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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Oh. hmm. So you pretended he sent you to Flink, and he went with that, rather that actually admitting he sent you to ReZ? Could this implicate Flink in anything if jay turns out mafia? I can see why he would go for ReZ, but to pretend he sent you to Flink instead makes no sense to me. Excellent work though.


    What? No, I never pretended anything. I only said I needed to know why he targetted me. Then he claimed to have sent me to Flink, and I Objection!'ed him. Then I figured out his and his comrades' plan.


    I'm just saying, of all the fake targets he could have come up with, I don't get why he chose Flink. He would've been much better off claiming he sent me to Nintendohnut or Sméagol. That's really the only thing I'm wondering about regarding my theory. That and whether the mafia thought jayseven would've been able to get to me and change my target if I had indeed been protecting myself. But really, these little anomalies in my theory don't convince me jayseven isn't mafia.

  2. Dammit, that page totally timed out since I started viewing it, ignore my post :x




    Oh, I KNEW why we were voting for him, I just wanted to be sure people were cool before casting a vote and ending the day. He redirected you(a killer) to flink(a town info provider), probably in hopes of achieving that. I'm just at work and this thread moves fast, I'm trying to ninja glance at it but it's so active posts pop up while I'm working with the page open in the background. What I didn't get was the thing about you actually targetted ReZ though, unless you meant you targetted ReZ originally but got re-directed to flink.


    I targetted Cube tonight in order to protect him, but I was offered a drink and targetted ReZourceman instead. Jay is the barman who redirects, and he admits to targetting me, but he is lying about sending me to ReZ, claiming he sent me to Flink. He didn't know I could protect others, so why would he send me towards anyone if he only thought I could kill?


    What I don't actually get myself is why he claimed he made me target Flink of all people. Surely it would be a better defence to claim he sent me after Nintendohnut (a confirmed neutral) or Sméagol (whom we suspect to be neutral)? Perhaps he got Flink and Dohnut mixed up like I usually do?


    It's too late anyway, Rummy: Majority has been reached.

  3. Three things convince me not to believe you, jay:


    1) As I've said, you didn't redirect me to Flink, you redirected me to ReZ. Ergo you're lying about it. Also ...

    2) Claiming I serve some evil princess who wants to usurp the throne is ridiculously paranoid and comes out of fucking nowhere. Which leads me to the fact that ...

    3) You're voting for me when your info shows I've been telling the truth the whole time. You try to cast suspicion onto me by lying and making up conspiracy theories. If that doesn't scream mafia, I don't know what does.

  4. Yeah, 2 more votes.

    He hasn't commented yet on why he claimed to have redirected you to Fierce_Link. This is a strange mistake to make, surely you remember your target from the last night? But Dannyboy ended up protecting ReZ. Apart from the obvious, there's something else that isn't right here.


    Well, he HAS claimed to forget his targets. :heh: But honestly I just thought he made up a target to cover his arse without considering the implications.

  5. Dannyboy, what did your PM say?

    "You intended to lay traps around yourself but a barman convinced you to lay traps around ReZourceman instead"?


    We're not allowed to post PMs of any sort, but I'll paraphrase: My PM said I was on my way to Cube's when I was stopped by someone offering me a drink. After a few drinks of Scotch I decided to go after ReZ instead, and I managed to lay my traps.

  6. Seems like a strange thing to do though. What were the chances that Dannyboy would kill? He hasn't done so far, and was unlikely to do now. Which makes me wonder what he was trying to accomplish.


    I think I can explain it. In the last game, my only power was to kill, and if I didn't use it, I'd be protected. A redirector would override that and direct my only power, to kill, towards their target of choice. Since I claimed to have the same power as last time, I believe the mafia was betting on jayseven's power being able to direct my kill power towards ReZ even if I didn't use it myself.


    Still, had I actually been protecting myself, I don't think a redirector would even have been able to reach me. But I guess it was a gamble on the mafia's part.

  7. You do realise that in stating it shouldn't be credible/means nothing, you seal the fate of why it shouldn't reflect actual number of posts too. ;)


    You're right, it means nothing, so why argue what it should reflect? It just so happened that the top 50 posters were guessable names, thus post count has one use - the basis of this quiz, nothing more. :p


    Except it doesn't reflect the actual number of posts. I couldn't care less what my post count is, but as a perfectionist I want it to be accurate.

  8. If that is what Jayseven is saying is "his info", then yes.


    Wait...no! Because he then went on to say:


    "I suspect the princess is trying to take the throne by nefarious means, and all those involves are ba-aad."


    Before voting for Danny.


    I thought throwing in the word "nefarious" was a nice touch. Cos of all the discussion about that and Mundi earlier. That post convinced me to vote for Jayseven.


    Yeah, claiming the Princess is evil really does reek of a bad excuse.


    Sorry, jay. :heh: I still love you, bro! : peace:

  9. I think he did. He said that Dannyboy serves the princess. I think it's a bit of an oversight on Jonnas's part because she's actually Queen now... we've all still called her the princess this game though just because of our frame of reference from the first game.


    Unless he got something else and hasn't revealed it.


    My PM doesn't call her Queen anywhere, only Princess and Her Majesty, since it describes when I entered her service seven years ago. Either that, or he's simply building on what I revealed several days ago. I don't even remember if I called her Princess or Queen then.


    Bottom line is, he's trying to spin it to make me look suspicious after redirecting me to ReZ and lying about it, not knowing that I could also protect people. Besides, there was no mafia kill tonight. It all adds up to a clever mafia plot.


    But let's get the most out of the day. I'm happy to follow other leads as long as the day ends with jay being lynched.

  10. Dannyboy can you confirm who you ended up targeting then? Because Flink was incapacitated in some way so did you end up at him or at ReZ?


    I see no reason why a townie would want to stop Flink anyway - as he said, all of his information has been correct so far.


    Vote: Jayseven


    Yup, it's clearly stated that I ended up at ReZ, which fits with Flink's info.

  11. If you're boolsheeting me, Danny, I'll never forgive you.


    Not this time. :)


    There are so many people with protective powers that it wouldn't have made a difference.


    It made sure the mafia wouldn't try to kill me, because they thought I was protected all the time, and it also rendered me useless power-wise since I wouldn't dare attempt to kill anybody without being sure. In fact, it kept me alive because I was an excellent target for them to direct attention and blame towards. But what I didn't expect was for that attempt to fuck up this badly and reveal one of their own! :D


    I targeted Esequiel. My trap must have been Nintendohnut's doing.


    Ah, my mistake. I must've read your initial post wrong, then.

  12. Why didn't you mention the protection power before? It would have saved you a lot of the grief you and the dohnut were getting.


    I agree with your post, though.


    Therefore: Vote: Jayseven


    Because with the suspicion aimed at me, it seemed more like a bad lie than a good defence. Plus, as long as the mafia didn't know about it, they were more likely to keep me alive and try to pin blame on me instead of killing me.


    I never expected it to work this well! :D

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