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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Explain it better because I didn't understand your reasoning.


    Are you saying that if Marc is evil, which would clear me as town. Then both you and Cube are cleared because you wanted to get me lynched?


    As far as I can see, ReZ is simply trying to spin the words to make himself and Cube seem trustworthy. In fact, it makes me quite suspicious of them both. ReZ is not stupid. He wouldn't make such an obvious logical mistake in his reasoning.


    I explained that in the rest of the post. :p


    Except your argument fails to make sense: if Diageo is proven good, you two appear suspicious. Sure, you say you'll believe Diageo is town if he is right about Marc, but you wouldn't exactly have a choice, would you? :heh:


    I know how crafty you are, Mr Jamieson, and I have my eye on you! :p

  3. If anything, should Marc turn out to be evil, it makes Cube suspicious for wanting Lord James to come forward. And that's basically what bothers me most at the moment: I don't think anyone would actually go back and craft an entire lie around a piece of flavour from the epilogue of the last game, so I'm inclined to believe that Marc was in fact told in his PM about Lord/King James. What I don't believe is his own interest in the matter, which I believe to be far more nefarious. However, it does leave the question: what is Lord James's role in all this? Is he to be trusted?

  4. All this king stuff just seems like an overwrought sidestory to the main point; we have people who can kill. We have their names. We have a neutral. Chasing a neutral is better than slinging words about for 50 pages because we get more information with a death and a new nightphase, and less chance of being distracted by nonsense and hyperbolic suppositions.


    I don't post much because I'm not willing to get involved with baseless gossip :P


    If nintendohnut is neutral then why did both dazz and rummy get their results wrong? If rummy is a stupid cop then we can dismiss his other results, but if dazz's info on nintendohnut is wrong then surely we have to dismiss all his previous results as well?


    That's the evidence we have. Two investigators have gotten nintendohnut's alignment wrong, according to nintendohnut. Not just wrong, but opposedly wrong. This is something solveable right now, rather than umming and erring over potentially flavoursome and irrelevent text.


    Unless someone wants to succinctly surmise the arguments on marc, I'm happy with offing a neutral.


    What's wrong with that argument is that Rummy and Dazz are not dumb cops (who get the opposite of the correct result), they're a paranoid and a naïve cop, respectively, meaning Rummy gets "evil" all the time, and Dazz gets "good". You suggested that Rummy was lying, but there is no obvious reason as for why he would be lying about this.


    Regarding the neutral thing, that's of course a thing to worry about, but we should worry about the immediate threats first and foremost. If Nintendohnut steps out of line, we know we can't trust him, but at the moment I'm more willing to believe him than Marc.


    Both Rummy and Dazz basically targeted the same people. ReZ, Diageo and Nintendohnut. Rummy got evil on all three accounts. Dazz got good on all three accounts. Nintendohnut, who claims is a neutral, has made Dazz realise he might be naive. Now if you are to believe one of them is wrong but not the other. Then we are all good or all mafia. All three of us. It's much more practical to believe, that in such a large game, we would have a paranoid cop and a naive cop to keep things interesting. So the case you have on Nintendohnut, is the same case you have on me and ReZ.


    Secondly, the evidence we have on Marc is. I jailkept him, there was no kill. I was specifically told he is a killer and was trying to kill. Unless I was redirected, which I believe I wasn't because the PM said Marcamillian and we are told if we are redirected, then Marcamillian is a killer and evil. He has also come out with some info that he wants to take over the throne even though he is already a King. Which makes it even more likely that he is trying to get the keys to kill the Queen, like Angus, and they are mafia.


    Basically, I agree with this, and I'm more and more enclined to believe you.


    Vote: Marcamillian


    My vote is back on him to demonstrate where I stand currently.

  5. Well, then maybe this "jealousy" thing or "intent" doesn't actually exist. This is why I want Marca to speak before I vote for him, because I consider him suspicious.


    I completely agree. But you have to admit it would require a damn clever mind to go back and use a detail from the epilogue to craft such an elaborate lie around.

  6. Oh, I know that it could mean something, which is why I asked for other information about the King showing some sort of "jealousy" over the Queen. So far, nobody has posted anything else. Do you have anything?


    Doublepost: When I say King, this is of course assuming that Lord James became King when he got married at the end of the last game.


    Nope, I don't have anything that proves or disproves that there's anything there. Marc could just a terrific liar.


    Lord James did "effectively" become King according to the epilogue of the first game.

