going to vote for Tales eventually, but like I've said before I'm not happy about ending the day quickly by simply lynching the first and best lead we have.

  5. lol helpful asian could be Oddjob? :laughing:


    I think we can trust Flink but it might be worth looking into him tonight.


    You've had some bad luck with the random number generator then :hmm: I'm surprised that you don't get to choose your targets...


    I think it's a reference to the film my character was in. I seem to recall King bought a report that turned out to be about something completely different than he thought; ergo I don't actually know the topic of my reports until I read them.


    Any idea why you couldn't be found last night Danny?


    I couldn't be found? Nope, haven't got a clue. :hmm: You mean you weren't just roleblocked?

  6. Again, I'll admit I'm looking at you through mafia-tinted spectacles... BUT why have you mostly targeted people I would pretty much consider confirmed good?


    Did you list them in order of when you targeted them? Character cop is often a mafia investigative power... though in this game it seems that the evil characters from the film make up the mafia so your power could be extremely useful... I'm just wondering why you targeted Yvonne after she's outed (is it 2 now?) scumnags...


    You've provided us with all this info though and it ties in well with your role claim so consider my suspicions of you alleviated. It could be that M being influential means that Rummy could redirect people or maybe the town did just have 2 double voters? Maybe there's an extra mafia to get?


    PS. Heroicjanitor is R isn't he? I don't know if he claimed that himself but I think it became known thanks to Esequiel's power. Fits with Danny's info.


    I don't choose targets, I just get sent info reports on the game. So far I've only received character reports, though, so I don't know whether there's a chance I could receive reports on other stuff.


    Also, yes, they're listed in the order I got them.

  7. If it was Nintendohnut I amn't sure he would have described it like that. It seems like a deliberate word-changing, going from a bumbling genius to "appears a bit of a fool but is actually quite clever" is difficult to believe.


    ::shrug: Maybe it's the default character data on you and he just changed the wording for flavour's sake/not to be repetitive. I'd honestly find it a bit lazy if he just used the exact same wording.

  8. Having read through this day again (I only skimmed it when I saw I was under suspicion), I'm quite wary of Tales. It seems I could end it with my double vote, but I don't want the day to end just yet, but I'll probably end up voting for him if no better lead comes up.

  9. I can't shake off the feeling that you didn't like the gag.....


    Nah, what gave you that idea? :laughing:


    What was the back to the future reference? :p


    I thought it was a reference to Marty's disappearance from the photo. :heh:


    What a fucking moron :o



    ... Wow. That's ... wow.

  10. Co-operativeness is decreasing my suspicions... stop being so damn reasonable Danny! lol


    The double vote thing is quite big, though I admit no one knows for sure if Rummy had one - but it's incredibly likely. Roleclaiming as a friend of M is a very convenient way of explaining the double vote... but then it could just as easily be true.


    I'm just thinking that if you were town the mafia surely would've jumped on you due to the double vote being so suspicious. As it stands it was only me that even brought it up and we let it fall into the background while other stuff was going on.


    I'll admit I'm stacked against you at the moment Danny but I think your story is too convenient at the moment.


    I understand your wariness, but I feel I should point out my friendship with M isn't the reason I'm influential; it's mah money, brah. :heh:

  11. Gah, sorry for the wait! One of our cats came in with a mouse that I had to take care of. :heh:


    Anyway, here is my list of info. As I said, not terribly useful:


    Fierce_LiNk is a helpful Asian.


    Diageo is a famous and very skilled agent.


    Esequiel is an exotic lady who can tie people around her finger.


    heroicjanitor appears a fool, but is actually very clever.


    Yvonne is good-humoured and works for the CIA.


    Tales is Russian and of dubious trustworthiness.

  12. I always feel shady, that's not something to build a suspicion on! :p


    But yes, I admit the double vote does look bad for me.


    I am Sir Robert King, the oil tycoon from The World Is Not Enough. Due to my wealth and influence, I have a double vote, and since I'm an old friend of M's, I decided to help out the way I could: by buying reports containing info about the game. So far I haven't really gotten anything terribly useful, so I've kept to myself so as not to attract attention.

  13. They have groups for people who have been affected by priests. I'm sure they have one for you too.


    In all seriousness; I'm touched you took such an effort to reply. Genuinely, I have a thing about one's debating style, and I think more often than not some people end up drawing heat when 'opining' because they fail to express what they're saying in a way that is both open and humble. I also have a thing about humility.


    I apologise.


    I was about to say that it is often the styles of debate that clash rather than actual opinions. :)

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