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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I serve Queen Olivia and has done so since she was a princess.


    Hehe, it's quite obvious what's going on to me. Jay tried to redirect me to ReZ and get him killed, then blame me for the murder. What he and the rest of his mafia comrades didn't know is that I am actually also a protector. I can protect whomever I want with my traps, not just myself. So I ended up protecting ReZ with my traps instead, explaining why Flink and Cube couldn't reach him. I was actually going to protect you tonight, Cube, but now jay has walked into a trap, so to speak.


    So yeah, jay is obviously mafia.


    Vote: jayseven

  2. I thought it was weird before, but now it makes sense. Imagine that you see a homeless person, and you want to give them some change. But before you get there, someone else stamps on the homeless person's paper cup holding the change and runs away. You watch as a different person runs up and gives him some change, but the homeless person is so angry that he just snatches the change and yells. After seeing that, you decide that s/he doesn't deserve your change after all. Change = night action.


    Yes ReZ, I just likened you to a homeless person :D


    Neither the first time, nor the last. :heh:


    What bothers me a bit is the game mechanics behind it. Why did Cube succeed when you didn't? Is it because Cube is "courageous"? Is it the same reason he couldn't be killed? If we assume it's some sort of self-protection-mechanic triggered by something, we have to consider why it stopped you and not Cube.

  3. Yeah, it's a measure of quantity, not quality. And right now it's an inaccurate measure of quantity. My OCD tendencies are tingling because of it.


    Hell, even if you want to drag content into it, there are plenty of posts outside the Playground with less "content" than a No Lynch Vote.

  4. How is it strange? It's strange that I misread it, then clarified when I went back to double-check it? Would it be less strange if I kept quiet, or accused Cube of lying (which he might be doing anyway)?


    How can I prove that I'm telling the truth? Would people believe me if I posted my PM, keeping in mind that we can freely alter them?


    We can never really prove anything in these games, but you have to admit it's a bit suspicious how things fit together - as janitor pointed out.

  5. We're currently looking at hotels to stay at during our vacation, and we have our eyes on the Kings Hotel very close to Hyde Park. Do any of you have any experiences with that place? Is it a decent hotel?


    EDIT: Never mind, we found a load of terrible reviews, so we'll look for something else. :heh:

  6. It's interesting how people drop the whole "Music is subjective!" thing whenever things like this happen. :p


    I certainly haven't! ;) But whenever you're dealing with music/films/whatever it's easier to express yourself in absolute terms. Everyone knows it's subjective, anyway.

  7. But the kids not trying to be a professional reviewer, he's reviewing a film. Much like we do all the time on this place, he just put it on youtube (and it got famous).


    Exactly, he got famous and now works as a reviewer for a show (as far as I can tell, though I may have misunderstood something). That earns him a form of credibility in the public's eyes, making him more than just an amateur. "Professional" is probably the wrong term to use, though. But yeah.


    Anyway, my point still stands about his style. Whether he's a professional or an amateur doesn't matter.

  8. Het you honkey aSS fagotts, tyou faggot ass sosns of bitches. I would rape yous all up the ass, ecspecually the womens...I would do them in the vajginas...because i love you all equally, i'm not a faggot bty the way so yuou know....no homo, n ohomo ai say!!!


    Does not compute.

  9. Yes! Yes! Yes!


    That really annoyed the shit out of me. It's just so...ughr. :hmm:

    You'd think they'd sing in German, at least, considering it's the most widely spoken "mother tongued" language in Europe.


    (Wanted Jedward to win. I don't understand the hype for Sweden. Pretty dire, I thought.)


    Well, since English is the prime international language, it makes more sense than German to me. But yes, it'd be lovely to hear more countries sing in their own languages.


    For what appeared on the surface to be mostly a joke song, Moldova's entry was actually pretty good.

  10. This looks brilliantly absurd.

    It's also nice that they cast german actors to play germans - just adds to the atmosphere, especially since they can pronounce their character's names correctly (and all the other german dialogue).


    It truly is terrible when foreigners try to play a nationality and fail.

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