  7. I still haven't figured it out, I'm afraid.


    Regarding your thoughts of King James not being in charge, Jim, it very likely started out as a joke, but you have to realise that at the time of the first Gentlemen's Mafia, Jonnas wasn't even planning a sequel to it. It was all flavour at that point, but in order to really connect this game to the first, he decided to expand on all the flavour details and turn them into plot points. It would seem ReZ has kept Whiskertington the Cat and become an animal tamer as well.


    Regarding chair, I'm afraid we can't deduce much from his behaviour since he ALWAYS acts like this in mafias. However, I do find it suspicious that he's following jayseven's argument, which to me, quite frankly, doesn't make much sense.


    I've been suspicious of Zell since he blocked Dohnut and am still not sure I buy his excuse of being busy.

  8. Okay, I knew something wasn't right with Marcamilian so I went through the post-game write-up from the last game. This is what I found:




    So Lord James is already King James. Him taking over the throne doesn't make much sense if he's already a king.


    But it does say that the queen is effectively in charge. Besides, seven years have passed; a lot of resentment can build up in that time.


    In Denmark, our queen married someone who wasn't royalty, and he only became prince. It's common knowledge that he isn't exactly a fan of being second to his wife. :heh:


    But yeah, I'm not saying we can necessarily trust Marc. I'm just willing to believe his story for now.

  9. I did and my results came out as Good, meaning that I am a naive cop since Nintendohnut already admitted to being Neutral.




    I'd do this but only if Rummy agrees to do it with me and only if both of us can be protected for tonight to test this theory out.






    But what if it does trigger something, Rummy...what if you investigate yourself and you'd say "Well, I know I'm not evil" and then your power will go back to normal...


    I'm willing to give "Project: Gentlemen Digivolve" a go, what say you Rummy? Would you target me and I you if we both got protected?


    ...however, I still think they'll redirect one of us if we try this...


    I considered that both of you should be protected tonight, but that might also prevent you from targetting each other, so I don't know.

  10. Dannyboy, please target me tonight - I want to see if I get a notification when someone targets me when I have my traps out. Also if you attempt a kill but it fails, that may appear in the write-up. I know kills do, but if you are a killer and try to kill someone but are blocked, there's a chance that may appear as well. Worth a try I reckon - unless you want to use your killing power on someone tonight (and we don't know anyone who is evil so I'm not sure why you would) there is nothing else you will be doing, so there's no harm in trying it out :)


    No problem. :) I'm not sure it will appear in the write-up, though, especially since your attack didn't either - even if you were roleblocked.

  11. I'm dubbing this 'Twincest' though it doesn't make it any better, just even creepier... :blank:


    As for the actual song, if it's anything like Womanizer as Dazz suggested then that just guarantees its shiteness. :p


    'Twincest' already exists as a term, I'm afraid ...

  12. I was considering that too, guess it depends if Jonnas allows it, just seems a weird thing...to investigate yourself? Surely you'd already know if you were good or bad :p


    I seem to recall it having been used by dumb cops before as a control test. I remember it produced some funny results: "You don't trust yourself." :p

  13. Are we getting anywhere today?


    Uh, yeah? We've found out that Dazz is a naïve cop, Rummy is a paranoid cop, and Marc is trying to find the usurper Lord James.


    One thing I noticed: Marc, you said Lord James was trying to use the Angus story to steal the throne. Do you know how he plans to do this? And do you have any idea if he may actually have staged all this by pretending to be Angus? Or maybe he's working together with Angus?

  14. I agree with that aspect of it, but I'm fairly sure that white people get more preferential treatment than black people. There may be a few companies that hire black people because they need to build up minority numbers, but there are more that hire white people because they don't like black people. They just don't mention it.


    And for certain jobs, I do agree with hiring people based on race. For example, if the police are hiring a new officer, whose patrol will be in a mainly Asian populated area, it makes the most sense to hire an Asian officer. People find it easier to identify with people from similar backgrounds.



    Plus they guy on that video is a tool.


    Exactly. Positive discrimination is just as stupid as negative discrimination, but that guy's argument for disliking black people makes no fucking sense.

  15. You mean last night? I protected myself, but I received no mention of anyone targetting me. I don't know if I would normally, but it would appear most people are told if they've been targetted. But I believe I read that Nintendohnut was prevented from reaching me, is that correct? After the mix up in my head between him and Flink, I haven't been able to keep track of who targetted who.

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